I found the good stuff

You got your self a great top of the page find. Don`t over look those vacant lots. A very close friend of my mothers found $8000 in two glass jars on a lot she purchased to put a trailer on.

Wow man, you are definitely buying lunch today.

Attention all Cache Hunters.

This is what a cache of dug silver coins look like :hello2:.

Lately there has been a cache posted that looks as if it came from someones closet.

This cache find was posted properly...photo's ,details, and a story that doesn't make one say "Come On Man". It deserves the banner presence it has already received.
Congrats on your find, and thanks for bringing your camera, although you may still have made the banner without a camera. It's obvious those coins were dug :thumbsup:.

Great Job,

Congrats on the banner :icon_thumright: Well deserved!!!

congrats on the awesome find!! :hello2:

This post gives me hope. I know they are still out there and I want to find one. Great read and nice pictures. Congrats on your cool Cache. Oh how I want to go dig right now. :headbang:

That's every treasure hunters dream. Thanks for taking time to photograph the dig. I know it must have been hard to stop long enough to take the pics. Congratulations on finding that nice cache. WOW!!!


Very nice cache! I hope to stumble on a find just a fraction of what you found this coming season.Thanks for sharing.

Congratulations on a very nice cache, a real banner find for sure! ;D

// Erik

+Nice banner find :thumbsup:

Awesome!!!!! WTG!!!!!

What can I say...that is unreal! congrats!

Congratulations on the cache, and the banner. :icon_thumright:

lurediver said:
A true banner!

Not some ebay purchase. Nuff said.

:laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9:

Awesome Find!!!!!!

Congrats on Banner! :thumbsup:

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