🏆 HONORABLE MENTION Hunting Nickels Has A Benefit...Gold!

Very well done OD! That is a really sweet find. Jelly.

Nice Dude. I never found a class ring. When I dig nickel signals I get nickels(sometimes). Lol.

Great hunt and I'm glad to hear people aren't getting scared away by Chris as much when you guys door knock. Lol


Good score on the gold ring....a bit of toothpaste and an old brush should remove the staining nicely.

Regards + HH


Nice Dude. I never found a class ring. When I dig nickel signals I get nickels(sometimes). Lol.

Great hunt and I'm glad to hear people aren't getting scared away by Chris as much when you guys door knock. Lol

Well, I don't think im that unattractive lol!! frodo-baggins.webp

Now that's a Sweet find!!
Congrats on the gold and your third class ring!! I'm still looking my first class ring but, I at least have one gold ring to my credit.
Unlike you I was out today looking for gold and not a war nickel. Lol
I was digging the low tones and found me a few nickels in the process, 3 to be exact and all three came from one hole.
I got a pocket spill of buffalo's with a silver in the mix.
I think my next hunt I'll concentrate on pull tabs and see what I find, maybe pull tabs and nickels both....

Congrats again and Good Luck on that war nickel!!
Thank you Ds! Great job on that spill!

Easy OD! Leave some gold for the rest of us buddy. I for one am goldless. Great job buddy. We all know it's a pain to dig everything but my theory is that if you dig everything your entire career you will no doubt end up with a handful of gold items. I hope just once I find some colonial gold. Is that too much to ask for?

Abe, I highly doubt a 20th century find has you feeling lacking in any way lol!

Not sure if I have told you but…. I LOVE GOOOOOOLD!!!!!!!

Now that is odd...that is exactly what the other half said when I got home.

Nice class ring save there Old Dude :occasion14:, not sure what else a flat button reads out like, would it be close to a partly ate zinc cent ??

CRM, I am sure the size and material will affect the reading, but the last few 1800's small brass ones have been in the 60's on the ATP.
Way to go OD. Great way to come out of my our slump. Wish I was able to get out with you and Cjon, but I was broke down in the work truck on 309. Just wanted you to know. Ever since a little birdie told me about your War Nickel problem. I have been finding them at all my sites. Seems as if that same little birdie is doing some war nickel voodoo on you. Just saying.
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Will, I Suspect that little birdie is the same one that was texting you while you were broken down lol.

Gee I had to go back and see if it was true-yes it was, congrats OD on the gold and is a bonus finding the ring, and getting a silver isn't half bad either.

PJ, I hate to admit it, but finding that lonely silver doubled my silver count for the year!

Very well done OD! That is a really sweet find. Jelly.

Tom, it isn't the well earned silver that you guys in Carolina cherish and seek, but it will suffice lol.

Nice Dude. I never found a class ring. When I dig nickel signals I get nickels(

Great hunt and I'm glad to hear people aren't getting scared away by Chris as much when you guys door knock. Lol

Scraps, I have had a positive influence on the young man. He now owns a hairbrush and a luffa for bathing. Now if I could teach him to iron...

Scraps, I have had a positive influence on the young man. He now owns a hairbrush and a luffa for bathing. Now if I could teach him to iron...

Nice haul man! Love the ring - been a while since I dug one of those. And BTW - if your birth year was '62 then you're not an "old dude". Not even close ..... :laughing7:

Nice haul man! Love the ring - been a while since I dug one of those. And BTW - if your birth year was '62 then you're not an "old dude". Not even close ..... :laughing7:

Bill, colonial class rings are more scarce than hen's teeth! When asked before about why I chose " Old Dude ", I explained " middle aged dude " didn't have the same ring, and since I plan on still doing this when the name fits...well, you get the picture lol. Thanks!

Nice haul man! Love the ring - been a while since I dug one of those. And BTW - if your birth year was '62 then you're not an "old dude". Not even close ..... :laughing7:

Not true, "old" is NOT a number. It depends on what one does with life.
I've known some VERY old "youngsters".

Not true, "old" is NOT a number. It depends on what one does with life.
I've known some VERY old "youngsters".

I'm pretty sure I was born in the wrong era lol, my friends my age (36) think I'm nerdy for my hobby, well they are just boring dudes who work/eat/sleep/ lather, rinse repeat, I've been at this 2 and a half years and freakin love it, nothing like digging up history!

Just got off the phone with the gentleman who the ring belonged to. His old girl friend " lost " the ring many years ago he said. I could hear in his voice how surprised he is and appreciative. We are meeting next week so I can return it. It's a very good feeling to get to do this again. Now I can post this " cleaned " pic lol.

Great job finding the owner. Bravo!

geez, I need to put my sunglasses on to view that pic of the ring all cleaned up!!8-)

Nice chunk of gold!


Awesome you found the owner and a return is in the works, sounds like a "Honorable Mention".

You the Man, well done!!

Yep .
Sometimes it helps to dig almost everything.
3 rd Class Ring Huh.
Never found one myself , Def on the playlist for the Gig in the Sky,.."GIS"

Crazy took 2 diff, friends to a local lake on 2 diff, occasions while Detecting & both Eyeballed One.
Those 2 occasions still 'Ill ' me. LOL "Not really LOL"

Great job finding the owner. Bravo!

Thanks Will. This one wasn't too bad. There was a number posted for a couple ladies that are doing the reunion committee thing for this class and school. One of them helped me with matching the initials to a name, and from there I just had to do a little online searching.

geez, I need to put my sunglasses on to view that pic of the ring all cleaned up!!8-)

Lol, Chris. I admit I did a little tweaking with the lighting and definition of the pic, but I can guarantee you that the ring is in much better shape having been lost all this time than it would have been had he been wearing it the last 40+ years.

Nice chunk of gold!


Yes sir it is. Chris kept telling me that and wanting to hold it all the way home lol!

Awesome you found the owner and a return is in the works, sounds like a "Honorable Mention".

You the Man, well done!!

Thanks Ds! This will be my second class ring return. I just wish I had been able to do the other also.

Yep .
Sometimes it helps to dig almost everything.
3 rd Class Ring Huh.
Never found one myself , Def on the playlist for the Gig in the Sky,.."GIS"

Crazy took 2 diff, friends to a local lake on 2 diff, occasions while Detecting & both Eyeballed One.
Those 2 occasions still 'Ill ' me. LOL "Not really LOL"

Davers, I have dug more beaver tails and pull tabs in the last month than all of last year probably. True story ~ I dug my second class ring while I was waiting on the owner of the first one to call me so we could set up a meeting for the return!

Tell you what, I'll send you one of my dug war nickels, you send me that ring. Everybody wins haha?

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