I Bow to the DFX God

Trash Digger said:
That is fantastic. Want to trade DFXs? Mine hasn't found anything like that yet.


Super finds Professor. Doesn't get better than that.

I run a DFX,too. I've found some good stuff, but nothing like gold, and two in the same hole, almost.
Just goes to show that it's not so much the machine, but the site you're hunting.

I realized after a group hunt last week, that a whole bunch of finding the good stuff is luck.

OMG...I have seen a ton of gold on the forums this week!

Great finds!!!!!!!

I think it would be helpful if we all gave more details, such as signal and depth, etc.


damn...I bow to you. they're absolutely beautiful, congratulations

Hi Folks,

Thanks for looking at the post. It is probably the only time I'll be able to post something like this and I really did want to share. Not to brag because so much of this type find is pure luck, but to keep the spark alive that these type finds are still possible and can happen with no warning. It is not for the true weak of heart though. Probably good as a treadmill test. As far as my health, I think my ticker is still in pretty good shape.

To answer some of the questions, I'll do the best I can. Some of it is foggy. Kinda overloaded by little brain (I used it up while I was still a professor). We all know that gold is not the easiest thing to find. It is not only scarce but unless you have a gold type machine, the signal comes back as iron or something else. I don't even think I have an icon on the DFX for gold. Anyway, I got a signal right by the front porch steps. Strong but kinda odd sounding. Since my other detector is a "dig it all" machine I'm pretty well trained, I said oh what the heck. I'll dig it too. Centered the signal as best I could and dug. It was in the first scoop. Picked it up and brushed it off and it was gold colored between the crud. I couldn't see any detail so I wasn't sure if it was gold or some sort of brass charm off a bracelet. As I covered the hole (I always cover even the really small ones), I looked next to the hole and there was another coin on top of the ground. It was covered in a brown "gunk" and I though it was another Lincoln penny. Flipped it up with the trowel and it was shiny gold underneath. That maked me look at the first coin a little closer. And there she was -Lady Liberty - in all her glory. Honestly, it took about 30 minutes for the find to sink in. It was hard to listen to the signals anymore. All I could think of was finding out what type coins they were. I spent until 3am carefully removing the crud in boiling water with some detergent. Couldn't sleep anyway.

What do I do for an encore. I don't know. Dig 1000 more pop tops and keep going I guess. I know I will probably never find any more gold. Much less 2 at a time and have them in such good shape. What surprises me is that I don't have gold fever. I am just as excited today knowing that most (if not all) the stuff I dig will be crap. I just want to do more. Gold or no gold.

I would trade my DFX but I am afraid this one has found all the gold it may ever find. You should keep yours if you haven't punched its "Gold Find" ticket. You are due and I am done.

Mankto State is still alive and well. I just don't get to go there and play anymore.

Thanks again for looking and the kind comments. I was lucky. Your day will come. You just don't know when.


i think i might still be leaning on the tree congrats and hh

I bow to you Prof for these awesome finds...wow!!!
Are they your first gold coins from detecting?

What an amazing find, a TH'ers dream come true. CONGRATS!!
Thanks for sharing buddy!


When I first looked I thought that those looked like some really nice Large Cents. :D Looked a little closer and said - wow he found two gold coins!!

Congratulations and thanks for sharing. Now I have to get back to digging tin foil, pull tabs,.... :D ;)


wtg prfessor that sure beats pull tabs that we all dig up

unfreaking believable.

I think it's finds like this that reinforce my willingness to dig almost any +VDI.

I have found quite a few gold rings and they ALL rang up funky and I KNOW that many folks would have passed them up thinking "oh well that foil...and other non-desirable detritus"

Thanks for fueling the fire Prof!! :o

The holy grail.. congrats.... i think im sold on the DFX... and hunting 1870's property.. lol..

great job!!!

couple more finds like that could pay for your machine..... atleast justify it to the misses.. lol

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