The Great Cochise is angry at the white man's meth lab! Only Peyote is allowed for the young braves coming of age ceremony!
In the middle of March of course..
after the fire all the mines well i need to go down old religion road and go to that old house and do some rock climbing from here it looks all burnt what bad luck you must have upset the superstition thunder god at the lest watch out for fishers that mountain looks mad a little gold was not good dam what a mess you have made of the mountain here is a thought i think i will make a Vicki video i will call it the pillage of the Dutchmen 3 days and watch it under Thomas Clark the lost Dutchmen. ps please don't watch out for mud slides . its muddy out there
after knowing the location for years seeing what was up with the boys on the history channel and seeing that all was well on google maps not seeing the need to disturb the site leaving that for the book and other things i needed to prove the update on google maps 2016 Feb and seeing what scale the mining operation was at just in feb 2016 what i see now by just going a little way the fire did some damage .
and as far as pain pills go the doctors do not give them you have to suffer the pain of open heart surgery you have to brave it out the pain is not explainable the leg cramps with type one diabetes is also unkind so let not go there .
here is something what would you do if you know the location of the Dutchmen and there was no mining there not a rock touched then one big mining operation started i just don't know its on fed land? whats his name lost in court both state and fed the government put a large boulder over it then this fire must have did its damage who I thought was mining there left. Only stayed 3 months this last winter then they went back to Alaska. I think I need to go there but the rain?
the storms have made the roads bad so I did a lot of going over on my new notes and I figured out the witch map also the sombrero mines it matches up inch by inch in fact there is a complete copy of the map on the ground made of stones more complete this is what i found years ago but did not under stand it well i go to the doctor today then pick up my heart meds then the rain has stopped then up to the mines how fun will that be . good thing for the rain .
long trip to Douglas for that doctor but good thing food city yum and cigs in Mexico just 8.00 a carton you buy it on this side a runner waits for you at border you walk across then walk back how not fun
so the ones that have land on the canal have been taking mass amounts of gold as the canals are lined with unbelievable things . they have made very bad friends that helped to hide what they are i have prof of what they are doing and yes the golden he she has a lot of nerve and his or her meth is not gold how do you know are you out there with it