✅ SOLVED ID this


Jr. Member
Dec 1, 2016
Rixeyville, Va
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Can anyone help ID this item. Found in Catlett, Va on a Confederate site. It's brass about 2" long and 1/16 DSCI2717.JPGDSCI2716.JPG thick. Has nail holes at each end and on the top and bottom. One nail is still intact. Have found buttons, mini balls etc around it.

Nice find!

It is the strap end from a cavalry carbine sling.


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Oh, and welcome to the forum!


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Yep, nice find. Should be other good stuff there. Let us know


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DC Matt... Nice ID!

Welcome to TNet Stevengugas!

Nice find.

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Wow, that was quick. Thanks and the photo was especially helpful. Thx again
Actually, there have been times when someone posts a question and it gets ID'd in less than 3 minutes. Yep. great bunch of folks here! :occasion14:

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Actually, there have been times when someone posts a question and it gets ID'd in less than 3 minutes. Yep. great bunch of folks here! :occasion14:

You mean less than 3 seconds.

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Folks here are really good at ID things and DCMatt always nails it. I can ID stuff with the help of the internet, but as fast and accurate than DCMatt is impossible in my book.

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You mean less than 3 seconds.

Actually, I did mean minutes. Once a new post appears, it takes time for someone to:
1) see it
2) open it
3) read it
4) type up a reply (assuming they do not have to research it or find an accompanying photo)

I've seen a couple of times (that I can recall, anyhow! :tongue3:) of a reply being made within a minute of the question being posted.

....Ok, now I'm curious. Just what IS the Tnet record-time for solving a "What Is It" question?? Ah, I got it. Maybe the all-powerful and all-knowing Jeff would know! Oh Jeeeeeeeffffffff...... :laughing7:

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It's already been ID, but for general information it's called a "bat wing tip." Great find, there is other stuff there, keep us posted. Here is a picture of the sling in use, but this is an Indian Wars trooper, on account of the carbine that is hooked to the sling is an 1873 Springfield. The sling is so the mounted trooper doesn't drop and loose his gun.


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Actually, I did mean minutes. Once a new post appears, it takes time for someone to:
1) see it
2) open it
3) read it
4) type up a reply (assuming they do not have to research it or find an accompanying photo)

I've seen a couple of times (that I can recall, anyhow! :tongue3:) of a reply being made within a minute of the question being posted.

....Ok, now I'm curious. Just what IS the Tnet record-time for solving a "What Is It" question?? Ah, I got it. Maybe the all-powerful and all-knowing Jeff would know! Oh Jeeeeeeeffffffff...... :laughing7:

It is just seconds. Not going to hunt them out though.

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I nailed an ID a few months ago in less than a minute....just happened to be on the site at the time the request was made and I knew what the item was, I had just ID'd the same item from a different member a week prior and still had a stock image loaded on my desk top. Made me look like a freakin' know it all....lol, just luck and timing.

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I get one occasionally, but DC Matt and NHBENZ regularly get them in minutes. It amazes me.

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