i hate this dam vacuum


Bronze Member
May 26, 2011
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Resized_20210401_103308.webpResized_20210401_103314.webpi know ive brought this up before,but everytime i use it it reminds me how much it hate it,if you use pump gas and 2 stoke oil, the gas kills all the rubber parts.so i buy tru fuel at 7 dollars a qt.it works ok.the only part of of this vacuum that does not suck ,is the part that is suppose to suck.why do they use a corragated hose,great place to cause a jam. ok now i feel better:laughing7: so would a smaller smooth bore hose work better.i know it wont be as flexble ,but my kinks anyway. any ideas to make this dam thing do it job better,i hate leaving dirt in the bottom of my holes or in cracks after dry washing.
thanks guys the weather is great in the mojave desert, get out there

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I have found a solution to my suction problem , It's not quite as big as Goodguy's 6.5 but I can still carry it , & it will pull appx. 4' high depends on to rock size/shape , I can also use a longer hose 12' and do not have to move it as much.
most Vac's are only about 23-25 cc this one has 46 cc so I do not have to run it so fast to get good results .

I like it :icon_thumright:
Was wondering what that thing was that was attached between the hose and the bucket intake, but after enlarging the photo I figured it out. Great job!

Had to put my super vac on the back burner until I build a new fan for it. Believe it or not the 6.5 hp 200cc engine running wide open was too much for the solid steel dust collector fan and I warped it completely out of shape trying to show off by picking up a bowling ball. :tongue3:

So until I build a new stronger fan for it I'm back to using the old vac pictured in my above post.


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I made a back pack for my old vac pack That way I had room to carry my creviceing tools and still had my arms to carry other thing's from my ATV 30 feet to the creek ! YEP it was rough but someone had to do it !:occasion14:

If your hose is full of ribs and is an issue try looking into pool vacuum hose. Also home depo has hose kits for the ridged vacs that is some nice high quality smooth internal stuff. That cheap black shop vac trash is a nightmare.

Sucks when your sucker ain’t suckin.

Resized_20210406_152219.webpwell got a new hose.its about 90 % ribs on the outside ,so its pretty smooth on the inside.its 21/2 od, flexable and i glued a pvc 90 on the end.i got it from mcmaster-carr.will test weds or thurs, thanks for all the input

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I'm sure you will like the results of the new hose ! No more shaking the hose to clear it out and it'll last !!:occasion14:

I am afraid that the 90 degree elbow may be a clog point. It would be on a dredge hose for sure.
If you use a 30 degree it would be much less likely to clog. Straight would be even better.

The hose should do the trick. :icon_thumleft:


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I found that with any hose your better off with a short as possible hose and add to it if your needing more hose wither your dredging of using a dry washer. My reasoning for this is I like to keep my hose on any device ,as straight as possible to help prevent plug ups and any time you have any hose that isn't straight is asking for a plug up and hogging the material is a sure way to plug your hose !

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