Gee I had to go back and see if it was true-yes it was, congrats OD on the gold and is a bonus finding the ring, and getting a silver isn't half bad either.
Thank you Ds! Great job on that spill!Now that's a Sweet find!!
Congrats on the gold and your third class ring!! I'm still looking my first class ring but, I at least have one gold ring to my credit.
Unlike you I was out today looking for gold and not a war nickel. Lol
I was digging the low tones and found me a few nickels in the process, 3 to be exact and all three came from one hole.
I got a pocket spill of buffalo's with a silver in the mix.
I think my next hunt I'll concentrate on pull tabs and see what I find, maybe pull tabs and nickels both....
Congrats again and Good Luck on that war nickel!!
Easy OD! Leave some gold for the rest of us buddy. I for one am goldless. Great job buddy. We all know it's a pain to dig everything but my theory is that if you dig everything your entire career you will no doubt end up with a handful of gold items. I hope just once I find some colonial gold. Is that too much to ask for?
Not sure if I have told you but…. I LOVE GOOOOOOLD!!!!!!!
Nice class ring save there Old Dude, not sure what else a flat button reads out like, would it be close to a partly ate zinc cent ??
Way to go OD. Great way to come out of my our slump. Wish I was able to get out with you and Cjon, but I was broke down in the work truck on 309. Just wanted you to know. Ever since a little birdie told me about your War Nickel problem. I have been finding them at all my sites. Seems as if that same little birdie is doing some war nickel voodoo on you. Just saying.
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Gee I had to go back and see if it was true-yes it was, congrats OD on the gold and is a bonus finding the ring, and getting a silver isn't half bad either.
Very well done OD! That is a really sweet find. Jelly.
Nice Dude. I never found a class ring. When I dig nickel signals I get nickels(
Great hunt and I'm glad to hear people aren't getting scared away by Chris as much when you guys door knock. Lol
Nice haul man! Love the ring - been a while since I dug one of those. And BTW - if your birth year was '62 then you're not an "old dude". Not even close .....![]()
Nice haul man! Love the ring - been a while since I dug one of those. And BTW - if your birth year was '62 then you're not an "old dude". Not even close .....![]()
Not true, "old" is NOT a number. It depends on what one does with life.
I've known some VERY old "youngsters".
Great job finding the owner. Bravo!
geez, I need to put my sunglasses on to view that pic of the ring all cleaned up!!![]()
Nice chunk of gold!
Awesome you found the owner and a return is in the works, sounds like a "Honorable Mention".
You the Man, well done!!
Yep .
Sometimes it helps to dig almost everything.
3 rd Class Ring Huh.
Never found one myself , Def on the playlist for the Gig in the Sky,.."GIS"
Crazy took 2 diff, friends to a local lake on 2 diff, occasions while Detecting & both Eyeballed One.
Those 2 occasions still 'Ill ' me. LOL "Not really LOL"