I stumbled on to a pro hormone forum....WOW...Crispin or anyon can I pick your brain?


Mar 14, 2010
Detector(s) used
Garrett ace 250 with Sniper & DD coil with a Sun Ray Probe ,BountyHunter 101/BountyHunter pinpointer Dredge/highbanker combo, Mini Trommel, Blue Bowl and other stuff I dont use very often..lol
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Anyone ever read up on this stuff...they post what they eat and what hormone they are taking to gain muscle...they dont eat as good as I do..LOL They said it isn't steriods but something the liver has to change into a steroid..WHAT? I started asking questions and they got weird ...called me a cop and then wouldnt answer any of my questions..WTF

How bad is this stuff..Crispin..its all pills and they say its safe..and NO I didnt buy any but I am curious..I need some feed back, they all look like power lifters, not body builders...why is that...

They kept talking about dry and wet compounds...whats all of that when its all pills, some have liquid in them? ???

Anyone ever read up on this stuff...they post what they eat and what hormone they are taking to gain muscle...they dont eat as good as I do..LOL They said it isn't steriods but something the liver has to change into a steroid..WHAT? I started asking questions and they got weird ...called me a cop and then wouldnt answer any of my questions..WTF

How bad is this stuff..Crispin..its all pills and they say its safe..and NO I didnt buy any but I am curious..I need some feed back, they all look like power lifters, not body builders...why is that...

They kept talking about dry and wet compounds...whats all of that when its all pills, some have liquid in them? ???

Kind of like asking a question or making a comment on the TNET site and immediately being called a Liberal.

Sorry - was referring to when they accused you of being a cop.

LOL...I know...man they got all mean and mad...said I was to stupid about all that, to be on the site...I said how do you learn if I dont ask...then they said COP..:laughing9:

What I want to know is....Drinking can kill you, cig's will kill you ......will this stuff kill you?

Anyone ever read up on this stuff...they post what they eat and what hormone they are taking to gain muscle...they dont eat as good as I do..LOL They said it isn't steriods but something the liver has to change into a steroid..WHAT? I started asking questions and they got weird ...called me a cop and then wouldnt answer any of my questions..WTF

How bad is this stuff..Crispin..its all pills and they say its safe..and NO I didnt buy any but I am curious..I need some feed back, they all look like power lifters, not body builders...why is that...

They kept talking about dry and wet compounds...whats all of that when its all pills, some have liquid in them? ???

They are talking about steroids...yeah, it will kill you. Look at the death rates on pro wrestlers...I think Hogan is one of the few left alive. Of course, Andre died of heart related complications due to Gigantism...he didn't do steroids. O, and ultimate warrior died of arrhythmia from cocaine...but the rest were steroids. Give me the name of the site and I will go check it out. Have to go take Eva out for a walk first.

They are talking about steroids...yeah, it will kill you. Look at the death rates on pro wrestlers...I think Hogan is one of the few left alive. Of course, Andre died of heart related complications due to Gigantism...he didn't do steroids. O, and ultimate warrior died of arrhythmia from cocaine...but the rest were steroids. Give me the name of the site and I will go check it out. Have to go take Eva out for a walk first.

Oh I know...but that was there life...I bet they pushed it to the limit, they were on TV..lol

site is..Prohormones - World Class Bodybuilding Forum

I was just wondering...they kept saying it would bring your youth back adjusting your hormones...chicks get hormone shots all the time right?

What got me is they kept saying legal steroids...but then called me a cop? If it was legal so what if I was a cop?:icon_scratch:

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I bought a weight bench a few months back at a yard sale and I read creatine is good if you drink enough water.. who wouldn't want to look like they body build...not so big you can't wipe your butt, but bigger than me would look cool..and dont get me wrong im not small but..if my shirts were tight wife would like that...I wonder A LOT....8-)

I have a buddy that says he has lifted for 5 years and is 6'2 and isnt as thick as me, Im thinking he is doing something wrong...or dont eat enough chicken and fish..LOL He looks more like a a tall bruce lee, he is all cutt as he calls it like a basket ball player...but I look like vin deasel when we are standing together..:laughing7:

He keeps saying I take this stuff....thats why I looked it up ...to tell you the truth...

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Blue it's called work and more work and dedication my son has 19 in guns and no drugs (His job requires all kind's of drug testing) Our problem is he's still young:laughing7:

Another problem is one of the heads of the FDA just admitted they can not tell you some of the drugs on the market are safe.
Other question is if steroids are so bad why did they invent them in the first place?

I bought a weight bench a few months back at a yard sale and I read creatine is good if you drink enough water.. who wouldn't want to look like they body build...not so big you can't wipe your butt, but bigger than me would look cool..and dont get me wrong im not small but..if my shirts were tight wife would like that...I wonder A LOT....8-)

I have a buddy that says he has lifted for 5 years and is 6'2 and isnt as thick as me, Im thinking he is doing something wrong...or dont eat enough chicken and fish..LOL He looks more like a a tall bruce lee, he is all cutt as he calls it like a basket ball player...but I look like vin deasel when we are standing together..:laughing7:

He keeps saying I take this stuff....thats why I looked it up ...to tell you the truth...

buy a petite size shirt:laughing7:

Crispin..I know you wont tell me what I want to hear, you will tell me the truth so that is why I ask..you are up front like that..:tongue3:....how dangerous is this crap and will you get bigger if I take some, or is the risk really that bad...dont use a bunch of big words or I gotta look them up as well..:BangHead:

Okay, here is the deal. I checked out all the ingredients they are selling. They are all precursors of one of the following six categories of steroids. The number next to the class represents the percent of strength relative to Testosterone (T).

Testosterone 100
5alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) 90
Androstanediol 60
Androstenedione 20
Dehydroepiandrosterone 10
Androsterone 10

Now, if you are familiar with spice and K2 then you know all they did was change one tiny little part of the chemical compound, and viola, they got something that the FDA has not banned yet. Hence, they can legally produce it. They do this we all kinds of different illegal substances and they are called, "designer drugs." Once the FDA bans them, no biggie, they switch another tiny detail and are on their way.

There are 100s of different precursors that the body will break down into one of the categories from above. Now, the ones that break down to T are banned; however, the ones that break down to 10% T potency are not. So, if you take 10x as much of that substance then you get the same effect of T. That is why they always sell these massive amounts that you have to take. So they are technically legal, but body builders who win competitions could not possibly have their body process enough supplement. Hence, these sites are used as hook ups for injection T dealers, very valuable, very lethal.

Take steroids long enough and you will die of congestive heart failure from cardiomegaly or adrenal failure, both are nasty.

We use prednisone and methylprednisone commonly in medicine to treat patients. High doses have to be tapered off slowly because they suppress the adrenal cortex and if stopped suddenly the adrenal cortex is not functioning. Great way to die after a competition is to completely stop them.

Questions so far?

Blue it's called work and more work and dedication my son has 19 in guns and no drugs (His job requires all kind's of drug testing) Our problem is he's still young:laughing7:

Another problem is one of the heads of the FDA just admitted they can not tell you some of the drugs on the market are safe.
Other question is if steroids are so bad why did they invent them in the first place?

NONE of this stuff is FDA approved...I did get that much out of them....but then again the vit. I take isnt either...the vit.C I take when I do get sick isn't either..:laughing7:

Crispin..I know you wont tell me what I want to hear, you will tell me the truth so that is why I ask..you are up front like that..:tongue3:....how dangerous is this crap and will you get bigger if I take some, or is the risk really that bad...dont use a bunch of big words or I gotta look them up as well..:BangHead:

If you use this stuff it WILL have side effects and could kill you. The problem is you will not see the damage to your body until you are farther down the road. No way to cheat your body. If you want to get bigger then eat a ton of protein, drink a lot of water, and get on a professional weight lifting schedule (you will never have time in the day and most likely not the machines you need.)

Okay, here is the deal. I checked out all the ingredients they are selling. They are all precursors of one of the following six categories of steroids. The number next to the class represents the percent of strength relative to Testosterone (T).

Testosterone 100
5alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) 90
Androstanediol 60
Androstenedione 20
Dehydroepiandrosterone 10
Androsterone 10

Now, if you are familiar with spice and K2 then you know all they did was change one tiny little part of the chemical compound, and viola, they got something that the FDA has not banned yet. Hence, they can legally produce it. They do this we all kinds of different illegal substances and they are called, "designer drugs." Once the FDA bans them, no biggie, they switch another tiny detail and are on their way.

There are 100s of different precursors that the body will break down into one of the categories from above. Now, the ones that break down to T are banned; however, the ones that break down to 10% T potency are not. So, if you take 10x as much of that substance then you get the same effect of T. That is why they always sell these massive amounts that you have to take. So they are technically legal, but body builders who win competitions could not possibly have their body process enough supplement. Hence, these sites are used as hook ups for injection T dealers, very valuable, very lethal.

Take steroids long enough and you will die of congestive heart failure from cardiomegaly or adrenal failure, both are nasty.

We use prednisone and methylprednisone commonly in medicine to treat patients. High doses have to be tapered off slowly because they suppress the adrenal cortex and if stopped suddenly the adrenal cortex is not functioning. Great way to die after a competition is to completely stop them.

Questions so far?

No questions yet but that is why the bottles have so many pills in them ....got ya Iv been looking this up a few days now...keep going...please

If you use this stuff it WILL have side effects and could kill you. The problem is you will not see the damage to your body until you are farther down the road. No way to cheat your body. If you want to get bigger then eat a ton of protein, drink a lot of water, and get on a professional weight lifting schedule (you will never have time in the day and most likely not the machines you need.)

so hold on...your saying I cant get bigger like I want cause I wont have the time to lift enough and my yard sale bench and dumbells isnt enough?

ok ....well that sucks

so hold on...your saying I cant get bigger like I want cause I wont have the time to lift enough and my yard sale bench and dumbells isnt enough?

No you can definitely get bigger, but you will not look like they do. To get your muscles to look like that you have to have specialized machines to target each individual muscle. you can get all the basic muscles with a bench but not enough to look like that. Also, muscles get bigger due to a complex cascade us use, damage, and healing...they do that stuff full time all the time, it is all they do. When you see movies like 300 they literally have trainers on the sets and they sit around and work out before all the shoots.

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