Re: I have found the coolest thing EVER !!!!!! UPDATE PICS !
Reddielocks said:
Who would of ever thought a newbie MDer like myself would end up finding such a wonderful item plus having it put on The Best of thread ! Certainly not me ! lol
All newbies eventually make that one find that hooks 'em for good, if they stick with it long enough. That's the key. Some folks get lucky straight off, and others get discouraged too soon, or quit, when they find out it ain't as easy as other folks make it look. I was not one of the ones who had a lot of "beginner's luck", but I suppose I found enough modest goodies to keep at it until the "real" finds came along.
For me, the find that clinched it happened in August of 1993. I was discouraged and finding nothing, and was walking back to the car when I got a decent "penny" signal that had a 3-4" depth reading. I figured it was old enough to be a Wheatie, so started digging. At the time, my oldest coin was a 1926 Wheat cent, so I was hoping to set my oldest date back. As it happens, I did, and got silvered, too! It was not a Wheatie, but rather a nice 1899 Barber dime. That was my first coin from the 1800s. Only about an hour later, at the same site, I set my oldest date back again, even further, with an 1875 Indian cent, and as a bonus, I got a 1941-D silver quarter near that.
That afternoon I was hooked, and knew that I would never stop being a detectorist until the day I am too old to walk and swing the coil. I've had some long periods of inactivity since then, but I will probably never quit. Just think, I might
have quit for good if I had made it to the car that day instead of finding that Barber dime.
I have since set my oldest-dated coin back into the 1700s, and then the 1600s. To go back past my current-oldest date of 1658, I might have to travel to England or something, though it is still possible here.
That's a fabulous find, and I welcome you to the "Best Of"! (Just got my first "Best Of" slot, myself, yesterday).
I'd say you're a "lifer", now, eh?