Nugget Hog
Jr. Member
I lived in alaska for 3 years and did alot of gold prospecting while I was there. One day I was in a very remote area and decided to climb a small mountain that was near me just to get a better layout of the area. When I reached the top I noticed that this was the side of an old volcano and that there was a volcanic lake on the other side. I sat on top resting and saw something in the water. The water was crystal clear but there was wind so I couldn't get a clear view for quite some time. Finally the wind died down long enough for me to make out an aiplane. It was a long ways down, I'm guessing 100+ feet but I could see it was a military plane. I have been to many Sun n Fun shows and also worked at an airport for 2 years so I knew just about all types of planes.
When I returned to town I asked around if anyone had heard of a military plane that crashed in the mountains. Finally one of the old timers told me that there was a P51 that had engine trouble that landed on some ice. The ice melted and the plane sunk. Although I had a dry suite that I used with my gold dredge, I couldn't find a scuba tank anywhere in town. The area I found it in is 1200 miles north of Anchorage. Seward Peninsula area. There are no roads, you have fly in or take a boat in the summer time.
That was 10 years ago but I'm sure it's still there. It was 50 miles from town and probably 10 miles up a creek on my Honda 4x4 and a few miles on foot. Funny thing is that I didn't find a thing with my fisher gold bug that day.
I am back in Florida now still defrosting. My efforts are now focused on South America but I might go back there in a few years just to check things out.
Are there any parts on these planes worth anything? Although underwater, things should be perfectly preserved because of the cold water.
No, I don't have any pictures. Never took a camera prospecting and never even went back.
Captain James
When I returned to town I asked around if anyone had heard of a military plane that crashed in the mountains. Finally one of the old timers told me that there was a P51 that had engine trouble that landed on some ice. The ice melted and the plane sunk. Although I had a dry suite that I used with my gold dredge, I couldn't find a scuba tank anywhere in town. The area I found it in is 1200 miles north of Anchorage. Seward Peninsula area. There are no roads, you have fly in or take a boat in the summer time.
That was 10 years ago but I'm sure it's still there. It was 50 miles from town and probably 10 miles up a creek on my Honda 4x4 and a few miles on foot. Funny thing is that I didn't find a thing with my fisher gold bug that day.
I am back in Florida now still defrosting. My efforts are now focused on South America but I might go back there in a few years just to check things out.
Are there any parts on these planes worth anything? Although underwater, things should be perfectly preserved because of the cold water.
No, I don't have any pictures. Never took a camera prospecting and never even went back.
Captain James