I agree. Setting boundaries and enforcing them is extremely important to help raise a child. Not correcting a child's disruptive behaviors can be a form of child abuse via neglect. I'm not talking about a can of soda though... The key thing is appropriate boundaries must be set. I'll tell you right now...if you walk into my office and tell me you spank your child...I got no problems with it. If you walk into my office and tell me you hit your child with a switch or a belt I'm calling child protective services. If I see belt marks, extension cord marks, cigarette burns, scalding water burns, frying pan marks, or caning marks (switching) then you are leaving my office in cuffs and your child will be going to the next of kin that is trust worthy. You can speak all the rhetoric you want...those are the laws.
I have NO respect for people who abuse children. None, zero, amen, end of story. If you are worried about the government taking away your guns...let me see evidence that you are abusing your child and losing your guns will be the least of your concerns. It is up to all of us to protect innocent children who cannot protect themselves. I hope I am making myself clear here. It is NEVER okay to BEAT or ABUSE a child. NEVER!