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Hello all, I have been busy away from here for a few weeks selling old antique bottles on another web site called bidorbuy, I was given many old interesting bottles by somebody who I sold his 4x4 truck for, in return he gave me the bottles over 4000 of them, it took me 7 one ton truck loads to cart them away.
Anyway last weekend a few friends of mine and myself were busy hunting with our machines up in The Dordrecht are which is basically a farming area, we were searching this grassy field when suddenely my Minelab went crazy, when digging to find what it had picked up, I thought that it must be an old fence steel dropper from the fences, however what a shock I got when this gun was found instead, looking at the pic's you can see that it is very pitted and rusted, maybe a farmer buried it many years ago.
I have been told that through out this area The Boerwar was also fought, maybe somebody can please tell me the age, year or more about this awesome find, I do not intend to clean it up anymore than this, there is still ground sand up the barrel.
Anyway last weekend a few friends of mine and myself were busy hunting with our machines up in The Dordrecht are which is basically a farming area, we were searching this grassy field when suddenely my Minelab went crazy, when digging to find what it had picked up, I thought that it must be an old fence steel dropper from the fences, however what a shock I got when this gun was found instead, looking at the pic's you can see that it is very pitted and rusted, maybe a farmer buried it many years ago.
I have been told that through out this area The Boerwar was also fought, maybe somebody can please tell me the age, year or more about this awesome find, I do not intend to clean it up anymore than this, there is still ground sand up the barrel.