I found the good stuff

That's the kind of find I dream of whenever I hit an old home site; congratulations on a great discovery. Are any of the SLQ's Type I?

Niiiiiiiccccce!!! Congrats! This is the kick in the pants that I need to get back out there. Thanks! :icon_thumright:

To heck with crocks and fruit jars full of old coins, that old milk bottle full of old coins does very nicely indeed. :icon_thumleft:

Thanks everyone.

I still cant really believe it. I have read about finds like this but never thought I would find anything like it. Makes me really look at different potential locations in a whole different light and also to just really slow down. I have a habit of just trying to cover a bunch of area rather then just really covering a smaller area really good. When most of my good finds have come when I really slow down and concentrate on listening to each target.

After doing some more research about the site it looks like the conditions had lined up just right. A few others had hit the lot already but the problem with the lot is there is a lot of pipes running right under the ground among tones of other trash. The cache sounded a lot like the pipes except for it being a smaller target signal.

I havent had a chance to go back yet, family duties have kept me at home. A few of my detecting buddies have went back though and made a few more really nice finds. I believe what happened was that when the lot was scraped the very top of the cache was spread around a 50 foot area. One of my buddies found three additional walker halfs while another found 2 additional morgan dollars. Hopefully they will post when they get it a chance, if not you can check out their finds on the Cali forum Kinzlicoils.com (shameless plug :) )

Thanks again and hope you are able to get out and find your self some of the good stuff

im no coin collector but i have had luck soaking some coins i found in a farmfield with vinegar. but with a cache like this you should consult a professional. TOTALLY AWESOME. as on tneter replied about having an ORGANISM I WISH HIM/HER LUCK :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

pl8man im me the other sight and buddy i would be back at that site again hitting it hard and heavy you never know what else might be there whos to say that is the only cache bottle on that lot HIT IT MAN HIT IT

Fantastic Depression-Era coin stash!

Nice story, nice pics, very nice find.....Nice up on the Banner as well.. Congrats. jgas

bookfisher said:
Congratulations on finding and posting a truly DUG cache! Not one of the fake caches that all too often appear on this forum. You know the ones - where they put fresh dirt or mud on the coins, or the coins are in shiny and bright pristine collector condition. That's what a cache of dug coins should look like. Again, let me congratulate you on a truly rare cache find! Way to go!

Very well said Bookfisher.......I'm more than just a little tired of my numismatic and metal detecting intelligence being insulted by fake "caches"

HH all!


Great stuff. Think I would leave them as is and not clean them up to much with the pics and being able to see where the marks are from the other coins makes it a cool collection. Better than a bunch of shined up coins to me.


Amazing find ! Congrats on the Banner! And go Cali...2 banners from cali in a row ...UH :headbang:

What a find of a lifetime! Congrats! :icon_thumleft: :headbang: :icon_thumright: :hello2: :thumbsup:

WOWZERS, that was a fantastic hunt! Many congrats to ya! :icon_thumright:


Congratulations on a Fantastic find!!! You are DA MAN :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

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