I hate zinc

We all know this about pennies: 100 cents = $1

We also know that Zinc cents are essentially worthless, in and of themselves. Additionally, they come to you free for the most part.
BUT, EVERY zincer recovered helps RESTORE value to that already beleaguered dollar in your pocket. It actually makes up for the losses the dollar experiences daily.
Think about it:
It's as close to making your own money as you can get and not go to jail. Financially, the zinc cent is MAGIC for the detectorist.
PLUS, you get the benefit of healthful knee bends and fresh air in the bargain.

The Zinc Cent, that reviled bit of metal, is PAYING YOU TO RECOVER IT!

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Yes dahut 100 cents = $1 But 4 quarters = $1. If I find 4 quarters, I will have saved myself 96 knee bends. Which as I get older becomes more important.

Yes dahut 100 cents = $1 But 4 quarters = $1. If I find 4 quarters, I will have saved myself 96 knee bends. Which as I get older becomes more important.
Hahaha - didn't you know? You NEED exercise as you age! :icon_thumright:
You can't get out THAT easy!

The getting down to dig is not hard, it is getting back up after a long day of digging that worries me sometimes. Now I know how carpet layers feel.

The getting down to dig is not hard, it is getting back up after a long day of digging that worries me sometimes. Now I know how carpet layers feel.
I have a stout, LONG handled digger I made. I use it to help get up and ease the effort.

Wilcox makes one still. It might be of some use and interest to you.

I would love one. But at the parks I detect the people already give me dirty looks when I use my hand digger. I could image what they would think with a long handled digger. Would be great in the rural and wilderness areas.

I used to notch it out..... Till I learned better. IH pennies, jewelry, etc

A little late to the party, but let me add this...

I LOVE zinc.
Always dug all zinc signals...always will.


It is true that you can tell most of the time according to the number info what they are on your F2, don't think this is true 100% of the time.

Not only have I dug enough zincolns to take the wife and I out to a few nice dinners, there are other benefits such as...

1. Some cool things. Hardly any worth but still neat.

zinc objects.webp

2. Tokens, some could be quite rare. This one thought it was a zinc cent, so did I...but it wasn't.
Only 5 of these known to exist...I evidently dug up a 6th one.

token both sides.webp

3. Smaller silver jewelry and rings. Not all silver will come in at a dime or higher.
Here are just a couple of mine...I have dug way more than this at zinc.

silver zinc.webp

4. Larger silver, especially chains. This one was a dead-on 61 zinc signal.
Fooled me completely but a wonderful surprise.


5. GOLD baby! All of these 10k rings were from 49-52...still zinc but really low zinc.

my four class rings.webp

Even though this will usually be can slaw or some sort of other trash in this lower zinc area, 4 times for me it wasn't.
To this day I still get excited on a solid signal with these numbers and dig them every time.
If you must pass up zinc signals I would still suggest you dig this type at least...or tell me where you hunt and I will clean up all the pesky zinc signals of all kinds for you.
Yea, I am actually that nice of a guy! :angel3:

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Digger27, You always set me straight. Thanks!

We all know this about pennies: 100 cents = $1

We also know that Zinc cents are essentially worthless, in and of themselves. Additionally, they come to you free for the most part.
BUT, EVERY zincer recovered helps RESTORE value to that already beleaguered dollar in your pocket. It actually makes up for the losses the dollar experiences daily.
Think about it:
It's as close to making your own money as you can get and not go to jail. Financially, the zinc cent is MAGIC for the detectorist.
PLUS, you get the benefit of healthful knee bends and fresh air in the bargain.

The Zinc Cent, that reviled bit of metal, is PAYING YOU TO RECOVER IT!

WHOOOOOOOOSH! That is the sound of this going right over my head! Probably ignorance on my part, but could you, (or anyone else) explain this a little better?...Thanks much.

WHOOOOOOOOSH! That is the sound of this going right over my head! Probably ignorance on my part, but could you, (or anyone else) explain this a little better?...Thanks much.

Sure thing.
Just have a look at that pile of zinc cents digger27 displays above.
For a minute, forget that all the doodads, RARE TOKEN, and swanky jewelry also LOOK like Zc cents to a detector...

You've heard of inflation? In practical terms, this describes the increasing cost of goods against the dollars value.
The dollar simply buys less than it used to, while prices go up.

But, get you enough zinc cents and it's like pulling a dollar from the dirt. Add that to the dollar in your pocket and you've just doubled the buying power if your original dollar.

Do this enough, as digger27 has, and you have literally MADE MONEY from the dirt, keeping busy until the next really great find.

Sent from my mobile device using Tapatalk

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Oh and Digger27, this is the zinc so far this season, Also a quart bag of silver clad.


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