I got mauled by fire ants....those little bastages!

Grew up with the little red vermin. Those puss pockets are as bad as the wound should get. If you were allergic you would already be in trouble.

Look at it from their point of view....you crushed their home, endangered the royalty, and probably killed a few. You made out better than them!

Brother in Ft Worth said the fire ants clean all the fleas and ticks off his dogs.

Did your brother mention if the dog lived from it's organic cleansing? I would think old yeller would have a little bit more issue with fire ants crawling on it than fleas

Been there so many times. No matter what we use in yard they move to another location. I now bleach the ant hill burn them.
Some people die from them. Nothing like getting out of your vehicle on side of road and stepping on ant hill. If you never swore you will surely swear!

PS... that is a pic of my right knee.

I wouldn't want anybody to think Otherwise....:laughing7: Seriously though, we get into some bad spots that we regret. I got into some poison ivy once...only once, and I will never go near the stuff again...not even close.

Sorry to hear of your stings, Dave. I spent some time in SW Texas, and I can relate. Hate those things. Up here in NH, we got the densest population of Lyme Disease victims in the USA. When I go out I always spray my socks and pant legs with Off, and sometimes wear my pant cuffs inside my socks. If we get a really bad year, I do the Sawyer wash-in stuff on my pants, and spray off on my shirts and hat. Bad business, then critters. I got enough problems - don't need Lymes.

Anyhow, spray your lower legs and boots, and them little buggers will fall off.

Brother in Ft Worth said the fire ants clean all the fleas and ticks off his dogs.
I can believe that, as ants will tote off dead bugs, scabs, skin...... watched one tote off a dead scab that had fallen off the Mr, after his shower. lol. I had to throw them BOTH away, down the toilet, eeewwwww. :laughing7:
I gotta wonder, how them dogs just lay there, let them ants do that, without p-ing them off and getting bit! :icon_scratch:

I used to get bit up when I was younger. It would leave that big dark sore looking too, (like texasred777 says), if I didn't get that poison out. Those little yucky puss filled bumps, I would take a clean needle, gently prick/pop them, and push that poison stuff out. I'd wipe with alcohol(just once for cleanliness, alcohol will destroy new healthy tissue), and let them heal. If I did that, they didn't itch like crazy and would heal, without that brown circle mark. Sorrys you got bits.
I really do not like fire ants, they hurt, but I'm sure, I guess, they have their place, too. :dontknow:

We have them in North Carolina. I don't waste my money on Fire Ant Repellant Food. I take my shoes and barely scrape the top of the dirt to set off their sensors, then just pour some gas around the mound like a fort, then soak the rest of the area-Takes about 10 seconds and they are gone. The brown spot in the grass will grow back.

They are vicious little sob's had a friend go into shock when he stepped on a mound and didn't know it they covered his left side.

Yep nasty buggers in the wild!

Try a ring of Vaseline or Vick's Vapor Rub around your boots.

They will not cross this!

How about ticks. They can be bad around here. I might grab some Permethrin for the spring. To the OP, bummer with those ants buddy.

I can believe that, as ants will tote off dead bugs, scabs, skin...... watched one tote off a dead scab that had fallen off the Mr, after his shower. lol. I had to throw them BOTH away, down the toilet, eeewwwww. :laughing7:
I gotta wonder, how them dogs just lay there, let them ants do that, without p-ing them off and getting bit! :icon_scratch:

I used to get bit up when I was younger. It would leave that big dark sore looking too, (like texasred777 says), if I didn't get that poison out. Those little yucky puss filled bumps, I would take a clean needle, gently prick/pop them, and push that poison stuff out. I'd wipe with alcohol(just once for cleanliness, alcohol will destroy new healthy tissue), and let them heal. If I did that, they didn't itch like crazy and would heal, without that brown circle mark. Sorrys you got bits.
I really do not like fire ants, they hurt, but I'm sure, I guess, they have their place, too.

Yea... I got place for them. And I bet Dave and some others can think of some also!!!!!

Actually there is a predator for fire ant and they are called "CRAZY ANTS' when they get to your yard you will wish the fire ants were back.....Joe McDonough

it took me a minute.... got it:laughing7:

Try a paste of water & meat tenderizer on the bites it works for wasp and bee stings. And also take some Benadryl to stop the internal reaction.....and stay away from the nests!

If you see an Armidillo, don't shoot it. When they run out of other things to eat, they go after Fire Ants. Was living in Pipe Creeck, Tx and saw a large Armidillo digging into a nest of Fire Ants. He went on The Endangered List right then.;)

Actually you should google "Crazy Ants", nasty little buggers, can shut down your house!.....Joe McDonough

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