Too many times, I've noticed the comments can't post on FB because of words, phrases, or even of a cultural nature.

Ok, got that off of my chest. Now off to go see why I've been locked out again.......:BangHead:
Yep its happening way to much any more, use a word their AI doesnt like and you get banned or cant post or something its ridiculous

Better watch out, you might hurt some snowflakes feelings. My nephew tried telling me about bullies on line the other day. I told him he needs to nut up, people have been picking on others since the beginning of time. It’s only words , if it offends you ignore it and move on. When did everyone become so fragile?

Better watch out, you might hurt some snowflakes feelings. My nephew tried telling me about bullies on line the other day. I told him he needs to nut up, people have been picking on others since the beginning of time. It’s only words , if it offends you ignore it and move on. When did everyone become so fragile?
What to heck does your reply have to do with what this thread is about or any of the other replies

the Fact is Facebook has Facebook A.I bots that are kicking peoples post out and blocking people for no reason just use one wrong word that the A.I Bots do not like and it flags your post on Facebook and deletes the post and sometimes bans a person because of a single word that was used in a post or reply, words like (investment) and some others Facebook A.I bots will flag for that word and kick the post or reply out and some times ban people the Facebook A.I Bots deems the post or replies with that word as spam post

It's not just FB. Microsoft, Google, every time I turn around they've updated something that forces users to comply with and use their new apps that are all just another means of collecting user data. and increasing revenues. It's all waaay out of hand.

What to heck does your reply have to do with what this thread is about or any of the other replies

the Fact is Facebook has Facebook A.I bots that are kicking peoples post out and blocking people for no reason just use one wrong word that the A.I Bots do not like and it flags your post on Facebook and deletes the post and sometimes bans a person because of a single word that was used in a post or reply, words like (investment) and some others Facebook A.I bots will flag for that word and kick the post or reply out and some times ban people the Facebook A.I Bots deems the post or replies with that word as spam post
Ai doesn’t do everything by itself, parameters have to be set by a human. So obviously some human finds these things to be offensive.

Lately it seems, their AI is dumping comments to references related to Middle East issues. I had been posting some images and reference to an ancient form of writing found on certain archaeological finds made in that region. Everything posted ok, until someone asked for a name of language form. The race source could not be posted no matter how many different ways I'd tried.

Ai doesn’t do everything by itself, parameters have to be set by a human. So obviously some human finds these things to be offensive.
it isn't even about the word being offensive
like Investment where is that word offensive, the AI Bots look at that word and flag it because that is words that scammers use

and yes you are correct a person has to set the perimeters but the AI Bots are the ones that do the flagging of words.

if it was about something being offensive do you think 75% of the crap on Facebook would even be allowed to be posted I highly doubt it because 75% of the crap on Facebook is highly offensive in my opinion

Better watch out, you might hurt some snowflakes feelings. My nephew tried telling me about bullies on line the other day. I told him he needs to nut up, people have been picking on others since the beginning of time. It’s only words , if it offends you ignore it and move on. When did everyone become so fragile?

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