This forum has really opened my eyes to where to hunt. I had my metal detector for several years and didn't really find much, in part because I didn't know where to hunt. However, reading this forum has really changed that. Read the Metal detector code of ethics and follow that to begin with, then think about places where people gather and get rowdy, roll around on the grass or even just hang out, or take their keys out of their pocket and pull out who knows what i.e. parks, playgrounds, the beach, school yards, church yards, sports fields, grass and gravel parking lots, board walks, concession stands, fair grounds. I just read a post about an old Boy Scout camp ground. The opportunities are endless. The older the place is the more likely there will be older and more lost stuff to find or stuff buried and not recovered. Those are the places where people loose stuff. If you are really interested in doing this, I would suggest to go to SEVERAL metal detector stores and see what is available and try to use the different detectors inside or outside of the store. Find the best one that has the features on it that you think you will want to have and you can afford. Advice from other users here on the forum may not be a bad idea, but I think you would benefit from finding out what kinds of features are available and what you are most comfortable with. More expensive is not necessary better for what you want to do with your detector, but there are subtle differences and sometime you do really get what you pay for. Happy Hunting for your detector and when you get it. Welcome aboard.