when I was growing up and going to school, public school that is, we had air raid drills, and some other crazy stuff but we never had "crazy gunman in the school" drills. Most of my friends hunted and owned guns, their parents usually had guns but we never had these drills. What happened?
When we stopped spanking misbehaving children, THAT was child abuse.
When we began telling kids it wasn't their fault when they did bad, it was a mistake.
When we stopped giving out failing grades to failing children, it was a mistake.
When we started giving trophies for participating, it was craziness.
When we stopped keeping score in games, it was more craziness.
When we stopped trying to help our kids cope and instead gave them medications for things that are not diseases, THAT was child abuse.
When parents stopped spending time with their kids, they sentenced them to a life of confusion.
When the family was destroyed by rewarding persons for having children out of wedlock, we destroyed society.
When society broke down, because of all the above, we came to have a bunch of sociopaths running around killing because they don't care.
No one cared about them, how could they learn to care for their fellowman?