Silver Member
they say 1 gallon per person per day --so roughly 8 of the standard 16.9 oz (1/2 liter) bottles per day --1 case of 24 should last a person 3 days at that rate..... I say a minimum of at least 6 days supply --that's 2 cases per person in the household
if your staying in the keys --they say to magic marker your name and SS number on your arms to help the folks ID your body (f they can find it)... that's means its nuts to stay there ...remember the 1925 hurricane ?
I rode out a hurricane in Slidell the year before Katrina, forgot the name.
They were saying the same thing, those that stayed please mark your arm for ID of your corpse.
Sounds dramatic but really just a common sense procedure ... I would think you'd need something a bit better than a magic marker though, which would be prone to wash right off.
[I didn't mark myself, id of my future corpse wasn't high on the list of priorities and I figured they said this more to scare people into leaving than anything else] I have some distinctive tattoos so my corpse would be easy to id anyhow.
Not trying to minimize the danger, obviously there is potential for heavy destruction and loss of life.