I found a P51 Mustang

Nugget Hog

Jr. Member
Jun 25, 2006
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Golden Thread
Lakeland, Florida
I lived in alaska for 3 years and did alot of gold prospecting while I was there. One day I was in a very remote area and decided to climb a small mountain that was near me just to get a better layout of the area. When I reached the top I noticed that this was the side of an old volcano and that there was a volcanic lake on the other side. I sat on top resting and saw something in the water. The water was crystal clear but there was wind so I couldn't get a clear view for quite some time. Finally the wind died down long enough for me to make out an aiplane. It was a long ways down, I'm guessing 100+ feet but I could see it was a military plane. I have been to many Sun n Fun shows and also worked at an airport for 2 years so I knew just about all types of planes.
When I returned to town I asked around if anyone had heard of a military plane that crashed in the mountains. Finally one of the old timers told me that there was a P51 that had engine trouble that landed on some ice. The ice melted and the plane sunk. Although I had a dry suite that I used with my gold dredge, I couldn't find a scuba tank anywhere in town. The area I found it in is 1200 miles north of Anchorage. Seward Peninsula area. There are no roads, you have fly in or take a boat in the summer time.
That was 10 years ago but I'm sure it's still there. It was 50 miles from town and probably 10 miles up a creek on my Honda 4x4 and a few miles on foot. Funny thing is that I didn't find a thing with my fisher gold bug that day.
I am back in Florida now still defrosting. My efforts are now focused on South America but I might go back there in a few years just to check things out.
Are there any parts on these planes worth anything? Although underwater, things should be perfectly preserved because of the cold water.
No, I don't have any pictures. Never took a camera prospecting and never even went back.

Captain James

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Monty, I'm not real sure. The biggest majority of the lake is in Oklahoma which benefits from the sale of fishing licenses, at least within 400 feet of the dam. Otherwise you either need a Texas license or a special Lake Texoma license. So that actually puts the dam-I think in Texas but it is controlled by the Corp of Engineers office in Tulsa.



I`m going to make you an offer...one I hope you can`t refuse! :) I am involved with aircraft recoverys all over the US, we recover them for the Commemorative Air Force and Air Heritage Museum. We are not talking about looting guages and nose art as a lot of people do...we raise the entire aircraft, turn it over to the CAF, and they either restore it to flying, or restore it for the musuem. They don`t work with anyone other than us at this point, so we are about the only foot in the door with them. They are the largest and best funded WWII aircraft preservation society in the world. I was at their headquarters in Midland last week.

We work with the History Channel also, I can`t give you a lot of details on that yet, as it is a new upcoming show that hasn`t been announced yet. What I will TELL you right now, and you can ask about 100 members here about my trustworthiness, is that my team CAN make this happen, and you personally would recieve the recognition, and monetary compensation that you deserve for your find. We wouldn`t even DO the recovery unless you could be there with us...that`s just how we work.

Will you be filthy rich afterwards, no...anyone who tells you that would be lying to you. Would you get some air time on History Channel...absolutely yes. Would the aircraft be treated as it should, 100% yes. Do we have the capability, manppower, and equipment to go get it, again yes. We are in the process of raising some important parts of a B-17 from a lake. We recently located a group of Mustangs (still in thier crates no less) and are beginning the planning phase of that recovery as we speak.

I don`t mean to be so long winded....but I work with a group of great guys...all who care more about history than money or fame, and we can help you accomplish this task and get what you deserve out of the initial find. Think seriously before you jump in with any group...mine included. But you`d have a hard time finding a better group of guys. If you`re serious about going after this, PM me and I`ll be glad to share more details with you and help you make it happen. We have the funding and investors chomping at the bit for more projects, but as you know...these things aren`t laying around everywhree, so every find is VERY important. There is much legality to go through with the US Army Air Corps lawyers...the CAF handles all of that.

I`ve PM`d you one of the CAF officer`s contact info, feel free to call or email him and verify that I am telling you the truth. Let`s make this happen...I`m quite serious.

Jason Nowell

Woo Hoo, man this is great! I sure hope it happens, a project we all on Tnet can monitor and enjoy day to day. I am smiling! :D Monty

Good morning; I just read your post regarding your work recovering and eventual restoration to flying or museum quality of war planes. I would like to offer my services. I am not in it for the money, I realize there is none. I would love to help recover a piece of history. Just putting my hands on it would be reward enough. I think it might be appropriate to tell you something about myself. I am a 57 y/o Vietnam Veteran of two combat tours. I am a PADI qualified open water diver. I have my own gear. I am not opposed to purchasing more if need arises. I own two wet suits. A 2mm shorty and a 5 mm full, with a 2mm hood. I am retired with income for life so I don't need to come and go like the tide. Unless my wife says so. Sometimes. I reside in Florida. I can travel within reason and will. I want as I said to see and touch these beauties and gain under water recovery experience. I would like to talk more and will answer your questions. You may contact me here initially, I hope you will, and we will work from there. In any event I wish you well with your projects....M-60

M-60, I will keep you in mind...I have a group in Florida, but if we did something in Alaska they might not all be able to make it. Unfortunately, I never heard a peep from Nugget Hunter since his first post on this thread. I sent him a PM but he didn't reply, it's a shame because this could be a great project.

I have a good lead on some other Mustangs a little north of you, but they are deeper than recreational dive limits. I'll keep you posted and see if we have some room for you. Doubtful, but you never know.

Nugget Hunter...I'm not a scoundrel looking to steal your plane, just wanted to offer a hand since you were thinking about doing a recovery. What happened?


That is an awsome story......if true. How many have spent hours using teraserver after reading this.....er, besides me? Not to question anyone's veracity, of course, but the eyes and mind can play tricks. Detailed description of observation with extremely vague directions. What town?

All the lakes stay frozen up until mid-June so visual searches are a dead end, and even in summer, time of day,wind, etc makes it about as likely as winning that super lottery. But since it was identified as a P-51, the only tactical fighter base up there is Galena AFB. There are no "towns" except for Nome and Kotzebue, therefore I would do a record search for a missing P-51 out of Galena AFB around the years 1945 to 1950. The twin P-51s were deployed during the Korean War. Most likely area is east of Nome within a hundred miles if Nugget Hunter is correct in his description. I believe there are a lot easier recoveries closer to Anchorage.

I find 13 USAF accident reports for P-51s in Alaska up to 1955.

One is reported as Nome. Tail # 44-64162. It is listed as a P-51H. A full report costs $25.

Google the number listed and you'll find the vendor.


I am beginning to think something stinketh about this thread. Plenty of free professional help offered and no response. I am a WWII buff and especially aviation and was so looking forward to keeping track of a great story, sigh. This happens every now and then so guess I'll mark it up to experience. Hope I'm wrong but it isn't looking too good. :'( Monty

Hopefully not Monty...but time will tell. The good news is that is not the only warbird in the water that can be saved. We are working on several projects...too many as a matter of fact. This sure sounded like it would have been one of the better preserved examples...and the CAF already recovered a P-38 from a very similar story...In fact...almost too similar.

ScubaFinder said:
M-60, I will keep you in mind...I have a group in Florida, but if we did something in Alaska they might not all be able to make it. Unfortunately, I never heard a peep from Nugget Hunter since his first post on this thread. I sent him a PM but he didn't reply, it's a shame because this could be a great project.

I have a good lead on some other Mustangs a little north of you, but they are deeper than recreational dive limits. I'll keep you posted and see if we have some room for you. Doubtful, but you never know.

Nugget Hunter...I'm not a scoundrel looking to steal your plane, just wanted to offer a hand since you were thinking about doing a recovery. What happened?


I haven't gone to the end of this thread, but I hope this fellow contacts you, given your connections to the most bona fide historic a/c recovery groups. My 2 uncles flew Mustangs in WW2, and I always like to see found aircraft properly retrieved and restored (like the P-38's from Greenland were).
Speaking of P-38's, they're scarcer than Mustangs. They're my fave WW2 fighter, and I would also hope that you could go after the one said to be in Oklahoma if it's still there.
Good luck with this.

DCMatt said:
I find 13 USAF accident reports for P-51s in Alaska up to 1955.

One is reported as Nome. Tail # 44-64162. It is listed as a P-51H. A full report costs $25.

Google the number listed and you'll find the vendor.


If that serial number is correct wouldnt that make her the 2nd P51H ever made - if thats the case i'd say she definitely wants to be raised!!

No plane was ever meant to sit at the bottom of a lake!!

unless of course the pilot was killed in which case i think its right that she's not raised.

in a local lake here in florida a P-47 was found.another local company paid the finder 50k.they raised it an its now being restored.


now that you are in florida you dont have to go all the way to alaska an fight grizzly bears for that P-51.i know where several ww2 planes are in lakes around here in florida.even a P-51.a b-25,several corsairs.an a avenger in the ocean.i will be down at my boat in sebastian later this week or weekend an we can talk more about it.to get to the florida planes all we have to fight off is gators an water mocs.chain link fence come in handy to deal with them.

John, we're hopng to splash the Conquistador late this weekend, we'll be at the same marina, and i'll be living aboard most of the time. Plenty of time to swap tales and beers. :D Did I hear that you had a used Marine elctrical panel??? I sue could use one, I'll give you a call when we head out.



you heard right,ill be heading down possibly saturday morning.call me if you get a chance.

I have been in South America looking for small,hard, clear rocks and gold.
Looks like I might have given you too much information as it is. :-\
You can't see it on any satellite maps.
For those of you who contacted me. I printed the contact information and have it filed. The reason that I haven't given you the exact location is because a P-51 in decent shape has a hefty finders fee attached to it. This plane has potential to be in very good shape if it fell through the ice calmly. It's in fresh water that probably never gets above 40 deg on the bottom.
I used to work at Cape Smythe Air Service and when the mechanic replaced certain parts, the plane had to be test flown. I got to go up when that happened. This particular pilot loved to buzz moose for some reason. So after swooping down and sending a bunch of moose running he pulled up hard and flew just above the tops of some mountains. Here I am just thinking how crazy this pilot is when I spotted another plane crashed. This one a little larger than a P-51. http://specialtactics.com/history.shtml (seventh paragraph under "progress of operations") I later found out it was the B-29 "Clobbered Turkey" .
It is located in a very remote and rugged place. I only saw it for a few seconds as the Piper Navajo was moving around 200 mph. My crazy pilot did die in a crash a few months later in his little stunt plane at a small air show just outside town. He did a hammer head stall too low and couldn't level it back out.
I also know where a Cessna is sticking out of a mountain. It was decided to just leave it there due to the dangers involved in messing with it.
Lots of crashes in the unforgiving land of Alaska.

Capt. James

Any updates, Captain?

Hi Diggumup - Thanks for the heads up. Recovering that Mustang would be an El Dorado find.
I have two friends here in Florida that would choose diving over eating. Both were members of a B-26 search team earlier this month in a swamp near Plant City. If you're interested, here's a report of the search.
I have sent both of them your link. Thanks again, Warbirder

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