Id like you to meet Country Girls Dad, welcome dad!

Re: I'd like you to meet Country Girls Dad, welcome dad!

Welcome to TreasureNet, Country Girl's Dad! You should be very proud of your daughter. She's lots of fun, smart, and has a good heart. :)

I'm looking forward to your posts...or meeting you in the yakroom.

Re: I'd like you to meet Country Girls Dad, welcome dad!

Well hello Dad of Country Girl!
Welcome to Tnet and nice to meet you. :)


Re: I'd like you to meet Country Girls Dad, welcome dad!

Man! He is dead ringer for Shawn Connery!

SC1.jpg SC3.jpg


Re: I'd like you to meet Country Girls Dad, welcome dad!

He told me to never grow up, and he won't either.

Good advice ;)
'cuz, ya know what??????
Once we grow up...........
we start growing OLD :P :P

Welcome Dad!

Re: I'd like you to meet Country Girls Dad, welcome dad!


take it from me, Dads are going to love their girls.
I know I do.
Just a little space , (not a lot)

A small suggestion.
with love, LOL.

Re: I'd like you to meet Country Girls Dad, welcome dad!

Shawn Connery it is, wow Dad sure is a dead ringer!

Thanks for all the wondeful comments you guys are great. I just have to get him to stop lurking and step right on in.

Love ya Dad! ;)

Re: I'd like you to meet Country Girls Dad, welcome dad!

I knew he reminded me of someone...definitely Sean Connery.

And you only grow old when you forget how to play.. ;D


Re: I'd like you to meet Country Girls Dad, welcome dad!

Hmmm Kimmy....Do you really have a dad or are those just some handsome guys pics? Because so far we havent heard a peep out of "daddy" ::)

I just think you have a thing for Seanny baby and wanted to post this strangers look alikes...........but....the real question is, can this man talk like Sean ....because thats one sexy voice.....

But if you really are out there Mr.Dad, Then welcome and try to control your daughter just a little will ya? :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Re: I'd like you to meet Country Girls Dad, welcome dad!

It will kind of be like when the M&M's meet Santa, he is real, they are real :D. Make sure you are sitting down. ;)

I think the Sean thing is close, but there is a picture of Kenny that is really close too ;).

One thing he has always had a hard time with is controlling me, like father, like daughter :D.

Dad? Love ya!

Re: I'd like you to meet Country Girls Dad, welcome dad!

Hi everyone! Thanks for the warm welcome. The Shawn thing is cute, and a refreashing change from the daily "Do you know you look just like Kenny Rodgers?"
Sorry I haven't gotten back to all nice comments you all have left, but I ran away to my cabin in Vermont for a few days just to watch that moon CG's been posting pictures of rise over the mountain across the hollow from my place........The weather was perfect, the stars bright, and the air fresh.....don't get better than that!

Re: I'd like you to meet Country Girls Dad, welcome dad!

You know.....if you let your hair grow just a little bit.......


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Re: I'd like you to meet Country Girls Dad, welcome dad!

Hi COUNTRY GIRL Dad ! Glad to have you aboard the TN train i am sure you will enjoy it here ;D

Re: I'd like you to meet Country Girls Dad, welcome dad!


Re: I'd like you to meet Country Girls Dad, welcome dad!

It's deer season. What are you doing on the computer??................welcome

Re: I'd like you to meet Country Girls Dad, welcome dad!

In twenty four hours I'll be well on my way to the cabin in Vermont, not quite deer season here but it's startin' to smell like fall. Time spent at the cabin is priceless. The moon will be full on Wednesday, so I should get to watch it rise over the mountain across the hollow from the cabin for a few nights before I have to leave. Life is good!

Re: I'd like you to meet Country Girls Dad, welcome dad!

sounds awesome Dad! Take some pictures for us! :D

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