We keep this hunt in the news because DCNR did a dig at the site 3 years back and removed some of what's there. We had our lawyers trying to work things out but DCNR will not give a finders fee and they alone cost me a great deal of money to keep us from digging. We can not dig at this site, they have camera's and so do we. If we did remove the gold then what. Ya its easy to say take it and run. The truth is if I had $ millions in gold in my house , I would never sleep. Then just try to sell it, to who. No we want to do this in a way that we can be safe to spend any reward. We have a lot of new info we been keeping quiet and more just comes in. We did hope to go public in Aug. but we need to finish our research.
We are still working at the Dents Run Cave doing our thing and DCNR has done everything they can to stop us but my lawyer keeps them busy. DCNR was on site last week with a back hoe and dug at the site again but this time it was for draining water they say, what water this site has no water problems. But now that they dug a trench I am sure it will. I think the dig was to cover up what they did 3 years ago. Someone from DCNR dug and removed something from the site but did it go to Harrisburg or into some ones pocket at the Emporium Office.

Their is a lot more than gold and silver at this site . This site will make a great story for Movie , books, etc. The history inside this cave will change things and answer some old questions.
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