If I remember correctly,

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Nov 5, 2007
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All Treasure Hunting
Parents stopped teaching their kids right from wrong and kids stopped having to take responsibility for their actions.

I wish I could tell you,I wonder myself. I'm 52 ,not an old fogie by any means really but I have noticed it seems that parents aren't willing to parent anymore. Common courtesy has just gone out the window and instead of spending time with their children I notice that parents are buying things for their children instead of playing with them and spending time with them.I know not all parents are like that but I'm just going from what I observe. If I acted the way I've seen some children act my mom would have snatched me bald headed.

Seems like 2screwed and I are on the same wavelength.

I'm 52,and when I was growing up we had no computers,x-box,etc.We went outside to play,rode our bikes everywhere,all of my friends had a mom & dad,I didn't know anybody who was raised by just their mother,or grandparents.There wasn't TV shows on 24 hours a day,the TV went off at midnight,most kids were in the BoyScouts,most had BB guns.
I don't think some teenagers care about going to jail today,they see it as a place to live for 5+ years,free room & board,3 meals a day,and closeness from their friends,I say this ,because I sat on a jury awhile back and we gave a 19 year old 20+ years for doing a unspeakable crime,and this is what he told the judge.:icon_scratch:

If there is a way to measure fun and excitement for ones youthful years, I'm certain that my "growing up" years in the late forties and early fifties hit 100%. Very few toys and definitely no TV or electronic games. The real fun came from playing outside, with kids close to my age. We played simple sports with a little round ball, climbed trees, even tacked together a tree house or two. Our parents knew generally where we were playing and trusted us to come home around dark unless we had a mission to capture lightening bugs. By the way, we always knew where our parents were too. Mom was at home all day cooking, and doing stuff around the house, and dad was out working but came home every afternoon. The generation that I grew up with turned out to be pretty darned productive as adults. Was it possibly because we had a stable family life?

One of the biggest problem that exists today is that everyone has grown lazy, and have to much time on their hands. I'm 61, and worked since I was 9. Put myself through forestry school, followed up with a masters , and have made a living on my own ever since. This work ethic is dramatically absent today. Everyone wants something for nothing today, working for a living has gone out of style.

I do recognize, from numerous posts that I'm not alone with this observation, and their still are a lot of hard workers out there, and I commend you. After all, we need to continue to work, even into our "golden years", so our taxes will continue to be distributed to those who are...."entitled"

It's pretty hard to say exactly what brought us to this point, so many things have changed in the last 50 years.

Teaching a young person to hunt is a great way to instill in them the responsibility of taking a life, and a better

understanding of exactly what it means.

Parents gone soft on punishing their kids, never letting them fail or lose, teaches them nothing about the real world.

All I know for sure is we can't go back to the old days, so we're gonna half to learn to live with the mess we've got.

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when I was growing up and going to school, public school that is, we had air raid drills, and some other crazy stuff but we never had "crazy gunman in the school" drills. Most of my friends hunted and owned guns, their parents usually had guns but we never had these drills. What happened?:icon_scratch:

When we stopped spanking misbehaving children, THAT was child abuse.

When we began telling kids it wasn't their fault when they did bad, it was a mistake.

When we stopped giving out failing grades to failing children, it was a mistake.

When we started giving trophies for participating, it was craziness.

When we stopped keeping score in games, it was more craziness.

When we stopped trying to help our kids cope and instead gave them medications for things that are not diseases, THAT was child abuse.

When parents stopped spending time with their kids, they sentenced them to a life of confusion.

When the family was destroyed by rewarding persons for having children out of wedlock, we destroyed society.

When society broke down, because of all the above, we came to have a bunch of sociopaths running around killing because they don't care.

No one cared about them, how could they learn to care for their fellowman?

I'm sure you folks all realize that every older generation thinks every younger generation is terrible, lazy, good for nothing etc etc. and all harken back to the good old days of their youth. This has been going on since the beginning of time!! But it's always funny to see it happen again and again.

It is a little funny, maybe. Except the younger generation in question also likes to kill and torture people. Yep, has happened time after time. I guess.

It is a little funny, maybe. Except the younger generation in question also likes to kill and torture people. Yep, has happened time after time. I guess.

Actually violent crimes at the lowest rates since the 50s in the US.

Actually violent crimes at the lowest rates since the 50s in the US.

Then why would you think we should limit weapons? I do not understand your flip flops. You are really a circus guy aren't you?

Then why would you think we should limit weapons? I do not understand your flip flops. You are really a circus guy aren't you?

Where have I ever said we should limit weapons? I'm pro second amendment. My only statements concerning rules and regulations on firearms is that it is incorrect to state that it is unconstitutional to place rules and restrictions on firearms. I'm just a proponent of people not either confusing or lying about constitutional law. I think I've been quite clear. But I am flattered that you obviously really try and track all my posts. It's always a good thing to be skeptical so I never have a problem if folks want to question.

It would be nice if the world could be that way Backbacon, but it isn't possible as long as humans try to govern. All are susceptible to greed and lust for power.

The problem is, someone is always looking for a way to dominate someone else. If you are First Nations, you know those stories are as old as time, and I wouldn't have to remind you because you would already know them. Remember Coyote?

If no one is willing to be "glorious in battle" - a hero - then everyone is guaranteed to suffer.

Back in the 50s and early 60s, dads worked, and moms were house wives. Kids were taught to respect their elders. If you showed disrespect, you got spanked, and when you got home, you got another. School was "reading, writing, and arithmetic. Taught to the tune of a hickory stick" People handled their own problems, but they could count on their neighbors if they needed help. Today it's every one for themselves, no morals, selfishness, and a "gimme" attitude. Until people get their morals, and guts back, this country will continue to slide into the abyss.

Wondering what happened ? How about all those alphabetical names they give kids today ADHD Bi polar, ADD, Eating disorders, who comes up with this cr ap? I think more kids are given drugs just so most parents don't want to be bothered with them. Normal behavior as a hyper kid was controlled with the letter D,... A 12 D right in the A$$ and the only 3 D thing was that belt coming at you.

I'm sure kids today are full of Questions and most parents don't take the time to answer them. So there fore put them in that dream state (Cause some Quack say's so) No offense to our local psyc. It's just to wide spread not to question it.

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