I hit the mother load. 6 tons of silver bars.


Hero Member
Nov 17, 2004
back in Indiana again
Detector(s) used
Multiple land, beach, underwater and specialty units
I have been researching a cache for several months now. After talking to a professional on the era I had been researching, I fealt I knew exactly where my hidden cache is, 6 tons of silver bars. Yesterday morning the hunt was on.
Being an underwater hunt, I loaded up the boat, underwater detectors, scuba gear, underwater cameras, etc. I had 2 other partners with me.
After only an hour or so in the hunt area, the underwater camera picked up a shiny glissen off the bottom of the river. It was a silver bar! My heart was racing.
It seemed magical how I was on the boat, then the next thing I knew I was under water wiping silt off a pile of silver bars. I knew the pile was large, but I had no idea it was this large.
I began waving the silt off the bars, kind of working to my left. Then, I reached a wall of stacked bars. The wall was so high I was afraid if it fell I would be trapped underneath.
The excitement was intense. The only thing I was thinking of is how I no longer have to work, now I can treasure hunt full time.
Beep Beep.
We began lifting the silver bars out of the water around 2:00 yesterday afternoon. There were 2 children on the side of the water on a swing-set playing. It's funny the things you notice.
The bars looked like they were brand new once we began cleaning the silt off.
Beep Beep.
DANG IT, THIS WAS A DREAM. It seemed so real. However, I do believe the dream. And, I will be out looking for this cache this spring..

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so I take it your going to be working untell then? I know work is an evil word but I had to metion it

Had me going there for a minute, xXx :) Even a bit jealous.

Corncrasher - interesting name. What does it mean? "work" is indeed a bad word unless you love what you do ;D

Sorry, but the dream was so real to me I had to share the excitement.
Parts of the story are real. I have been intinsively researching the cache of 6 tons of silver bars. I did talk with a lady who studied this time frame and area in college day before yesterday. I feel I am ready for the hunt as soon as the weather breaks. This is an underwater hunt.
I guess I have put so much time and effort into this research it created the dream I had night before last.

xXx you're obsessed with silver! I recomend you dream about gold for a while and rest up. Cladius.

xXx, the only problem with your dream is that Damned alarm clock. Next time, tape down the snooze button!

You had me worried, sitting here with the boat loaded with all the dive gear, magnetometer, boat towed MD, 2 hand held U/W MD's, U/W camera, lift bags, dry suites and the phone still hasn't rang ;D

Dang XXX, thought you actually hit the mother lode. Them kind of dreams are just as bad as the ones where your rich and got a harem full of beautiful women. But without dreams we'd have nothing to grasp at. HH

Good Lord XXX!!

You really had me going!? I have dreams like that from time to time as well.? One day I'll find a large cache that some plantation owner squirreled away just before the Yankees arrived - if my dream comes true anyway.?

I always remember what Mel Fisher said before I strike out metal detecting:? "Today is the Day!"

Chris Reynolds
Chief Petty Officer, USN

If...uh...when you find it for real, are you going to post it? :-X

Darren, If I find it for real, I don't think I'll have to post it. I'm sure everyone will know about it. Probably before I even get the first bar out of the water. The IRS will probably be watching me close now anyway. We all know they read these forums just for that reason, right? ;)
If I ever did find anything like that, I would be sure to take the right legal steps. ;D
You'll all know about it.

I usually try to speed read some of the longer post, but not this one. I wanted to read every word...
I thought we done had us a big time water hunter who hit it big... Had me all the way to the end. ::)
almost as good as a 5 minute hunt. ;D



You find the BIG ONE, get yourself "SET FOR LIFE", take care
of everybody you care about, and STILL have access to more
than you could ever spend in 10 lifetimes.? Now what?

An impressive group of individuals make up this forum.? ?
I see an extremely motivated group with infinite wisdom,
integrity, technical expertise, and a semi-neurotic, unyielding sense
for adventure.? We all love the idea of discovery, or we're all
wasting our time.?

But once the "dog catches its tail" -- then what?? What
happens to that great energy?? What do we do?? Kick back?
Search for more (treasure)?? Become a master philanthropist?
For whom? For what cause?

I'm interested in YOUR OPINION on how forum members would
convert (current) personal motivation AFTER treasure is discovered
(i.e, after personal needs are WELL taken care of, does anyone
ever think about taking "surplus" to benefit local/national/global levels?)?
Personally, what would you do?? Just curious.

I'm still trying to figure it out.? I can give money, but that's boring.
I want to get involved in something, but I can't figure out what.
I'm just trying to keep one step ahead.? My favorite assumption is:
"Assume you already got it, and it will follow through."


I would never have any surplus.... I'm married ;D

Moosebreath -

If I found the big one, I'd be setting my sights on a new target to find. But only as part of what I do overall. The difference between a workaholic and a great worker is that one can't get his mind off of work and the other knows how to work hard and "turn it off" when he's at home or elsewhere. He knows how to channel his energy for maximum balance of life. Same with treasure hunting.

As far as giving goes, if you aren't giving now out of a simple paycheck, you won't give when you've found the motherlode, either. Scarcity minset now - scarcity mindset later. Abundant mindset now - abundant mindset later. So give something, no matter how little you've got. The best gift isn't money, but time. And don't give to gain happiness. Choose to live in the present now and just be happy regardless of problems. It's hard to acheive to be happy - it's better to happily acheive.

For me treasure hunting is about the quest. No matter how much I find, there will always be another quest. And I will enjoy every minute of it ?:)

What a great story. I think the treasure we found today is a beginning of a great short story. You should finish it so we all can take a trip of a life time. SLAPPAV

If and when I hit the "Motherload" I'll have more to do. Researching more caches and burying new ones with riddles and clues for the future of treasure hunting. Give a little, take a little. Gotta leave some treasure for my son and the future of this wonderful sport. The recovery is only half of the joy I get from finding treasure. Seeing trees growing out of cellar holes and sunsets on deserted beaches. Ever see the way gold shines through wet sand in the moonlight, or find an old road through the woods that you've never noticed before. Discovery and exploration are key ingrediants to a good hunt. Wether its a lost wheat penny or a wall of silver bars, each find brings you closer to great stories and good times. Self exploration and preservation can both be had at the end of a metal detector. Sometimes I just shut of my detector and take a look around. Watch a sunset or the waves rolling in a ancient swimming hole as the clouds roll by. I love the time alone and the gold and silver is just a bonus. Miles of hiking through the wilderness, the birds, the bears, the squirrels and deer. Its really beautiful, amazing and truely wonderful place we live in. So poke your head out of that hole in the ground once and a while and take a look around for yourself. Tell us what you see, a wall of silver is a nice dream, but being out there and doing the actual hunt is where the true beauty lies. Swiz

I had one of those "dreams" the other night, of coming up on a sinkhole near a levee and finding hundreds nuggets of gold the size of fist incorporated in the tan clay in the sinkhole. I saw someone coming down the trail so I knocked more clay in top of it to hid my find!!

I'd cache some, cash some of it out, and quit my job, and go hunting more often, built a huge shop/garage for metalworking/woodworking, lapidary, buy momma a new house, and invest in some rentals and other tangible investments..

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