Gold Member
I paid to get on a website that shows real time This is in a marsh that I can only get by boat right next to the old railroad tracks. I want yawls opinion do you think these are bottles
Every coonass is a character they are breed all the wrong they are literally geniuses on the water we got into a Pirogue today In the 1st inch I almost tipped over four or five times and I didn’t want to lose my metal detectors I don’t know how these guys do it they’re perfectly balanced like it’s second nature and it was the scariest thing for me I’ll just stick with the boatsFor those not familiar with Southern dialect,coon ass is not a derogatory term.Usually used to refer to a Cajun,itself a derivitive of Acadian,the forebears of Cajuns and coon asses.Look up the history of the Acadian peoples and be amazed!
Could be... but...If its gone tomorrow it might be fish spawning, fish or bird feeding frenzy.