If you dont want a coin why vandalize it?

This subject hme up many times here and there are people who think like you and others who openly admit to marking coins. Maybe not to the extent like the one you found though. I go through so many coins each week and it takes alot of my time, so taking more time to mark the coins? No way I would ever do that. It is obvious people do this so they can see if they are getting their own coins back.

In my area, it would make no difference as all banks use the same service and boxes are identical no matter where you buy them from. Halves are terrible in my area as far as the number offend on them.

MentalUnrest said:
This subject hme up many times here and there are people who think like you and others who openly admit to marking coins. Maybe not to the extent like the one you found though. I go through so many coins each week and it takes alot of my time, so taking more time to mark the coins? No way I would ever do that. It is obvious people do this so they can see if they are getting their own coins back.

In my area, it would make no difference as all banks use the same service and boxes are identical no matter where you buy them from. Halves are terrible in my area as far as the number offend on them.

Exactly right... and why not just mark the rolls?

its the 10% factor -- 10% of the folks in the world are just b holes --no figgering em out --their just jerks and if its not for their benefit screw it is their veiw --wreck it for others --these are folks that bust up items they put curbside so "others" can not use it no matter that they do not want or need it -- their not going to let ANYONE get over on em no how , no way. --if they can not use it --break it , bust it , ruin it --

folks in the old days -- some "settlers" if they moved on out west , would burn down the houses they built in one spot as they left for another spot-- for spite if they were unable to sell it off -- their reasoning was unless someone "paid" for it ---they were not going to leave a ready made home they built with their sweat and labor for another to move into for "free" , once they left the spot.

ivan salis said:
its thde 10% factor -- 10% of the folks in the world are just b holes --no figger em out --their just jerks and if its not for their benefit screw --wreck it for others --these are folks that bust up items they put curbside so "others" can not use it no matter that they do not want or need it -- their not going to let ANYONE get over on em no how , no way. --if they can not use it --break it , bust it , ruin it -- folks in the old days -- some "settlers" if they moved on out west , would burn down the houses they built in one spot as they left for another spot spite if they were unable to sell it off -- their reasoning was unless someone "paid" for it ---they were not going to leave a ready made home they built with their sweat and labor for another to move into for "free" , once they left the spot.
i thought this was done to recover the nails

yep sometimes they recovered the nails you bet --but often it was done for spite as well * no one "profiets" by my labor without paying for it. *--so unless the home and land it was bought and paid for --if the land was just being "abandoned "--they would burn the homestead down and take the nails from it . -- after all nails cost money you know . --well would often be filled in too (dig yer own) :wink: :icon_thumright: leave nothing for the next guy unless it was "paid" for was the motto --gives a new meaning to "tightwad"

think of how much easier and cheaper --- it would be to homestead if you come on a bit of soon to be "abandoned land " with a homestead , well and fencing set up already -- and why buy if you know the fellow and family is going to be "moving on shortly " just wait em out for a bit until they leave and then jump on the "abandoned" site for free. --by burning it if its not "bought" that prevents the above from occuring.

makes folks buy it cause yer not getting it for free. :wink:

There was some guy that scatches the shield of uncirculated halves in some of the rolls I've gotten. I would find some decent uncirculated 2001-D's and they all have some scratch on the shield of the reverse. Why would they do a thing? I mark coins but only ones that are beat up with a marker.. no collector value but this guy is subtle about these marks but a jerk.

I just don't see the point in marking them at all, if you are doing mid to high volume its inevitable you will get some of the same coins but what can you do to stop it? Not much in my opinion. Unless you want to dump your coins in a different fed district or order from another fed district, both wastes of time IMO because theres hunters everywhere.

You could argue that since the coins aren't co-mingled at the processing center then maybe you order from other banks, switch your supply bank etc. But again I see this as wasted effort because part of a good supply bank is maintaining your relationships with the bankers, thats probably the most important thing. Even if you switch a supply bank it is probably someone elses dump bank. The real circulation will happen when the cash vault at the processing center gets over their "threshhold" and either sends them to another center or back to the fed and then vice vs. when they get low they get them from another center or from the fed which have been circulated from other centers.

Its a huge spider web of transfers that you can't possibly have any influence on. Marking the coins is technically a crime and it ruins the coin for anyone that does collecting, personally I would never do it. Yes we pull silvers out and that makes it harder for collectors to get those years, but we are not defacing them and returning them to circulation, plus it is legal to melt the silvers.

Just my 2 cents I'm sure some won't agree with me and some will.


I once met a guy in a junkyard, of all places, that was destroying a gauge cluster in a 65 Pontiac Lemans.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"They want $120 for those gauges, and I've only got $80" he replied, and then added "If I can't have them, nobody can." He was avidly swinging a hammer against a screwdriver to destroy those vintage parts.

Even though I tried to reason with him, it was already too late. Those parts were toast.

I reported him to the owner as I left. They were VERY shocked and interested, and were racing out the door to find him. "We are calling the police..." they said.

I'll never understand some people...never in a million years...destroying those parts that were owned by someone else...it is stealing someones income the way I see it.

I've found quite a few coins that look like they were marked with a blue marker. Maybe a Sharpie, coloring marker, or dry erase, I don't know, but it comes right off. I don't mind someone doing that. It was actually quite amusing because I found a 40% with that mark.

Personally, I have way better things to do with my time... like a job... or my wife... o_o

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