I have no second amendment rights


Sep 4, 2013
Somewhere directly above the center of the Earth.
Primary Interest:
Can somebody tell me why is it they say I cannot legally own a gun ? I have never been convicted of any crime, I did live in a mental hospital for almost 2 years as a child, but I do not see how that' s fair, people go to them places for all sorts of reasons back in them days, biggest reason for kids back then was what would later be called ADHD, hyper so what, that makes somebody dangerous ?
sure my problems go way past hyper, such as my paranoia, but I certainly know the difference between right and wrong.
So why is it I cannot own a gun legally ?
I know a lot of people who are very twisted and demented and psychotic who have never been in a hospital who own guns, so how is it fair ?

oh and I do own 2 guns, and could not care less what the modern law says about it, one I cannot use anyway, friggin ammo is 180 bucks a box...

I welcome all comments, don't worry about harsh, I have a thick skin, if you think none that have a mental illness should have guns please tell me why, I would appreciate it.


government is scared of free thinkers!! lol.... I see worse people with guns all the time....The USA is one of the biggest gun dealers to corrupt governments anyway...but "they do it spreading democracy"... good luck

They do not anyone with the courage to stand up and speakout to have the ability to resist....

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now Free

Your right is secured by the 2nd Amendment as well as a God given right to protect yourself and family. A person who has a history of violence should be restricted, but we could debate all day on severity and time since offense etc. but it would be easy actually to set some common sense guidelines. I personally feel that it is an American's obligation to resist any law that restricts their freedom. Defy the sorry:censored: tyrants at every opportunity. Just my 2 cents.

Mental illness is ,not my idea ,considered the same as unstable,admitted or not to a vast majority where law is concerned. Mi. is willing to err on the side of caution issuing handgun permits. Federal won,t accept having been institutionalized for purchase of any ,long or short.Private sales don,t far as I recall stop you.Mention of paranoia to laymen would stop a private sale probably,don,t know a law says you can not own one off hand though.A law may allow confiscation if forcibly institutionalized by professionals or law maybe, do you know of any law here banning your possession?
180 per box! hmmm Barret 50 gone up? don,t answer. l.o.l.

Can somebody tell me why is it they say I cannot legally own a gun ? I have never been convicted of any crime, I did live in a mental hospital for almost 2 years as a child, but I do not see how that' s fair, people go to them places for all sorts of reasons back in them days, biggest reason for kids back then was what would later be called ADHD, hyper so what, that makes somebody dangerous ?
sure my problems go way past hyper, such as my paranoia, but I certainly know the difference between right and wrong.
So why is it I cannot own a gun legally ?
I know a lot of people who are very twisted and demented and psychotic who have never been in a hospital who own guns, so how is it fair ?

oh and I do own 2 guns, and could not care less what the modern law says about it, one I cannot use anyway, friggin ammo is 180 bucks a box...

I welcome all comments, don't worry about harsh, I have a thick skin, if you think none that have a mental illness should have guns please tell me why, I would appreciate it.


Just go to Texas gun show where you don't even need to be a US Citizen to purchase a truckload of guns and ammo.

I say we need to do background checks on all the Muslims we are sending arms to. Heck, we give them better arms than we are allowed to have. :) With every pro-gun person saying that it's the mentally ill people and thugs committing the crimes, I can see where they would automatically deny you based on your history. Thing is, there should be some sort of appeal process that would look at this using a case by case process. I know there is a program where convicted felons can appeal and get their gun-owning rights reinstated.

There is no federal law restricting gun laws unless currently a danger to self or others. There is no law in Florida that takes this right away unless immediate danger. Is there a law that is particular to your state? If so, I am not aware of any. Have been deemed incompotent by a judge and have a Guardian Advocate? If so, you have lost a lot more rights then the 2nd. Yes, if you lare egally declared incompotent then you should not be allowed to own a gun. You also can't make medical or financial decisions for yourself. Are you crying wolf?

Well they say I am dangerous, why you ask ? I got that label because some moron grabbed my wife's boobs once, and I almost beat him to death, and no I apparently cannot manage my own mental health care, for if I do not go in for my shots, the police will come and make me go, why ? Because I think everybody is out to get me or because I see and hear things that are not real, so they say anyway, but none of that means I am going to hurt somebody, that is if somebody tries to hurt my family, I will act, wouldn't you ?
You have no idea how it feels to get turned down for a job at McDonalds because somebody does not know how you will react to a given situation, yet they hire convicted murderers...go figure, innocent but judged guilty beforehand by a faithless, scared society.

P.S. not 50 cal, mines 460 weatherby magnum.

And a long gun would not work in my now ex career.


Not answering question regarding law as red a flag as justifying your behavior by saying you cannot manage your own heath care.. That alone speaks volumes.
More to rights and life than guns. Your original question is law based. We have not named a law that prohibits you but maybe you have seen it."They" would be who to ask for law causing denial.

Not answering question regarding law as red a flag as justifying your behavior by saying you cannot manage your own heath care.. That alone speaks volumes.
More to rights and life than guns. Your original question is law based. We have not named a law that prohibits you but maybe you have seen it."They" would be who to ask for law causing denial.

And what volumes does that say to you exactly, really have me curious on what you have to say about that, dont be bashfull, you wont hurt my feelings, as far as me not being able to manage my mental health care...that was my choice to go down that road by REFUSING to be forced to take meds that turn me into a drooling zombie sitting in the corner, I will not be forced to do against my will any longer, and I am sure its gonna get ugly next time somebody tries to medicate me, but they have to find me first, moving soon, and like any good citizen, I do not plan on telling my psychiatrist just where it is I am going, either way its time to get the hell out of dodge with the way the country is going.

PS thanks releventchair, they told me I could not own any type of gun, I looked it up after you mentioned you could not find a law concerning that, I cannot find one either, they exist for handguns, but not rifles or shotguns...so major kudos to you sir/madam...thanks.


Well they say I am dangerous, why you ask ? I got that label because some moron grabbed my wife's boobs once, and I almost beat him to death, and no I apparently cannot manage my own mental health care, for if I do not go in for my shots, the police will come and make me go, why ? Because I think everybody is out to get me or because I see and hear things that are not real, so they say anyway, but none of that means I am going to hurt somebody, that is if somebody tries to hurt my family, I will act, wouldn't you ?
You have no idea how it feels to get turned down for a job at McDonalds because somebody does not know how you will react to a given situation, yet they hire convicted murderers...go figure, innocent but judged guilty beforehand by a faithless, scared society.

P.S. not 50 cal, mines 460 weatherby magnum.

And a long gun would not work in my now ex career.


So you have a Guardian Advocate and are undergoing forced medical care. You are absolutely right, you are not allowed to own guns as well as a great many other things. It sounds like they diagnosed you with paranoid schizophrenia. Of which, the vast majority never feel they have a problem because they have no insight into the disease. You may also suffer from auditory or visual hallucinations, delusions, and ideas of reference. Unmedicated these people are not safe to own guns. Aurora and VT are the first two that come to mind.

I'm going to give you a great piece of advice that you will ignore and/or incorporate into a delusion/paranoia. If you take the medications voluntary and make your appointments; after a couple of years you can apply to have competency restored. At that time you will regain your rights, including the right to own a gun. The shots...is it haldol dec or risperdal consta?


I am with Crispin here bc1969. Take the meds.. just try it, we all need a little help now and then. I believe you will prove your competency and restore yourself to boot!

Well you guys can say what you want about the meds, and no please do not attempt to tell me I am deluded in not taking the meds, I have been being treated for all of this for more than 30 years, I have been on every meds you can think of both voluntary and forced, I am not fixable, but aside from that I am not dangerous, dealing with this for aslong as I have, I have learned whats what, and I will tell you why they cannot fix somebody like me, its because meds normally treat one or two conditions, but with my issues, and many many years of trial and error has determined that nothing helps, it all just makes everything worse...the only medicine I have, that works, is a place such as here, to talk thru words on a screen to people I may never meet, because as I have found nothing helps more than kind folk who do not mind lending a ear to somebody in great need to talk about their issues, I have fallen thru the cracks in a society that just wants to bury people like myself, because they think we are all homicidal maniacs, for me nothing could be further from the truth, hell I cannot even hurt a bug in the house, I catch it and take it outside.
the reason I say that meds cannot help me, is because the doctors cannot find any combination that helps, it pains me to know I will never enjoy a stress free life, I have no quality of life, nor do I expect to ever have it, and yes I am a paranoid schizophrenic that along with other things they say I have, which are major depressive disorder, bi-polar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder, multiple personality disorder ( which they say I have 3 personas ) post traumatic stress disorder, and several others which honestly I cannot remember...does all of that mean I am to be denied my second amendment rights ? I do not think so, if they want to judge people based on what a doctor says, then thats just wrong, evaluate people individually not as a group, now that you all know what my issues are, yall may think ok this guy is really whacko, I AM NOT, just a lost sheep that is having a incredibly hard time with his faith, and trying to believe others that things will get better.
I sometimes wish I did not believe in God, because for all my sufferings I know things could always be worse, I also know or atleast I think I do what God does with the souls that commit suicide, that and my wife who is now nearly crippled NEEDS me, because honestly is it was not for them 2 things, 30 years ago I would just have went and stood on the railroad tracks and awaited what I have been longing for all my life, a release from the pain and misery of whats supposed to be the greatest gift of all...


Red, you have to call NASA before you launch that puppy. I thought a .458 Win was a pocket full until I crawled behind a .460 Wby. I work part time at a gun range and have worked in and around the gun industry for 3 decades. Most people have not a clue that you aren't just talkin about another big bore when you talk about a .460. :icon_thumleft:

No offense intended whatsoever, and I am pro 2nd Amendment.

But, given your history, I'd sure hate to live near you when you got PO'd !!!

Please take the meds - from those of us who care about what becomes of you.


Just my 2 cents for whatever it's worth....given all the issues you're struggling with....whether or not you have the right to
own a firearm should be pretty low on the priority list....JMHO.

Regards + HH


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