I hit the mother load. 6 tons of silver bars.


Hero Member
Nov 17, 2004
back in Indiana again
Detector(s) used
Multiple land, beach, underwater and specialty units
I have been researching a cache for several months now. After talking to a professional on the era I had been researching, I fealt I knew exactly where my hidden cache is, 6 tons of silver bars. Yesterday morning the hunt was on.
Being an underwater hunt, I loaded up the boat, underwater detectors, scuba gear, underwater cameras, etc. I had 2 other partners with me.
After only an hour or so in the hunt area, the underwater camera picked up a shiny glissen off the bottom of the river. It was a silver bar! My heart was racing.
It seemed magical how I was on the boat, then the next thing I knew I was under water wiping silt off a pile of silver bars. I knew the pile was large, but I had no idea it was this large.
I began waving the silt off the bars, kind of working to my left. Then, I reached a wall of stacked bars. The wall was so high I was afraid if it fell I would be trapped underneath.
The excitement was intense. The only thing I was thinking of is how I no longer have to work, now I can treasure hunt full time.
Beep Beep.
We began lifting the silver bars out of the water around 2:00 yesterday afternoon. There were 2 children on the side of the water on a swing-set playing. It's funny the things you notice.
The bars looked like they were brand new once we began cleaning the silt off.
Beep Beep.
DANG IT, THIS WAS A DREAM. It seemed so real. However, I do believe the dream. And, I will be out looking for this cache this spring..

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For many months I've had a steady supply of dreams about finding gold or treasure or precious stones, sometimes I get those dreams a few times a week. They feel so real and I get a sensation of warmth and excitement when I find the stuff, the part where I wake up is a downer. I hope one day that will be more than a dream.

I see you mentioned some partners. In your dream, is one of them named Jason and does he look a whole lot like ME! ;D That was a really cool story, I was on the edge of the chair!!


Howdy Moosebreath, If or when all my needs are met and all the kids and grandkids are taken care of I would set up some websites. One that gives free information on how to do without oil. Let the arabs eat their oil and bankrupt them. The device would need to be so simple that anyone could convert their vehicle. If they didn't kill me the next website would tell folks how to live well and become millionaires without making any extra money. Then we could do away with Social Security and the worthless bureaucrats who rob us every week paying in the money that they steal. The final website would destroy the Republican and Democratic parties and replace them with the Liberals, the Conservatives and the gutless pandering Moderates. No Conservative Democrat has any say in what the Democrat Party does. A Liberal Republican doesn't have much say in what the Republicans do. The Moderates currently called the independants will go wherever they see a bribe. In other words they see which way the wind is blowing and jump aboard. Worthless. exanimo, ss

Gosh darn wouldln't you know it! After reading your story about you dreaming you hit the mother lode, I dreamed you didn't! So I guess that negates your dream and now the story is a moot point! We made all these posts for nothing! Gosh darn it! :D

I had a dream like that once , and had a warm feeling all over.
Then I woke up and realized I wet the bed.....................................................

:D Had us all going there xXx.
My dreams are not that cool, I always dream I can fly ::)
Good luck with that wall of silver.


Moosebreath, If I were to hit the "mother load" I would continue on to the next. To me, the treasure is just the end to a great adventure. Next, another adventure. The research, the hunt, the friends, and the excitement building up to the find.
Of course I would take care of those who I want taken care of, but that's not the end. That's not why I do this. The thrill of the hunt. That's what this is really about to me.

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