At the time I wrote my original list many years ago MLS was listed as an unknown British WWI helmet manufacturer. Link to my original posting on manufactures and their codes.
Known steel suppliers of the WWI British helmets:
FS = T. Firth & Sons Ltd Sept 1916 – 1918
BS = W. Beardmore & Co Ltd Jan. 1916 – 1919
HS = Hadfield Ltd Jan. 1916 – 1919
V = Vickers Ltd 1916 – 1917
MS = Miris Steel Co. Ltd 1916 – 1917
A = Edgar Allen and Co. Ltd 1916 – 1918
F = Thomas Firth and Sons 1916 – 1918
O = Samuel Osborne & Co Ltd. 1916 – 1918
B = Bury's & Co. 1916 – 1918
Known makers of the WWI British helmets:
D = James Dixon & Sons Dec. 1915
HW = Hutton & Sons Dec. 1915
HH = Harrison Bros. & Howson Ltd. Dec. 1915
M = J&J Maxfield & sons Dec. 1915
R = John Round & Sons 1916
V = W&E Viener Dec. 1915
MLS = ?
FKS = Possibly Thomas Firth & Son
M&S = Possibly Maxfield & Sons.
Known makers of the WWII British helmets:
BMB = Briggs Motor Bodies Ltd of Dagenham
F&L = Fisher & Ludlow Ltd of Birmingham
GSW DP & H = General Steel Wares Department of Pensions & Health
HELMETS LTD = Helmets Ltd of Weathhampstead
RO&Co = Rubery Owen Co Ltd of Leeds (Spelled as RO CO or RO&CO)
WD = William Dobson & Son of Birmingham
PPM = Patent Pulp Manufacturing Co Ltd
JSS = Joseph Sankey & Sons