I Need help on how to value marbles

Some old looking ones in the bag


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Now you're hitting paydirt. I see slags, decorated china, handmade german peppermint swirl, possibly hand faceted agate, some masters, prize name akro corkscrews, akro lemonade swirl, vitro conquerors, a peltier rainbo, possibly a peltier NLR bumblebee way in the back...

Found a box but not the one I was looking for I didn't even know about this box


Just want to say thanks for helping me out cheese

No problem. There might be something good in that box, but most of what I could tell was there looked like common ones from the 50s and up. The ones in that bag looked nicest of all of them so far, and worth learning about if you're getting into marbles.

Yeah I want to know more about them


row one 1: Nicer Akro 2 or 3 color corkscrew 2:Glazed bennington from Germany 3: clay
row two 1: Glazed Bennington 2:clay 3:Hard to tell, I thought it was a Peltier NLR in the earlier pics, still might be
row three 1:Handmade peppermint swirl from Lauscha Germany 1800s 2:decorated china 3:Peltier amber slag

Good old marbles from probably the 20s or 30s and older. These were what kids played with before the glassmakers in West Virginia really got kicking.

Top row, all red slag
2nd row, 1: akro corkscrew 2: can't tell, maybe another cork 3: looks like a really twisted corkscrew with 4 wraps? If so, it's uncommon
3rd row, 1: Akro lemonade 2 and 3: Masters

All from around the 1900s to maybe the 1930s.


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top row 1: aqua slag, One of the most desirable colors. 2:Maybe another peltier. If it is, it's a good one. 3:Peltier peerless patch. Look at the black on this carefully with a bright flashlight... there's a good chance there is aventurine in the glass. If so, it will sparkle in the bright light.

2nd row All purple slag. first one is peltier, second probable akro, third probably MF Christensen.

3rd row 1: The seams look akro, so do the colors, but the pattern looks odd. 2: thought it was a solid green game marble at first, but I see a swirl that looks like it's from alley. 3: probably alley or champion I'd guess.

All 1900s to 30s or so.

The green one kinda looks like the swirl is a cat eye

I love old marbles, and anything like a swirl makes me as happy as finding an old coin. :icon_thumright:

A cat eye? You sure? Looks like a solid green marble with a band of another color on it in the picture. You can see through it?

Yeah if you put it up to the light it's clear I was saying the swirl kinda looks like a cat eye in this one part of the swirl

Oh and the black on peerless patch is sparkle is that good? And the green one the swirl is in the glass not on the out side

First pic,
row 1: alley, alley, champion
row 2 and 3 all blue slag. The second blue slag in row 2 looks like it's from peltier.

Second pic,
row 1: first two look like maybe alley pistachio swirls, 3rd: not sure
row 2: WV swirl, maybe vitro, marble king
row 3: Akro patch, two amber slags

Third pic,
row 1: Alley, vitro conqueror, not sure...maybe vitro
row 2: Akro, not sure, alley
row 3: not sure...probably vitro, vitro phantom conqueror, vitro conqueror.

The sparkles in the black on the peltier peerless patch is good, that is aventurine and is something that marble collectors look for.

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