I have the at pro looking for a md with better depth

Thanks guys but I decided get the etrac and love it already pass threw threw the yard found a few wheats that the at pro missed at 8"

Need to change your icon now:metaldetector: since you went from 30/06 gov. to a 300 weatherby mag.

I agree. The NEL Attack coil added 3 to 5 inches on depth. A lot cheaper than a new detector with a new learning curve. Added feature of covering more ground per swing.
I'm running the Nel storm and my Pro blows the others out of the water. But You have to know your machine first.

Only steel and iron produce an (effective) "halo effect" according to George Payne, Minelab, Tesoro Electronics, Whites, Nautilus, Garrett, Teknetics, Jack Gifford, and me, and we are the guys who designed and built metal detectors.. just FYI. :thumbsup:

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F75 or T2 are very deep seekers and alot of adjustability but not whites complicated..

F75 or T2 are very deep seekers and alot of adjustability but not whites complicated..

I hunt with guys who mostly use the T2 and I own a Fisher F75 *(old gold handle) version myself. I have seen a new F75 in DE mode and believe me it was deeeeeeep. I know the OP has went with the Etrac. But wanted to put this out there for anyone looking at this post.

The atp is a good machine as I actually seen one in action but the operator was a digging machine and never stopped swinging the whole time I have been hinting with him the few times I have went. Depth is overrated as the soil is like a slow moving water and brings things back up to the surface in time anyways. Also wasting time digging 1-2 foot holes actually decreases your finds rate. Its your time but why waste it. The atp will do the job, but if you wanna go deep, get a T2 or a F75.

F75 or T2 are very deep seekers and alot of adjustability but not whites complicated..

I hunt with guys who mostly use the T2 and I own a Fisher F75 *(old gold handle) version myself. I have seen a new F75 in DE mode and believe me it was deeeeeeep. I know the OP has went with the Etrac. But wanted to put this out there for anyone looking at this post.

The atp is a good machine as I actually seen one in action, the operator was a digging machine and never stopped swinging the whole time I have been hinting with him the few times I have went. Depth is overrated as the soil is like a slow moving water and brings things back up to the surface in time anyways. Also wasting time digging 1-2 foot holes actually decreases your finds rate. Its your time but why waste it. The atp will do the job, but if you wanna go deep, get a T2 or a F75.

never mind:icon_scratch:

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If you want extra depth over the at pro, any trusted brand will do. Do all the comparissons you want, I would even take the compadre with small coil against the at pro for depth.

Be careful.. I have a video test I took that the 5X8 masks really bad with iron/rusty nails...

AT Gold...true all metal mode with iron audio and it is deep even in awlful ground!

If you want extra depth over the at pro, any trusted brand will do. Do all the comparissons you want, I would even take the compadre with small coil against the at pro for depth.

These are the comments that really confuse newbies.....i have both machines and the compadre is good to about 6 inches on anything smaller than a car hood. The At pro will get good depth if you take the time to learn it. Not one of the deepest out there but still one of my favorites.

Only steel and iron produce an (effective) "halo effect" according to George Payne, Minelab, Tesoro Electronics, Whites, Nautilus, Garrett, Teknetics, Jack Gifford, and me, and we are the guys who designed and built metal detectors.. just FYI. :thumbsup:
What about copper?Ive been able to detect the soil with my pin pointer for a few sec after the coppers removed from time to time.Get that green color in the soil all around a large cent.After years of doing this 1st hand I would disagree with this statment.Maybe Iron will produce a halo faster/Larger/all the time.But to say only Iron will make a halo I kindly disagree.

Find a cz-5,-6a both will shock you at there depth.
Haven't used a cz3d so can't tell you.

If you want extra depth over the at pro, any trusted brand will do. Do all the comparissons you want, I would even take the compadre with small coil against the at pro for depth.

Your statement does not compute unless you are in an area with heavily mineralized soil. I compared my AT Pro side by side a couple of weeks ago with a CZ-21 and our depth was almost the same, except he could get an extra inch in the very center of his coil. Depth was about 10" in wet sand on a salt water beach, and this was a medium ring. I've dug corroded quarters much deeper than that and once a master lock up to my arm pit. The CZ of course is the better water detector due to it's stability. On dry land, AT Pro was the clear winner for a number of reasons.

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With my Nel Storm on the Pro I've been hitting pennies and silver 8 to10 inches regularly just go super slow and try to turn the iffy iffy signals into good ones. I've found that if you center the target and then make multiple sweeps over it you get a better reading on it

26 Barber dimes and 28 Indian heads from hunted out parks in the last 15 months

:occasion14::occasion14:Hey,I can't believe I brought a 16 month old thread back to the top,my bad.
Probably gone throiugh a couple machines since then,I know I would have.

The at pro and the at gold are no slouches in the depth department . If i was gonna up grade for depth alone . I would look at the fisher f75 Ltd or the cz3d. In reality i wouldn't look for an upgrade from the at detectors based on depth alone . If i wanted more depth i woukd just get a larger coil for the at or run in all metal. There are lots of reasons to upgrade from an at seris machine imo none of them are depth related. Gl HH

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