I found 30 old coins 1854-1905 (my best 2 days ever)


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May 25, 2006
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Golden Thread
I have been thinking about posting this story for awhile, but I have been relunctant as I fear that people would doubt the authenticity of the story. I spoke with a few of my local MD buddies and they said, "if they don't believe it, that's their problem." So anyway here it is. I wrote a story for myself in case I would have it published at some point in time. I trimmed it up, even though it is still very long. Sorry about that. Sorry about the pictures too, they are not the best.

During the second week of July I was doing some intensive research about a large city in the Midwest that is known for its great park system. I love hunting old parks so I searched a map of the city from 1894 using the Sanborn map service. I located an old park that existed from the late 1800’s to the early 1910’s in the center of the city. It had been built over with a reservoir system that remained functional until last year. The highway system in this city is currently being done. Parts of the highway are being torn down permanently. Part of the highway was built in the 1950’s and went right past the reservoir. Then it hit me, this site potentially has is virgin ground full of goodies. I would not have imagined what I would find in a few days.
Since it was being torn down and the reservoir is no longer used, I decided to take a look around. The area looked like the size of two football fields positioned side-by side. When I arrived at the site, it was obvious that construction crew removed all of the freeway structures and took away a lot of the soil that was once placed there when the highway was built. I hoped that what remained was originally turf from the late 1800’s. I walked around and met with the foreman to see what the plans were for the area. The foreman was kind enough to let me detect. The basic rules were that I could not detect when they were working, for safety considerations, and that all time I had was a week. They were going to put gravel and fill on top of the land and reservoir for new condominiums that were going to be built later this summer.
I could hardly sleep thinking about the possibilities I have in finding really good stuff. On Saturday of the same week I went to the site and I “worked” the area for about six hours. I decided to go slow and dig targets like nickels (pull tabs) and other coins that I would normally discriminate out. When I started detecting I noticed I was the only one there and much to my amazement no else was around. Also, I did not notice any marks from other detectorists. Anyways, I started out detecting and within the first five minutes I found three Indian Head Cents, all 3-4 inches deep. Awesome, since I had only found one of those ever and that happened the week before. Then I received a weird signal and normally I would just continue on. But, I stopped and dug it out. I did not know what it was at first, but then after removing soil I was able to determine I recovered my first of two Two-Cent pieces that day. I kept working the area, digging out fair numbers of trash but my patience was rewarded later when I pulled out my first Shield Nickel, dated from 1869. Wow, I was really excited when about a minute later I hit a hole and pulled out an 1899 Barber quarter. I rescanned the hole and I found that I was still getting another signal. I bent down and located a dime-sized object that after close inspection was an 1876 Seated Dime. Another first for me! I could not believe the luck I was having! I had been there over two hours and found a ton of goodies! I still had about three hours to hunt. Over the next hour I located four more Indian Cents and nice 1900 Barber Dime. I would later find another Indian Head and only my second Liberty Nickel of all time. I also picked up some really neat finds like a small girl’s antique silver ring, a silver spoon made from the Crown Silver Company and a Mem’ry cosmetic tin from Gordon and Gordon, based out of Chicago. All of these items could be dated to the early 1900’s. About an hour left to detect I picked up my pace a bit because I knew I was running out of time. Before I knew it I had a quarter to half dollar sized target about 4 inches down when I reached down and picked up what I thought was a token of some sort. After closer examination I realized I picked up my first Large Cent! I later learned it was from 1853! I could not ask for a better day! As I was heading back to the car my day became better when my last target turned out to be a 1900 Barber Half Dollar! I really did not want to leave, but all good things come to an end. So I thought.
When I got home I got a chance to really look at my finds and was astonished to learn that I found 17 coins spanning from 1853-1907. That means this park must have been deserted for whatever reason in the early 1910’s. I was pretty excited needless to say and I could barely sleep the next several nights knowing that I one last chance at the park on Wednesday.
Since I only had about three or so hours, I decided that I was going to change my game plan. I learned from the foreman that Friday the park would be recovered with fill and granite and I would lose my chance to detect it. I decided to set my discrimination higher and move at a quicker pace. I fully realized that I would probably miss Nickels and Two Cent pieces. But, I wanted to get old silver. After all, this is an old park and since it appeared I was the only one on it, at least legally, I better go for it.
So I started on the opposite side of where I was on Saturday. I still saw the area undisturbed other than my own marks. I certainly was feeling like I was going to hit it big. I just had no idea how big! My fist target was a big one. At first, it sounded like aluminum can, or can “slaw,” as some say. I pinpointed it to be a round shape as in dollar coin sized. I reached down and dug about two inches when I looked in my hands and found an 1880 Morgan Dollar, pretty worn, but still a silver dollar! I knew it was going to be a good night. Over the next 30 minutes or so I picked up a couple of Indian Heads and another Seated Dime, this one from 1890. Then for whatever reason I must have hit an area that had nothing but trash because I found absolutely nothing the following 45 minutes. I almost panicked; because I knew that time was running out. But I just walked over to another area and started up again. Before too long, I had another large sounding target. I dug about 5 inches down and picked up what looked like a half dollar. I was not sure at first, but then I flipped it over and read the date 1854. Unbelievable, I found my first Seated Half Dollar (had arrows)! It could not have been a couple of minutes later when I picked up another half dollar, this time a 1908-O Barber. The next half hour was fast and furious as I picked up two more Indian Cents, including a nice 1881, one Barber Dime, and one Barber Quarter. I had about 30 minutes left to detect so I kept at it. After 20 minutes I hit a large target, much like the Morgan I picked up earlier. But as I traced it with my pin pointer it was clear to me it was not a round shape. It seemed like it was trash. But, I dug it anyways. I have gotten myself in the habit of doing that even though I knew I was running out of time to find things. I am glad I did. I dug the hole and located a nice 1897 Barber Dime. But, the reason I was getting that large signal is because about three inches next to the dime was last coin I would find at the site, and how fitting; a nice 1896 Morgan-O silver dollar. Unbelievable! The day’s totals included 13 coins spanning from 1854-1905.
Over a two day total I located 30 coins. One Large Cent, 12 Indian Head Cents, two Two-Cent pieces, one Shield Nickel, one Liberty Nickel, Two Seated Dimes, Three Barber Dimes, three Barber Quarters, one Seated Half Dollar, two Barber Half Dollars, and two Morgan Dollars
I went back to the park on Friday and the area was already covered with gravel and fill and I can only wonder what is still lying below the surface. I came to realize that I was most likely the only one to detect virgin park land that no longer existed in the 1910’s.


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Upvote 2
Re: Best 2 days ever for a lifetime

Absolutely One Of The Best And Most Exciting Coin Shooting Story I've Read On This Forum! Congratulations! Big 19th Century Silver Is What We All Hope For!

Re: Best 2 days ever for a lifetime

Great written account of your experience. And those coins, geez I'd love to find any ONE of them!! Your point is well taken...research is key. That's what I try to do in the winter months, when detecting is not feasible or not pleasant due to the bad weather. Then when late spring arrives, I'm usually ready to put some of my research to the ultimate test...looking for treasure. Man oh man, those coins are terrific and you deserve much praise for your research, asking for permission, and your search technique. Someday, when those condos are torn down and some guy with the latest metal detector is there, johnny on the spot, you can bet he'll be one unbelievably happy dude when he finds a couple of coins you missed. Imagine in the year 2150 what those Indian Heads might be worth!!!!!


Re: Best 2 days ever for a lifetime

Wonderful story and great finds!! may you have many more in the future! :)

Re: Best 2 days ever for a lifetime


Let me tell you, I left a ton of coins there. I had a two football field sized area to search an not too many hours to hit it. I hope I get another crack at, believe me.

Thank you all for all your kind words! Happy researching!

Re: Best 2 days ever for a lifetime

dg39 said:
You know, I had a dream like that not too long ago...

It's a recurring dream, for me. Unfortunately, every time I get to hunt a site like that, the darn alarm clock wakes me up and I'm snatched back into reality! :-[

Way to go! I'll bet the memories of that two-day bonanza will be with you the rest of your life. And hopefully it won't be the last time you experience such a rush. I certainly hope to hit a glorious site like that one day.

I only have two bits of advice for anyone who finds themselves in the same situation of a prime spot with limited hunt time. #1 - immediately call your boss and burn your vacation to spend the utmost time on that spot. #2 - keep the site location secret but recruit your friends for a last day bonanza. Escort them there the last day with the agreement that they each owe you one day on their next good site. That last day you could even invite the press and let them advertise your services as a "salvage archeologist" for free. Amazing the calls you'll get after that. exanimo, ss

Wow!, awesome finds, Congrats!!!
Great job on the research too. I hope your able to do some more hunting there. Too bad about the place being developed so soon...

I'm not sure how this post slipped by me for so long, but I'm glad I finally had the chance to see it. Great story.
Continued Good luck, & Happy hunting~

I just read this for the first time, all I got to say is BE CAREFUL, if you are still pursuing this. It's a killer tale, and I'd like to see how it comes out. Not telling you what to do with your son there, but I'm leary mding a public park with my 8 yo, much less rambling on private property. Please don't take this as bashing, cause I ain't. Post up any updates!!!


Thanks to all for your kind words. The way I see it is that I am not going to tell anyone where it is, and I would not take my kid there for safety reasons. I am keeping this secret because I think there a couple of possibilities around this site even though about 2 feet of gravel is sitting on it. That is also why I have not posted pics of the site, am I being paronoid? Perhaps, but you all have met MD'ers that ruin things for others and I do not want word getting out and have some schmuck piss of the nice relationship I have with this particular construction company that does a lot of work around mhy parts. I will keep all up to date on anything else related to this.

WOW, to find a unhunted spot and find ONLY old coins, you lucky dog.......Congrats!

GL & HH,


Awesome story. You should post some more pictures - close up of some of the IH's, Nickels, etc.

Amazing to think if you came a week later.....

In Metal Detecting there is a big "right time, right place" factor. Sometimes you hit it and a lot of times you miss it. It's great when you hit it. I have really only detected one "hot" virgin site similar to yours. It didn't have the age so finds were not as spectacular. But It really changed my perspective on metal detecting forever! It really gets you going on doing research to find those virgin sites.

Ya know, I don't believe you. Just kidding! ;D That was a great story and wonderful finds. I'd like to see close-up scans of those sometime.

Awesome group of finds. Congrats! :thumbsup:

I can't wait till I find that ONE silver, old coin. I know it is coming. I love the excitement.

I know this is an old post but WOW nice. I can't believe you had a week and only hunted 2 days!? That was a once in a lifetime experience. I would've invited everyone I knew who detected even with 20 people there you wouldn't have been able to get everything.

Wow what a couple of amazing days! it's really too bad they filled it in, who knows I bet there was some gold somewhere there! it's always sad when sites are lost forever to development. oh well, at least you got the chance and found some great coins! congrats!

living the dream

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