I want to build an LRL or MFD

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Interesting thread. I think a lot of us following this forum would like to make our own lrls and do our own tests. I would like to thank swr and carl for posting the pictures and schematics of the lrls and mfds' that they have dissected. Keep em coming. I like the way geotech has a schematics thread maybe tnet should add one too. Also maybe carl can let some of the members test out all those non working lrls' that have been donated or loaned to him. If anybody wants to give or loan me one of these scams ,please contact me. :icon_thumright: Jimmygoat

aarthrj3811 said:
Hey Arch…I happen to own 4 LRL’s or MFD’s and have used 3 others to locate Gold…Carl says they have all fluked his tests..So much for Carl’s knowledge of these devices. I also have tested the home made devices on Carl’s web site..They did not work..ArtHey Arch…I happen to own 4 LRL’s or MFD’s and have used 3 others to locate Gold…Carl says they have all fluked his tests..So much for Carl’s knowledge of these devices. I also have tested the home made devices on Carl’s web site..They did not work..Art

Very,Very LOL :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Hey Jimmy…I would have to guess that none of those LRL’s that Carl has will ever work again. They are mostly older devices that contain a lot of little dada’s with tiny screw adjustments. They were all encased in some type of epoxy. Notice that the photos all look like all the epoxy is smear every where. Broken wires or wires that go no where is a big part of his agenda. He was afraid that that they would work so he destroyed them…Art

Art, specifically what did you make? Feel free to PM or email me if you prefer. Did you solder up his MFD and try it? I have all the parts, but I think I want to modify it a little, and add a frequency counter among other things.

Hey NorthWind..The best I can do is refer you to this guy…He as all kinds of plans and kits for do it your self people….bmorgan@sanoedro.com…art

Hi Art, Bill Morgan hasn't answered my emails in many months Something has happened to him, I hope his is still living. Sorry.

Art, thanks again for the email address. I've emailed Bill. We'll see what happens.

I'd still like to know what you built, if it's not too much trouble.

Thanks, Mike.

I was hoping to build something on my own, which I have done. The ramsey's too expensive for this thin wallet. Appreciate your input.

Thanks, yeah, I've always wanted to hear from folks that have built his device.

Hey David..Welcome to the mad house…I am not a do it yourself any more…My welding looks like bird droppings any more. My soldering is even worst now. Why should I make my own equipment?..I have bought 4 devices and they all paid for them selves..
Heck…The only manufacturer that I know that is making money is Ranger Tell…Some of these manufactures have sold 60 units in the last 20 years….Art

Eh? Preconceived notions about dowsing? That would explain why 98% of these LRL devices use dowsing rods!?!
You may want to check that 98% number…I don’t know of any LRL or MFD that uses Dowsing Rods..Art

As you know I have used Lrls for a while. More than 1 type. I just got an exposure to true dowsing yesterday. It is nothing like LRL usage. It may use some form of a "rod", but that is the only thing similar.

Consider a handle. Is it on a door, a plane, a drawer, a car, a henway, a boat, a lid, the list goes on. Same thing.

To these guys Dowsing does not work so they think it is a way to prove that LRL’s do not work…they are both good ways to treasure hunt if you do not want to seek objects that are less than a foot deep and that you have to almost step on to locate them..

aarthrj3811 said:
There are two potential pitfalls with MFDs and both are due to the incredible sensitivity. An MFD has the ability to pick up target signals from as much as 10 miles away, though 1-3 miles is more typical. This means that it can take quite some time and effort to trace out the signal line. Once you have the target pinpointed you may have to face another problem: depth. The MFD can detect targets as deep as 100-200 feet, so locating the target is only half the battle. If a metal detector does not verify the existance of a metal target at the identified location then you should bring in excavation equipment. If no obvious target is found when you reach 200 feet, then the target was most likely subatomic gold particles - you cannot see it and most chemical analyses will not detect it either, but the MFD will.
This is the inside of Carl Moreland's $35 LRL
~SWR~ This is the inside of H3 Tec's $10,000 (yes, ten thousand dollars) LRL
They both work utilizing the exact SAME theory, and have the exact SAME results. Guaranteed.
Thank you SWR for admitting that there are MFD’s produced. Also thank you for admitting that these devices can pick up targets for @ 10 miles….I want to warn NorthWind that Carls unit uses Rods and the technology is around 15 years old…
Hard to believe that SWR is now a believer….Art

5120 LRL and MFD users and SWR will go into the field and enjoy their hobby…
Soon to be 8000 then 15,000 and then even more

You got to be kidding me!!
I just imaging to see SWR selling MFD and LRL, or perhaps, seeking gold with a Homemade MFD designed by Carl Morand. That's really funny :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:


He is one of the best salesmen around. People come on here, look at the discussions and decide the naysayers are trying to hide something
by being so oblivious to real questions and acting like _________ (you fill in the blank). They decide there must really be something to it.

That's the downside of being like that. People will go the other way just to spite the psychosis.

You got to be kidding me!! I just imaging to see SWR selling MFD and LRL, or perhaps, seeking gold with a Homemade MFD designed by Carl Morand. That's really funny
Re: I want to build an LRL or MFD
Reply To This Topic #14 Posted Today at 03:10:12 PM Quote

Quote from: Saturna on Today at 07:33:51 AM

The 8038 is just a function generator, nothing exotic.

Here are some still available. A couple are within North America.


This is the inside of Carl Moreland's $35 LRL

This is the inside of H3 Tec's $10,000 (yes, ten thousand dollars) LRL

They both work utilizing the exact SAME theory, and have the exact SAME results. Guaranteed.


Posts: 6389
Northern Nevada

Detector used
Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner

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Re: I want to build an LRL or MFD
Reply To This Topic #15 Posted Today at 04:33:14 PM Quote Modify Remove

There are two potential pitfalls with MFDs and both are due to the incredible sensitivity. An MFD has the ability to pick up target signals from as much as 10 miles away, though 1-3 miles is more typical. This means that it can take quite some time and effort to trace out the signal line. Once you have the target pinpointed you may have to face another problem: depth. The MFD can detect targets as deep as 100-200 feet, so locating the target is only half the battle. If a metal detector does not verify the existance of a metal target at the identified location then you should bring in excavation equipment. If no obvious target is found when you reach 200 feet, then the target was most likely subatomic gold particles - you cannot see it and most chemical analyses will not detect it either, but the MFD will.
This is the inside of Carl Moreland's $35 LRL
~SWR~ This is the inside of H3 Tec's $10,000 (yes, ten thousand dollars) LRL
They both work utilizing the exact SAME theory, and have the exact SAME results. Guaranteed.
Thank you SWR for admitting that there are MFD’s produced. Also thank you for admitting that these devices can pick up targets for @ 10 miles….I want to warn NorthWind that Carls unit uses Rods and the technology is around 15 years old…
Hard to believe that SWR is now a believer….Art

5120 LRL and MFD users and SWR will go into the field and enjoy their hobby…
Soon to be 8000 then 15,000 and then even more

Re: I want to build an LRL or MFD
Reply To This Topic #10 Posted Today at 05:07:20 AM Quote

You can start here.



aarthrj3811 said:
You got to be kidding me!! I just imaging to see SWR selling MFD and LRL, or perhaps, seeking gold with a Homemade MFD designed by Carl Morand. That's really funny
Re: I want to build an LRL or MFD
Reply To This Topic #14 Posted Today at 03:10:12 PM Quote

Quote from: Saturna on Today at 07:33:51 AM

The 8038 is just a function generator, nothing exotic.

Here are some still available. A couple are within North America.


This is the inside of Carl Moreland's $35 LRL

This is the inside of H3 Tec's $10,000 (yes, ten thousand dollars) LRL

They both work utilizing the exact SAME theory, and have the exact SAME results. Guaranteed.


Posts: 6389
Northern Nevada

Detector used
Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner

REPORT POST / Nominate For Banner
Re: I want to build an LRL or MFD
Reply To This Topic #15 Posted Today at 04:33:14 PM Quote Modify Remove

There are two potential pitfalls with MFDs and both are due to the incredible sensitivity. An MFD has the ability to pick up target signals from as much as 10 miles away, though 1-3 miles is more typical. This means that it can take quite some time and effort to trace out the signal line. Once you have the target pinpointed you may have to face another problem: depth. The MFD can detect targets as deep as 100-200 feet, so locating the target is only half the battle. If a metal detector does not verify the existance of a metal target at the identified location then you should bring in excavation equipment. If no obvious target is found when you reach 200 feet, then the target was most likely subatomic gold particles - you cannot see it and most chemical analyses will not detect it either, but the MFD will.
This is the inside of Carl Moreland's $35 LRL
~SWR~ This is the inside of H3 Tec's $10,000 (yes, ten thousand dollars) LRL
They both work utilizing the exact SAME theory, and have the exact SAME results. Guaranteed.
Thank you SWR for admitting that there are MFD’s produced. Also thank you for admitting that these devices can pick up targets for @ 10 miles….I want to warn NorthWind that Carls unit uses Rods and the technology is around 15 years old…
Hard to believe that SWR is now a believer….Art

5120 LRL and MFD users and SWR will go into the field and enjoy their hobby…
Soon to be 8000 then 15,000 and then even more

Re: I want to build an LRL or MFD
Reply To This Topic #10 Posted Today at 05:07:20 AM Quote

You can start here.



My point is see SWR using and selling MFD after he or she (I don't want to make mistake again about sex ID :laughing7:) chased LRL's user in this forum. :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Other than that, I prefer MFD like 0mnitron (now Vernell Electronic) because I would get, basically, the same result like MFD's of $10K just for $350.00, even Mr. Dell told me not to buy it.


(SWR using MFD- :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:)

My point is see SWR using and selling MFD after he or she (I don't want to make mistake again about sex ID ) chased LRL's user in this forum.
Other than that, I prefer MFD like 0mnitron (now Vernell Electronic) because I would get, basically, the same result like MFD's of $10K just for $350.00, even Mr. Dell told me not to buy it.
They do not understand Treasure Hunters..if they would not work for us they would have been sent to the SA’s…Sanitary Engineers..Art

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