The eight stars may just be decoration or it may signify eight kills, eight battles, 8th Battalion, 8th Brigade, who knows. I'd be cautious in trying to determine the origin by just the artwork - some have suggested that it must have come from a tank unit just because it has a picture of one. You have to remember the tank was a shiney new modern invention of the age, . Its a bit like a kid in the sixties drawing a rocket ship - it doesn't automatically make him an astronaut.
Look for any markings on the inside of the helmet, on the liner or the rim - it would assist greatly.
The British made helmets had a number of makers marks such as:
BS was manufactured by W. Beardmore & Co Ltd of Glasgow
HS was Hadfield of Sheffield
V was Vickers of Sheffield
Most US Helmets were marked with a Z
Does it still have the liner? - is there a rubber doughnut at the top as these were introduced late war for additional padding
Is the helmet magnetic or non-magnetic? - if it is magnetic then its early war and less likely to be a US helmet as they didn't introduce non-magnetic manganese steel until late1915, early 16. It could all get very confusing however at the US initially bought 400 000 helmets from the British before manufacturing their own. Unless you know the actual providence of the helmet I'm afraid everything else is conjecture, well intentioned but not likely to give an answer that you could swear by.
Hello Harry.
Thanks for the info. I am aware that i am not going to get a precise identification as it has no name or flag etc. Just trying to narrow down the probability! Altho it has been mentioned that it could be a tanks corps helmet it never really entered my head as such. thought the possibility was too way off. I was trying to use the tank as a way of dating the helmet as if it was later in the war (eg ww2 ) you wouldnt paint a panzer 2 if you were used to seeing tigers would you!!! From what i can gather it is a mark 1 tank, not sure wether they used these the whole war or just the earlier parts.
The info about being magnetic is great, never thought of that. i have tested the helmet and it is none metelic. The only marking on the helmet is on the under rim and it reads ZC204. Would this make it an American Helmet

?? The helmet still has the lining but their is absolutely no further markings outside the size that the helmet has, however i can tell you that it does not have a rubber doughnut at the top inside.