I found this today....and it is truly my most meaningful find ever.

You left me teary-eyed buddy, I don't want to think about losing my parent(s). I think I'd consider wearing that one on a necklace or in a ring. Nice story and have a good year.

sorry for your loss.that truly is a great find i think she was reaching out to you to say she'll be there always.i would do as others suggested wear on a necklace

I'm with Nick on this. Judging by the son she raised your mom had to be an incredible woman!
I'm sure she knows that slipping on those headphones and swinging that coil brings your mind some peace, and I cannot think of a better time for her to show that she will always be with you.

I'm wishing you the very best in the new year! I know your mom is smiling down, proud of you. I hope you have a chain on that merc and wear it.

Best of Luck, and peace of mind in 09 my friend!


Bryce. I have been reading your posts for about a year now and have asked you for help in the past. You were always punctual and very helpful. I thank you for that. Well not knowing you and reading your very personal story about your Mom tells me a lot about you as well as your Mom. She obviously was a great Mom because she sure raised one hell of a kid. Hang in there Bryce and she will guide to many more amazing finds. PJ

A Breath taking story glad you shared it with us all. A dime of a lifetime :thumbsup: My prayer are with you. Hope you have a Great 2009

Keep it here , an inspiration to all.

Here's to Mom, she knows that smile on your face, she put it there.
God bless!

Silverfreak, great post -truly the find of a lifetime.put a lump in my throat,now go out a hit that yard hard!just think of the priceless finds you will have to leave your kids-so the memories will last forever.it's not every day that you have finds with such a sentimintal tie like that . :icon_sunny:

Silver freak,your going to need shades-----cause the suns going to shine on you 24 hours a day! :thumbsup: 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

dfx willy said:
bryce that was your mom for sure. after my mom passed i was in deep thought of her one day out side sitting on a bench and a butterfly landed on my shoulder and stayed there for quite awhile and i got a very strong presence of her that she was allright. something ill never forget. it will always be a little more special findind a merc now after hearing your story. thanx willy.
Thanks Willy. The butterfly came to you for a reason my friend :angel7:

halfdime said:
Just out of curiosity...when was she born? Every time I find anything 1937 (usually wheat), I think of my dad.
1936 HD

TN-Joe said:
Now that's a banner coin.
Thanks Joe. It sure is for me anyway. :thumbsup:

ringfinder said:
That Lady is a Find of a Life Time. Prayers sent your way for you and your family and that
Angel beside you. Thank You for a Very Touching story.

Thank you for the kind words ringfinder. I hope you have a wonderul 2009.

myelo1023 said:
Buddy, that was so definintely your mom! You should carry it in your wallet alwasy w/a cover on it. You'll alwasy know she is with you. Your so blessed in that way. My condolences to you and your family.
Thanks myelo1023. I thought of doing that...but have just had it sitting here in it's little holder on my desk. I think I will have a nice 14k bezel made for it so I can wear it on my chain.

49er said:
SoreKneesDayton said:
Keep the story here gang! God Bless You Silver.


Yes, keep the story here. May your angel watch over you and fill you pouch with silver and gold..... :angel11: :angel11:
Thanks 49er. I appreciate your response.

aa battery said:
a most special dime
Thanks double A

John Deere Digger said:
That is one special Merc. Thanks for sharing. God Bless you and your family. Good luck with the next hunt, hope we get some more warm weather.
Thanks JDD. You and G-Money need to find us a place to hunt midway between us.

treasuredog said:
God Bless You and your family! Your mom wanted you to find that dime. Keep it close to your heart.
Thanks treasuredog. She sure did...and i think I'll have it made into a necklace.

kdismuke1 said:
Thank you my friend.

Best merc ever Bryce. Banner.

Nick Pappagiorgio said:
Bryce ~ I am glad to call you friend ...

You sir are among the best this world has to offer ~ Proven buy your heartfelt words & allowing us to share a part of your life ...

It is obvious your mother was a Righteous person ... the reflection of her in yourself is evident ...

All the best ~ Nick
Thanks brother. If I can be only half the kind and caring person my mom was...then I will have been a pretty good feller'
Thanks again for the kind words my friend. Keep on researching us some spots for next year :thumbsup: Later bro

treasurenut said:
God Bless and keep it in a special place forever.
Thanks treasurenut. I definately will.

DD-777 said:
Thank you for sharing your beautiful story with us Bryce. Keep the faith my friend... 8)
Thanks DoubleD. I will do my best. Good luck in 09.

Mr.Jody said:
Things happen for a reason! That dime was meant for you to find.
I believe so too Mr.Jody. Thanks for responding.

ModernMiner said:
A very nice & meaningful post buddy. I'm glad you finally got the nerve to post it. :thumbsup:
That would be a #1 find in my book too. :angel7:
My Dad was killed in Aug 07, and I still get signs that show me he is still with me. It's a wonderful feeling.
I'm sure you really miss your Mom, and I hope these signs from time to time will bring you some great joy.
Thanks Doug. Sorry for the loss of your dad. Mine isn't well now either....so things next year might be a little nutty for me too. The "signs" you speak of are wonderful aren't they? :thumbsup: What a nice feeling.

Colonial Copper Zeus said:
I don't think this one will be moved Bryce. This is a trully awesome story that inspires hope. Oh and if by chance this does get moved may the responsible party suddenly get a gaggle of toads to infest their underpants for weeks on end. There...that should do it. ;D
Thanks Chris. I appreciate you coming to the "post moving defense" :D
It's still here my friend...so I think the threat of underpants infesting toads did the trick ;D :thumbsup: :wink:
Thanks again friend.

superficialbob said:
CONGRATS, GREAT SILVER. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Thanks Bob.

mpostma said:
I'm with Nick on this. Judging by the son she raised your mom had to be an incredible woman!
I'm sure she knows that slipping on those headphones and swinging that coil brings your mind some peace, and I cannot think of a better time for her to show that she will always be with you.

I'm wishing you the very best in the new year! I know your mom is smiling down, proud of you. I hope you have a chain on that merc and wear it.

Best of Luck, and peace of mind in 09 my friend!

Thank you so much Mark. You are right...my mom was a very special person...and I truly hope I made her proud of me in some way. She truly did know how I felt when metal detecting...and that it helped me through some tough times. I know she led me to that dime...honestly. I plan on having a 14k bezel made for it so I can wear it on my chain. Take care my friend...and thank you for the kind response.

geo4472 said:
sorry for your loss.that truly is a great find i think she was reaching out to you to say she'll be there always.i would do as others suggested wear on a necklace
Thanks geo. I feel the same way....and am sure she was letting me know all would be okay. I will definately have it surrounded in gold to wear on a chain.

daytondigger said:
You left me teary-eyed buddy, I don't want to think about losing my parent(s). I think I'd consider wearing that one on a necklace or in a ring. Nice story and have a good year.
Thanks Double D. I have gotten teary-eyed a few times while typing all of these responses. Cherish your parents while you still have them my friend. The dime will be around my neck before long :thumbsup:

sage said:
wow! that was a touching story! God bless you friend and congratulations on that find. I am so happy that it brought a little peace to you... :angel7: :angel7: :angel7: :angel7:
Thanks for the kind words sage. God bless you and your family too.

civilman1 said:
Amen Brother.....Very touching
God Bless you and your family Doug. I hope we all have a safe and prosperous new year.

Mental Granny said:
silverfreak 1st off I am so sorry for your loss you and your family are in my prayers!
Then what a very cool find, and even more so for where and when you found it! I know it does have even more special meaning to you for that alone.

Please keep this post here it is right where it should be.
Thanks Mental Granny. I appreciate your support...and thanks for the prayers

Hello my friend, I lost my Mom last March and I know she is looking down on me everyday, they will never stop showing us how much they love us. Find peace in your heart. I wish you and yours the very best. Wes
Wes...thanks for responding. I'm sorry you lost your mom last year. You definatelyu know what I feel like right now...and the day before...and last week...etc. it is an up and down ride. I do know mom is always with me now though.

GOLDandSilver said:
That's a wonderful story, thanks for posting it. It's also good to see I am not the only one.

Ever since my beloved papa passed away he's been leaving me "pennies from heaven"...if I am having the worst day ever it is inevitable that I will think of him and what he'd say to me...and I find a penny, even if I've just stepped in that spot moments before. AND, when I am struggling with a difficult decision I'll find a penny..and if it's heads up, it's a good idea, tails up, I pass on it:) He was a very precious person to me and it gives me great comfort each and every time I am having a bad day, without fail I find a penny from heaven!
Thanks for responding GOLDandSilver. Thanks for sharing your personal story with me as well. That is neat...and I'm glad it brings you comfort. I don't think it is ever going to get any easier for me...but I know mom will always be watching me from up above.

jimbob450 said:
Very nice and touching post. Jimbob
Thanks Jimbob. I appreciate your response.

ziphius said:
Best merc ever Bryce. Banner.
Thanks Ziph. Best merc...best find of all time for me. Take care my friend...and have a safe 2009.

strickman said:
Silver freak,your going to need shades-----cause the suns going to shine on you 24 hours a day! :thumbsup: 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
Thanks strickman :thumbsup:

strickman said:
Silverfreak, great post -truly the find of a lifetime.put a lump in my throat,now go out a hit that yard hard!just think of the priceless finds you will have to leave your kids-so the memories will last forever.it's not every day that you have finds with such a sentimintal tie like that . :icon_sunny:
Thanks buddy. I have gotten some tears in my eyes quite a few times in the last hour or so from responding to everyone. The kind responses are overwhelming...and I'll never forget all the support you and everyone else has given me here.

johnreb1980 said:
Great heart felt story, and a nice find.
Thanks Johnreb

Lowbatts said:
Here's to Mom, she knows that smile on your face, she put it there.
God bless!
Thanks Lowbatts. Yes she did...yes she did :thumbsup:

dave in iowa said:
Keep it here , an inspiration to all.
Thanks Dave

Mike K in Va. said:
A Breath taking story glad you shared it with us all. A dime of a lifetime :thumbsup: My prayer are with you. Hope you have a Great 2009
Thanks so much Mike. I hope you and your family have a safe and wonderfull new year too.

PJ in WI said:
Bryce. I have been reading your posts for about a year now and have asked you for help in the past. You were always punctual and very helpful. I thank you for that. Well not knowing you and reading your very personal story about your Mom tells me a lot about you as well as your Mom. She obviously was a great Mom because she sure raised one hell of a kid. Hang in there Bryce and she will guide to many more amazing finds. PJ
Thanks PJ....and you are more than welcome. It means a lot to me to know I have so many great friends here. We may never meet in person...but I truly thank you for the kind words...and thoughts of my mom. Take care friend.

Thanks again everyone. I will never forget the support you have given me through your responses. :angel7:

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