
As I understand it, there were MANY people involved with exploiting the Pit Mine. One person could not have done it.


One person would have been lonely, more than four a crowd. ;)

(Few people will scuba dive below 60' when alone at night 25 miles from shore, but two guys together will have no problem. The only thing different; people are often 'stupider' (more inclined to take risks) when in the company of others.

Of course when the reward is great enough, the 'stupidity' of one person can raise to the level of two or more. ;) )
Large respect to all those Pit 'divers'.

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hooch is totally correct...you are not going to be able to work a hardrock mine on the wilderness...unless the ore has hunks of gold hanging off it..then you might be able to knock off a few pieces and pack it out....but sooner or later you will get far enough into the vein that you can no longer knock samples off with a pick

Well, I not sure about that with the LDM. He wouldn't have used powder after knowing that Indians would come into the area. His partner was killed by them, remember. Would it be a Hard Rock mine? Or a ledge in soft rock? If you believe his story about it being an 8 inch vein, you could do a lot with a pick. If it is Wilderness, you can't use motorized equipment. That doesn't mean you can't use a pick. Now if it is in a National Park, that is a whole different thing. National Park, Don't go off the trail. National Forest, go anywhere you want. National Forest Wilderness, go anywhere you are dumb enough to climb/hike/ride a horse to. Now the Forest Rangers will lie to you about prospecting in the National Forest, like you can't dig without a "Business Plan and a Bond", but "Recreational Mining" states that you can dig down one foot without a Plan or Bond. Read the rules and the laws yourself, don't trust Hearsay from those that don't want you out there looking. Just my 2 cents about Forest Ranges. Yes, I am a little bigoted on the subject. Had a few talks with rangers in the offices and the field. Never had a problem when they knew, I knew the rules.


As I understand it, there were MANY people involved with exploiting the Pit Mine. One person could not have done it.



I suspect that the "Pit Mine" was simply a cache when it was worked in 1999. Don't really know, but believe that is more than possible.

Take care,



I suspect that the "Pit Mine" was simply a cache when it was worked in 1999. Don't really know, but believe that is more than possible.

Take care,


How did it go again ?
A number of men (4?) uncovered and worked that pit mine for three seasons, leaving a very large and deep open hole in the ground, along with tools, equipment, and lots of litter scattered around the site. Doesn't sound like they were simply looking for a "cache".


About the LDM. He rode to it from Phoenix. Horse not walking. He would have to had a place with water enough for him and the horse and were there was feed for the horse. Remember he knew where he was going. So if you were to go loking, look for places that could have had water and grazing, it will not be far from there. It would have been close enough that he could move his horse to it to keep an eye on it while working "his mine". Now way back where was the water availible? That is the starting clue for his mine, IMO That should cut down on a lot of places "that might be it". Again IMO. Water location was the key to living out there and still is. Talk to old ranches about water holes and pools. Take a good map of the areas (7.5's or even Country Plat maps if possible), circle the areas on the maps and then eliminate the ones that would not make sense. Horses need lots of water, more than a man in that area. Water locations are the key to finding where he went.


I suspect that the "Pit Mine" was simply a cache when it was worked in 1999. Don't really know, but believe that is more than possible.

Take care,


Once again as I understand it, it was worked the Summer Months of 1997-98-99. If I recall correctly, the original pit was 90 feet deep, and was mined down to 300 feet. Doesn't sound like a cache to me? Don't think 1999 was the only year, as Chuck Kenworthy could not have bought that ore after he died. Now, The HEAT Dig at Roger's Spring could have been a cache?


Once again as I understand it, it was worked the Summer Months of 1997-98-99. If I recall correctly, the original pit was 90 feet deep, and was mined down to 300 feet. Doesn't sound like a cache to me? Don't think 1999 was the only year, as Chuck Kenworthy could not have bought that ore after he died. Now, The HEAT Dig at Roger's Spring could have been a cache?



Believe the Pit Mine started out as a real mine and pinched out fairly quickly.......like many Arizona mines. Super rich near the surface and pinches out at a relatively short distance. Believe this may be where the goodies were cached:

Photo by (Dave Leach)

No facts, just a guess.

Take care,



Already done.......

Who doesn't know where the mines lead to afterwards?....MONETA VA is one dot.....the other one is Bedford, VA


They lead to the Omega right?


Yup that's in VA too......

Beale Omega MapStone Line.webp

now that pesky code at the bottom

what could that mean?


Geez thats the same times that the Beale Hunting Party were mining gold and silver.....

Whole lotta that in the Supes I guess.....

8nP Brand.webp

Cowboys have such an incredible system of coding dont they...their brands......so creative....


TJB it looks like......would that be the 8 Bar n Bar P or the initials Thomas Jefferson Beale?

You could say that the Eye of the Needle is one source of conjecture....to find the mines that Waltz talked about.....

But most eyes are almond shaped, whereas the weaver's needle is really more like a finger in the air......

eye of the needle crop.webp

You are all safe. I don't "do" wilderness.

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