identifying silver halves by color and sheen

I just grab anything that isn't obvious and inspect it up close. But I also date search so I don't run into it as much.

Splash test. Can't be fooled by the sweet sound of silver.

I always date check after I check the rims. Today I found a 68 checking the dates after I missed it checking the rims. It was tarnished and looked burnt, so it blended in with the clad. I have found so many that I have missed by just checking the rims.

I always date check after I check the rims. Today I found a 68 checking the dates after I missed it checking the rims. It was tarnished and looked burnt, so it blended in with the clad. I have found so many that I have missed by just checking the rims.

Lets not bring Charlie Sheen into this...

after rim checking I like to splash them in my hand, no mistaking that sweet ting of Ag

there's still silver out in circulation? i was convinced otherwise with 10 skunk half dollar boxes and 5 skunk dime boxes this month... absolutely NO silver...

I love the look of a beautiful silver rim. However, I always date check halves... Simple, and dates are big enough... Missed a 40%, caught it by the date check.

When I edge search, I don't look for silver. I look for anything that can't be positively ID'ed as clad. If it isn't blatantly clad, I take a look. It is possible that I miss one every now and then, but is very unlikely.

madwest said:
When I edge search, I don't look for silver. I look for anything that can't be positively ID'ed as clad. If it isn't blatantly clad, I take a look. It is possible that I miss one every now and then, but is very unlikely.

+1 that's how it's done

If I'm being lazy I will just edge search and then just let the stack drop 1 at a time from hand to hand clinking into each other, the sound of a Silver hitting a clad ( at least for me) is extememly evident and I stop and pick it ,( if I missed one edge searchin), but that rarely has happened. HH, Maverick.

When I edge search, I don't look for silver. I look for anything that can't be positively ID'ed as clad. If it isn't blatantly clad, I take a look. It is possible that I miss one every now and then, but is very unlikely.

I would have to say that subconsciously that is how I do it also.

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