I found this today. I also found a thread on here from 2011 about this exact same "pendant". Does anyone have any new information to add?


Jun 21, 2024

Upvote 9
Curious thing, but I think it's just a piece of hokum sold as a mystical amulet. Round ones are still being sold, often with a description as "Seal of Solomon Wealth Pendant" (try Googling that) with suggestions that they improve your chances of wealth or protect you against financial risk/loss.

Your particular version is likely vintage, but not very old. Several people have reported them in their original packaging of a plastic sleeve, sometimes marked with the word "OKER", which is presumably the manufacturer.



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Curious thing, but I think it's just a piece of hokum sold as a mystical amulet. Round ones are still being sold, often with a description as "Seal of Solomon Wealth Pendant" (try Googling that) with suggestions that they improve your chances of wealth or protect you against financial risk/loss.

Your particular version is likely vintage, but not very old. Several people have reported them in their original packaging of a plastic sleeve, sometimes marked with the word "OKER", which is presumably the manufacturer.

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Yes sir that's what I've learned today myself. "Seal of Solomon " for wealth on the back it also says above the seal "Auras" which translates to gold or sometimes rising sun I think. The front is the M in the center and the Zodiac. Thank you everyone for your help. I'm trying to clean it up a bit more then I'll post pics again. And for whomever asked. I thought at 1st it was copper or brass but you see how dirty it is in the pics. Well when I received it you couldn't make out anything on either side. That being said, there was no patina on it at all? It's not magnetic at all. When it's clean I'm hoping to see a makers mark of some sort but it's seems that they make these in volume. That's right you too could have wealth and happiness of your own for under $20!!
😆 sincerely CJ Brennan

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