You got to be kidding me!! I just imaging to see SWR selling MFD and LRL, or perhaps, seeking gold with a Homemade MFD designed by Carl Morand. That's really funny
Re: I want to build an LRL or MFD
Reply To This Topic #14 Posted Today at 03:10:12 PM Quote
Quote from: Saturna on Today at 07:33:51 AM
The 8038 is just a function generator, nothing exotic.
Here are some still available. A couple are within North America.
This is the inside of Carl Moreland's $35 LRL
This is the inside of H3 Tec's $10,000 (yes, ten thousand dollars) LRL
They both work utilizing the exact SAME theory, and have the exact SAME results. Guaranteed.
Posts: 6389
Northern Nevada
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Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner
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Re: I want to build an LRL or MFD
Reply To This Topic #15 Posted Today at 04:33:14 PM Quote Modify Remove
There are two potential pitfalls with MFDs and both are due to the incredible sensitivity. An MFD has the ability to pick up target signals from as much as 10 miles away, though 1-3 miles is more typical. This means that it can take quite some time and effort to trace out the signal line. Once you have the target pinpointed you may have to face another problem: depth. The MFD can detect targets as deep as 100-200 feet, so locating the target is only half the battle. If a metal detector does not verify the existance of a metal target at the identified location then you should bring in excavation equipment. If no obvious target is found when you reach 200 feet, then the target was most likely subatomic gold particles - you cannot see it and most chemical analyses will not detect it either, but the MFD will.
This is the inside of Carl Moreland's $35 LRL
~SWR~ This is the inside of H3 Tec's $10,000 (yes, ten thousand dollars) LRL
They both work utilizing the exact SAME theory, and have the exact SAME results. Guaranteed.
Thank you SWR for admitting that there are MFD’s produced. Also thank you for admitting that these devices can pick up targets for @ 10 miles….I want to warn NorthWind that Carls unit uses Rods and the technology is around 15 years old…
Hard to believe that SWR is now a believer….Art
5120 LRL and MFD users and SWR will go into the field and enjoy their hobby…
Soon to be 8000 then 15,000 and then even more
Re: I want to build an LRL or MFD
Reply To This Topic #10 Posted Today at 05:07:20 AM Quote
You can start here.