If Confederate Gold Bars were found on Pa. state game lands who owns it.

Hey Finders Keepers

This was a great read and a really cool treasure to find.
I'm originally from Northern Clearfield County and have hunted bear in Dents Run in Elk County off and on for the past 35 years...

We keep this hunt in the news because DCNR did a dig at the site 3 years back and removed some of what's there. We had our lawyers trying to work things out but DCNR will not give a finders fee and they alone cost me a great deal of money to keep us from digging. We can not dig at this site, they have camera's and so do we. If we did remove the gold then what. Ya its easy to say take it and run. The truth is if I had $ millions in gold in my house , I would never sleep. Then just try to sell it, to who. No we want to do this in a way that we can be safe to spend any reward. We have a lot of new info we been keeping quiet and more just comes in. We did hope to go public in Aug. but we need to finish our research. We are still working at the Dents Run Cave doing our thing and DCNR has done everything they can to stop us but my lawyer keeps them busy. DCNR was on site last week with a back hoe and dug at the site again but this time it was for draining water they say, what water this site has no water problems. But now that they dug a trench I am sure it will. I think the dig was to cover up what they did 3 years ago. Someone from DCNR dug and removed something from the site but did it go to Harrisburg or into some ones pocket at the Emporium Office.:dontknow:
Their is a lot more than gold and silver at this site . This site will make a great story for Movie , books, etc. The history inside this cave will change things and answer some old questions.View attachment 1227805
# 18. I feel your pains, you pay so much in lawyers fees and other expenses, and got nothing in return. Many of us have problems searching for buried treasures in local, county and federal lands. Getting private land owners is sometime hard, but not like dealing with governments. Since there was digging on the land and perhaps treasures was found, I believe the story. You should not make public here and to governments that there is more treasures, because the governments will look for it. Do not look for it because there cameras everywhere. I am outrage that there are members who would trespass on governments lands and recover treasures without contracts which are crimes and most likely, off to jail you will go.
Let your lawyers handle the governments. I feel sorry that you have to pay their expenses and other expenses. Good hunting and good luck. God bless you and your family and those who evolve with you.

We did not find a bar of gold at the site but there is a person from the area that did years ago. We drilled into a bar of gold and called DCNR and they came in to see the drill bit with shavings on it. WE had Channel 6 News on site and showed them GOLD readings on our GPL and other equipment. We had The Progress News Paper and other news papers on site and showed them the readings. We had Discovery Channel on site and again they saw the readings. The gold is there and DCNR knows its there, they dug it before and I got them on video and now I got a lawyer and they don't dig . If it's their gold why don't they dig it up even if I do have camera's on site. Why don't they dig.:BangHead: I would like to tell you a story why the Treasure of Pa. is in jail now, the GREED of this gold help put him there. Soon I hope to tell everything and more people will be going to jail.:hello2:

We are working on a major find in New Ross, Nova Scotia. We uncovered many hand cut key stones from the Viking / Templar period and are working with the gov. to get this site protected. We located tunnels and vault chambers so this site is 1st now.

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I've been to that site in Dents. I haven't seen any cameras unless they are very recent additons since February. We did some coyote hunting there over the winter. I also didn't see any state equipment there.
Has the gold already been dug? Did you guys set trail cams on the perimeter?
I'm guessing after litigation is complete you guys will be rewarded handsomely for the find.
Just stay on it!
Can you post links to the news vids of you guys hitting the gold with the drill bit? I can't find it.

I see you're from clearfield. I'm originally from clearfield myself. Between Tyler and Penfield on 255... all my family still lives throughout Clearfield.
What part of clearfield are ya in?

I've been to that site in Dents. I haven't seen any cameras unless they are very recent additons since February. We did some coyote hunting there over the winter. I also didn't see any state equipment there.
Has the gold already been dug? Did you guys set trail cams on the perimeter?
I'm guessing after litigation is complete you guys will be rewarded handsomely for the find.
Just stay on it!
Can you post links to the news vids of you guys hitting the gold with the drill bit? I can't find it.

I see you're from clearfield. I'm originally from clearfield myself. Between Tyler and Penfield on 255... all my family still lives throughout Clearfield.
What part of clearfield are ya in?
If you check out this link Cameron County PA News: Dents Run - The Lost Gold it will tell you about the news and more.
The cams have been there for 4 years and they are easy to see. You must be in the wrong spot. The gold and more is still at this site. I am sure DCNR hopes we dig it up some day, that's why they have cams on site to. Check out this to.

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I read the article but it just mentions a bottle and some bullets that weren't dated to the civil war... no mention of gold found..

What about the site makes you believe that confederate gold is there if the items you found aren't from that period?

I read the article but it just mentions a bottle and some bullets that weren't dated to the civil war... no mention of gold found..

What about the site makes you believe that confederate gold is there if the items you found aren't from that period?
Every thing we found was from the Civil War period , This is the kind of tricks DCNR and the Museum Commissioners do to throw treasure hunters off the trail to a treasure. If they say its junk and not from the civil war period then everyone believes them . We had everything checked out before we gave anything to DCNR and all was from the Civil War period. The so called junk is still in a iron file cabinet in DCNR's office for 12 years at Emporium. If its junk why not return it to us . Everything I gave them from other sites was all so called junk and they did not return it. So we stopped sending them junk, now we keep it (junk).

All assets of the Confederacy were surrendered to the United States, and would be considered property of the Federal government, especially if marked CSA.
Now if one found a cache of Mexican silver dollars, it would be harder to prove that it was a part of the Confederate treasury.

Every thing we found was from the Civil War period , This is the kind of tricks DCNR and the Museum Commissioners do to throw treasure hunters off the trail to a treasure. If they say its junk and not from the civil war period then everyone believes them . We had everything checked out before we gave anything to DCNR and all was from the Civil War period. The so called junk is still in a iron file cabinet in DCNR's office for 12 years at Emporium. If its junk why not return it to us . Everything I gave them from other sites was all so called junk and they did not return it. So we stopped sending them junk, now we keep it (junk).

Damn 12 years? This has been going on for that long?
That is absolutely amazing that it hasn't at least been litigated for a final answer.
Are you guys any further along today than you were when you first found it?

It took us 5 years to locate it , then 2 yrs to drill into it. That's when things went bad and its been 4 years since we drilled into it. Are we ahead with DCNR / NO its just a stand off to see who digs first or gives in. I have a lot to tell and hey would like a way to shut me up. If I dig or break the law at the site I am sure they will try anything they can to get me and my crew to give up our rights to this site.

If you and your crew dug without permission from federal government, you all will lose all the treasures that you found and your freedom. My Advice is to contact all members of congress in your state to help you. Start with your U.S. Senators. I feel your pains and sorry for your legal and other expenses. God bless you and your crew.

Dennis - How different do you think things would be if this purported treasure was unmarked gold or silver bars, for example, versus confederate gold?

Dennis - How different do you think things would be if this purported treasure was unmarked gold or silver bars, for example, versus confederate gold?
If it was unmarked and just a few bars it would be gone and so would I. But This is part of our history and the DCNR knows who's gold it is and they know more than I do. If this turns out to be Spanish then I would have Spain and DCNR to fight. If its marked Federal gold then I could lose 1/2 of it. The problem is who was the last owner and how was it lost, that will decide in court who gets what.
We have a bigger find in Nova Scotia, Canada to deal with now , and the Gov. is working with us. My lawyer wants us to hold off on the Dents Runs site until we see what happens in Nova Scotia this month. We plan to do what we can to get this dug up this year.

RE: fighting with Spain over Spanish gold: Unfortunately I do not remember where I read this, but...I read that once something is not retrieved after a certain number of years, it is considered abandoned.

Ok lets try this out. If the gold is from out west then the last owner is the feds :icon_scratch:. Now if the north took the gold from the south, who is the last owner, the north :thumbsup:. Ok now lets say the north took the gold from the south , then Connors took the gold from the north and buried it. At the time of the wagon train Connors was not in the army , he was hired to guide the wagon train. Is Connors the last owner?:BangHead: Now I found the gold so am I the new owner.:BangHead: You can see how many ways this could go in court for ownership. Then was it taken or misplaced or abandon this is a major factor in ownership. Did Connors pick to hide it in the cave or did Castleton. Castleton was in the army so is this treasure misplaced or abandon.:dontknow: If DCNR did remove any gold 3 years ago then they may of taken gold that may belong to me, now that's a crime because they say they did not remove anything.:dontknow:

I see your point. It's messy. I guess I assumed the Fed was the last rightful owner. If the bars are marked, does that signify who was the last rightful owner?
You must have some ownership though if DCNR wanted you to sign a paper giving something to a museum.

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