I found this the other day ... He was eating me !!


Sr. Member
Dec 3, 2005
Detector(s) used
E Track, Fisher 6a
I 've been detecting since 1979 and spent many many days in the woods in western NY.I never seen a tick, heard about them but I never worried about them. Guys these things are running rapped in my area. This is the 3rd tick I had on me in a year. The first one I found on my side went to Well Now to have the head removed. This thing found a nice comfortable place to have his dinner. They remove the body parts and gave me some pills to take for 2 weeks.
Tick number two was in my right side. I know about ticks because I had one once before this is my second tick in 2 months. I came home took a shower no ticks ..... Great .. Went back outside with my hoodie on, so this 2nd guy must of waited for me in my hoodie to take advantage of my sweet taste. He spent the night eating me until I took a shower in the morning and that was when I found him once again on my side. Took and heated up a pin he moved a little but I had the nurse at Well Now take him out once again in pieces. (Not Good) .. They dug him out and gave me one Pill that was very very large, a monster pill. Now I know they will hide in your cloths and come out when you least aspect it.
Well this last one.. I went in the woods for 10 minutes to look for a foundation. ( I know about ticks) In the woods I was thinking about ticks.... Get back in car its 1 PM and found this guy eating me at 8 PM. I never checked (Air Head) ... I heated up a pin when I found him in my inner thigh. I burned myself trying to get this guy out. HE did back out and I saved him in a little bag and went back in the morning to Well Now. They looked at where he was eating for 8 hours, they looked at the tick and they gave my 2 pills this time and was told to watch for infection. They burned the tick, and they did not do any analysis for Lyme Disease on the tick.
What I learned.... Bug Repellent but the best is Peppermint Spray they hate it.. You can buy at the pharmacy or you can buy it in the pet department and save $10.00. They use this spray on your pets and it keeps the ticks at bay......If you have one on you DONT squeeze it or twist it. You will break the head off and push the poison into your body. Get the peppermint oil spray on the bugger and he will back out. SEEK MEDICIAL ATTENTION and get the antibiotics it is well worth it..... Now place all your clothes into the dryer when you get home Not the Washer the heat will kill the ticks so I am told. Take a shower and check for ticks. Tick number 4 ..was really my first tick..... He was on my arm after I took a shower, I got into my truck, and he came off my hoodie I left in my truck.. Folks, please seek your own medical professional for information and be careful.
Please take these little guys serious, they can change your life in a bad way.............................. Jim


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I'm sure glad there's none of those where I live. In the last 34 years I've yet to remove one of those off me or the dogs. Though I did in the past get a sadistic kick out of lighting a match, then puff'n it out and instantly touching the hot match head on its butt. Sure made those little suckers think about bleeding me.

I 've been detecting since 1979 and spent many many days in the woods in western NY.I never seen a tick, heard about them but I never worried about them. Guys these things are running rapped in my area. This is the 3rd tick I had on me in a year. The first one I found on my side went to Well Now to have the head removed. This thing found a nice comfortable place to have his dinner. They remove the body parts and gave me some pills to take for 2 weeks.
Tick number two was in my right side. I know about ticks because I had one once before this is my second tick in 2 months. I came home took a shower no ticks ..... Great .. Went back outside with my hoodie on, so this 2nd guy must of waited for me in my hoodie to take advantage of my sweet taste. He spent the night eating me until I took a shower in the morning and that was when I found him once again on my side. Took and heated up a pin he moved a little but I had the nurse at Well Now take him out once again in pieces. (Not Good) .. They dug him out and gave me one Pill that was very very large, a monster pill. Now I know they will hide in your cloths and come out when you least aspect it.
Well this last one.. I went in the woods for 10 minutes to look for a foundation. ( I know about ticks) In the woods I was thinking about ticks.... Get back in car its 1 PM and found this guy eating me at 8 PM. I never checked (Air Head) ... I heated up a pin when I found him in my inner thigh. I burned myself trying to get this guy out. HE did back out and I saved him in a little bag and went back in the morning to Well Now. They looked at where he was eating for 8 hours, they looked at the tick and they gave my 2 pills this time and was told to watch for infection. They burned the tick, and they did not do any analysis for Lyme Disease on the tick.
What I learned.... Bug Repellent but the best is Peppermint Spray they hate it.. You can buy at the pharmacy or you can buy it in the pet department and save $10.00. They use this spray on your pets and it keeps the ticks at bay......If you have one on you DONT squeeze it or twist it. You will break the head off and push the poison into your body. Get the peppermint oil spray on the bugger and he will back out. SEEK MEDICIAL ATTENTION and get the antibiotics it is well worth it..... Now place all your clothes into the dryer when you get home Not the Washer the heat will kill the ticks so I am told. Take a shower and check for ticks. Tick number 4 ..was really my first tick..... He was on my arm after I took a shower, I got into my truck, and he came off my hoodie I left in my truck.. Folks, please seek your own medical professional for information and be careful.
Please take these little guys serious, they can change your life in a bad way.............................. Jim
I have read many times that using a hot pin is not recommended for tick removal.
They will regurgitate when provoked in this way.
We have been using the tick crowbar removal tools. We keep a set in the vehicles, just in case.

I have had probably 3-4 latched on ticks every year for the last 10 yrs.
Never sought out any medical advice or drugs.
If the tick isn't engorged and has been latched for less then 24 hrs the chances of contacting Lyme is low.
Tick check every night before shower.
If out detecting the clothes go into washer.
It seems when I get lazy one is crawling around.
We have a increasing amount of ticks every year.
Need a 2 week-25 to -40 stretch to knock the blood suckers down a tad.

I just want to second pepperj's point, do not ever use heat to remove a tick. It will regurgitate blood back into your body, along with all of the diseases its carrying with it. Always pull them, but the best thing is to avoid them in the first place. Peppermint oil may work somewhat, but I only trust clothes soaked in permethrin.

I've never had any serious problem from ticks, and I've had plenty over the years. I always just grab them as close to the head as possible and pull them out. When I was younger, we had never heard of Lyme disease or anything like that. Ticks just came with the territory, being out in the woods or the creek all day.

I was always told if you coat them in vaseline they'd back out (because they can't breathe), but I've not tried it.

I always heard that a cotton ball or tissue soaked in rubbing alcohol will make them back out so you can remove them. The alcohol having a secondary benefit of killing any bacteria at the wound site. Haven't had to do that here though, so, no first hand experience.

On the list of things I absolutely hate Ticks are right there at the top!

I wouldnt really trust any home remedies that cause the tick to "back out" on its own. The "backing out" is where the tick regurgitates as part of its fight or flight response before dislodging itself, the same as if you burn it. Even if you use alcohol on the site it wont matter as the tick is regurgitating directly into your bloodstream, not onto the surface of the skin. Part of my work deals with tick borne diseases and I see people fall victim to these diseases all the time simply because they were unaware of the proper way to deal with a tick. If you have a tick, pull it out, that's the only good way to remove it. If you develop a rash, go to the doctor!

I wouldnt really trust any home remedies that cause the tick to "back out" on its own. The "backing out" is where the tick regurgitates as part of its fight or flight response before dislodging itself, the same as if you burn it. Even if you use alcohol on the site it wont matter as the tick is regurgitating directly into your bloodstream, not onto the surface of the skin. Part of my work deals with tick borne diseases and I see people fall victim to these diseases all the time simply because they were unaware of the proper way to deal with a tick. If you have a tick, pull it out, that's the only good way to remove it. If you develop a rash, go to the doctor!
It's not only Lyme but there are many other nasty things they can infect one with.
Each type of tick carries a host of viruses that the medical world doesn't even have the first clue in testing for.

Lyme is a hard enough up here to be tested for actually.
Not a priority in the world it seems-though I can get a result back for my dog in 24-36 hrs.
I'm still waiting now for 10yrs for the results of my first tick bite-I sure am patient. :laughing7:

That's why I want to come back as a dog-they get 1st class care it seems.

Seriously the site that they latch on we treat with Oil of Oregano.

Ok, been 40 years, since I've burned their butts, so I guess I got by on getting any tick transmitted diseases.

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I found one in my crotch area this morning. (Actually my wife found it)….anyhoo, since it was fully intact when I pulled it, I think I’ll be ok.

I had the proverbial bullseye target on my chest a few years ago. Went to doctor. He said he could give me pills that would take care of it for About $2.30, OR he could run the tests for Lyme disease to prove it. The testing cost around $50 and meant a 30 day wait. I asked why. He said the CDC wouldn’t accept any cases of lyme without testing. That’s how they keep the numbers low and prevent epidemic status!

I've had Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever thanks to a tick that latched onto me years ago when fishing from the bank of a farm pond. At first it felt like I was coming down with the flu, but it continued to get worse and worse until I basically wished for death so it would end. I spent 4 days in the hospital with all kinds of IV's hooked up to me. It was horrible. If I ever find a lamp with a genie in it, I'd probably use one of the wishes to rid the earth of those things. Ever since then when I am faced with entering tall grass or brush, I just say nope. It's not worth it.

im in western ny, thank you for the heads up. i see the signs everywhere but thankfully sill have not yet to encounter one of these buggers!

Wear long socks, tuck long pants into socks. Tuck shirt into pants. Lighter color pants help to see the ticks climbing and then flick them. When back home throw clothes into washing machine and head to the shower. Lyme disease sucks.

I 've been detecting since 1979 and spent many many days in the woods in western NY.I never seen a tick, heard about them but I never worried about them. Guys these things are running rapped in my area. This is the 3rd tick I had on me in a year. The first one I found on my side went to Well Now to have the head removed. This thing found a nice comfortable place to have his dinner. They remove the body parts and gave me some pills to take for 2 weeks.
Tick number two was in my right side. I know about ticks because I had one once before this is my second tick in 2 months. I came home took a shower no ticks ..... Great .. Went back outside with my hoodie on, so this 2nd guy must of waited for me in my hoodie to take advantage of my sweet taste. He spent the night eating me until I took a shower in the morning and that was when I found him once again on my side. Took and heated up a pin he moved a little but I had the nurse at Well Now take him out once again in pieces. (Not Good) .. They dug him out and gave me one Pill that was very very large, a monster pill. Now I know they will hide in your cloths and come out when you least aspect it.
Well this last one.. I went in the woods for 10 minutes to look for a foundation. ( I know about ticks) In the woods I was thinking about ticks.... Get back in car its 1 PM and found this guy eating me at 8 PM. I never checked (Air Head) ... I heated up a pin when I found him in my inner thigh. I burned myself trying to get this guy out. HE did back out and I saved him in a little bag and went back in the morning to Well Now. They looked at where he was eating for 8 hours, they looked at the tick and they gave my 2 pills this time and was told to watch for infection. They burned the tick, and they did not do any analysis for Lyme Disease on the tick.
What I learned.... Bug Repellent but the best is Peppermint Spray they hate it.. You can buy at the pharmacy or you can buy it in the pet department and save $10.00. They use this spray on your pets and it keeps the ticks at bay......If you have one on you DONT squeeze it or twist it. You will break the head off and push the poison into your body. Get the peppermint oil spray on the bugger and he will back out. SEEK MEDICIAL ATTENTION and get the antibiotics it is well worth it..... Now place all your clothes into the dryer when you get home Not the Washer the heat will kill the ticks so I am told. Take a shower and check for ticks. Tick number 4 ..was really my first tick..... He was on my arm after I took a shower, I got into my truck, and he came off my hoodie I left in my truck.. Folks, please seek your own medical professional for information and be careful.
Please take these little guys serious, they can change your life in a bad way.............................. Jim
Jim you can't be to careful !!! Please take care buddy :)

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