And here is the filled out - but not decoded via codephrase - Dee Cipher. You'll immediately note that both the top and bottom contain an 'IO'. I've also highlighted the word 'Tunis' for reasons I'll explain some other time - though as an exercise to the reader you might want to connect St. Louis to Tunis in your spare time.


These are the simplest form of the Dee Cipher. The more common 37-1 form is a bit trickier in execution.

Edit: The 2/2 F should be P as it is in the post below.

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You will already note the Fin/Fin in the bottom right corner. Just to the right of the final entries. Anyone familiar with the Beale should be able to correctly guess at this point that a proper cipher code (generally used on the top lines) will result in Fin/Fin being the 'corner' - because of course you have to play this game to the end and fin means end. Later on I'll give you some examples of code words - I will note that the code words for the Beale are given by the Huckleberry Finn 'Friend' letter. Because, you know, Twain wrote both of this in tandem. might want to go back in time and review all the contrary evidence in association/rebuttal with the proposed Stewart solve. Again, with so many "unknowns" man can create whatever he desires from the Beale narration and ciphers. Thanks for posting yet another example. :thumbsup:

... like bigscoop you adopt faux-authority in an area that you actually don't know anything about to try and make a point on the Internet...
...and aren't you doing the same with all these half facts?

All that is being displayed is yet another process that has been used to produce, "seemingly related evidence" in support of treasure or some alternate conspiracy. There are several examples of this, some of them appearing to be reasonable and yet all of these leading to different claims of certain conclusions/remedy. What is lacking in all of these various processes and conclusions and remedies and solutions is still the same thing that has always been lacking.


No, it's just that Tad is trying to sell flawed logic as being a matter of fact. Let me explain what he isn't telling you but what he certainly knows if he has any true understanding of the process he has employed.

There are 936 letters on his spread sheet, only 26 letters in the alphabet, so the entire alphabet can be placed in this space a total of 36 times. Concerning the alphabet, there are rules that govern its use, this being a factor that will dictate a large portion of the letter arrangements on the spread sheet, especially when and where curious arrangements might seem to appear, those arrangements often not as curious as it may otherwise seem.

Note that in the example he has offered there exist “many” such curious arrangements that are not being detailed, the question is why? The answer is simple, those other curious arrangements don't fit into the premeditated scheme of things. In his spreadsheet only those curious arrangements that do fit into the premeditated scheme of things are being highlighted and detailed. Up, down, left, right, catty-corner, every other space, and so on and so on, seemingly curious arrangements can be found all over the spreadsheet. Why then are these other curious arrangements of less value to the creator of this particular spreadsheet? Why do only the ones he has highlighted bear any value? Again, the answer is very-very simple, because those he has highlighted do fit into his premeditated scheme of things and the others don't. It's pretty straight forward basic 101 stuff.

Per example, Longfellow, Cooper, and even James Patterson, the same type of case could be built against anyone of them from the same exact spread sheet if someone chose to spend enough time manufacturing similar fictional evidences against them. It's not what you're being shown that's important, it's what you're not being shown that's important. :thumbsup:

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... As Stewart noted, quite correctly, the translation provided in the Beale does not match up at all with the provided DoI. I owe Mr. Stewart a huge debt because this was a key fact for my unlocking the Beale...
Quotes from Paul Stewart concerning the Beale Papers and ciphers.
"I actually have solved the "ciphers"...and I can concretely say-there is no treasure-so put those shovels down...All of the errors are purposeful, in fact, themselves are the back doors"- April 16, 2013

"My fear however is that the answers are not what people expect them to be as Masonic allegory isn't necessarily narrative in form"- January 16, 2014

"I've solved the Beale Paper mystery-and that there is in fact, no treasure to be had...what I found provides beyond a shadow of a doubt, proof that the Papers were indeed penned as a highly complex Masonic allegory; written in celebration of a event unique in the history of Freemasonry".

A look at Stewart's "evidence":

As with many who have claimed to have solved the Beale mystery, this is another who has "solved" based on his point of view expectations of what the job print pamphlet is all about...and of course, he has a book to sell.
This does not explain why James Beverly Ward went through the process of copyrighting publishing this manuscript for sale to the Lynchburg general public if it was an esoteric Masonic allegory.

... Beale means 'Son of Bel' and is a reference to the story 'Bel and the Dragon' Catholic Apocrypha and specifically to the 1609-10 Douay Bible used by Twain as part of the decoding.

But enough about what I know and scoop doesn't...
The March 1992 newsletter of the BEALE CYPHER ASSOCIATION state they solved the beginning sentences of C1.
"use douay notle start o sv set hindu/au tine in l nye pog base n liet tiene au e e e e rulo pass"
With the above solution, Bible scholar, Ron Zozar , proclaimed that Beale used the Douay-Rheims Bible, the 1790 edition published in Philadelphia by Mathew Carey.

There is no existing evidence that can confirm whomever created the Beale ciphers, or Samuel L Clemens ever used Douay-Rheims Bible for creating ciphers.

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It's all just providing more fact that the Beale papers can be whatever somebody sets out to make them be. Twain, Beacon, KGC, Mosonic, CSA, Poe, whatever anyone sets their sights on. All of the proof/fact is right here in the various threads in this Beale forum. :icon_thumleft:

The March 1992 newsletter of the BEALE CYPHER ASSOCIATION.

Eugene! Yes that's our boy - he screwed up a bit because he didn't realize there was some Latin in what he was deciphering but good on him anyway.

Good to see you're as Jelly as ever ECS. I saw before I logged in that bigscoop is now pretending to be a mathematician and making claims about letter distribution that are as silly as all his other attempts to shill. Jelly. Jelly. Jelly.

Fun fact for Rebel - the KGC used a very similar methodology as did the CSA Intelligence service to send information to each other via Newspaper articles. The key, of course, was to know the (a) keyword and (b) the XX-1 breakdown - Twain mostly uses 37-1 except for the Beale where he uses 23-1 as shown in that one Decipher/ I suspect the CSA/KGC used 37-1 - some ciphers to try include the names of cards (e.g. Ace of Diamonds - Twain uses that for one or more of his 37-1 in his books), Names generally (as you'll see below).

Anyway the Poitiers decipher shows the location of the most interesting treasure hidden by the Beale which is in Chenonceau France and is the thing the CSS Alabama was sent to pick up.


Here is the Poitiers Codeword.

This does not explain why James Beverly Ward went through the process of copyrighting publishing this manuscript for sale to the Lynchburg general public if it was an esoteric Masonic allegory.

Which has nothing to do with this thread or my claims - but you're probably being paid by the shill post so you have to post something right?

And is in fact very similar to the kind of crazy non-sequiturs that bigscoop posted a page or two back - so clearly you are the same person - perhaps alternating a bot between the two accounts.

Must suck to have to sit and post this kind of crap on this forum all day.

Doc Holliday from Tombstone comes to mind, twirling that cup LOL.

Funny you mention that...that is my favorite scene in that movie..Val Kilmer killed it...and I was confused as he did use the term "huckleberry" a few times..." I'm your huckleberry", or "I'll be your huckleberry"...I've saw the movie a few times and now it kind of makes sense...Ddf

For readers following, I'm going to turn aside from Beale Papers and go to Finn and Tom Sawyer and show how the 37-1 Cipher works for those and eventually how they tie back to the Beale. The most interesting is Sawyer because everything Twain did with the Beale he did first, and (IMHO) better, with Adventures of Tom Sawyer. As noted, the Beale Papers exist because no one figured out even the small treasure hunt in Sawyer that Twain wanted people to find. So presumably Twain realized he needed to write a pamphlet that explicitly laid out a treasure hunt with the hope that someone, someday would look at the major books published in the same time frame as the Beale and connect Huckleberry Finn to it and via Finn, Tom Sawyer and Innocents Abroad.

Now there's a couple of very large bombshells in and connected to the Beale - the first Bombshell is the Poitier decipher above - which comes from Huckleberry Finn. What pray tell, you might ask, is hidden at Chenonceau that was so damn important to the CSA that they were willing to risk the CSS Alabama getting sunk?

You'll have to wait and see... it's going to take a long time to get there but if you follow this thread you'll understand everything about the Beale - including why the number '952' is set off in the third Cipher, why Mark Twain visited the interior of volcanoes on multiple occasions despite the fact it could have killed him (Innocents Abroad and Roughing It each include a description of one of the visits) and why I'm unsurprised there are paid shills on this forum who attack any and all attempts to decipher the Beale.

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If TreasureHunter shills out and bans me because I called him out on defending ECS and bigscoop despite their constant shitposting and shilling I can be found on Twitter at CP4070 or Facebook Trevor Dewey (look around). Though I don't post much on Facebook because Facebook is pretty damn Evil.

Anyway, I am beginning to suspect that TreasureHunter's Patriot Act sig is pure BS.

For readers following, I'm going to turn aside from Beale Papers and go to Finn and Tom Sawyer and show how the 37-1 Cipher works for those and eventually how they tie back to the Beale. The most interesting is Sawyer because everything Twain did with the Beale he did first, and (IMHO) better, with Adventures of Tom Sawyer. As noted, the Beale Papers exist because no one figured out even the small treasure hunt in Sawyer that Twain wanted people to find. So presumably Twain realized he needed to write a pamphlet that explicitly laid out a treasure hunt with the hope that someone, someday would look at the major books published in the same time frame as the Beale and connect Huckleberry Finn to it and via Finn, Tom Sawyer and Innocents Abroad.

Now there's a couple of very large bombshells in and connected to the Beale - the first Bombshell is the Poitier decipher above - which comes from Huckleberry Finn. What pray tell, you might ask, is hidden at Chenonceau that was so damn important to the CSA that they were willing to risk the CSS Alabama getting sunk?

You'll have to wait and see... it's going to take a long time to get there but if you follow this thread you'll understand everything about the Beale - including why the number '952' is set off in the third Cipher, why Mark Twain visited the interior of volcanoes on multiple occasions despite the fact it could have killed him (Innocents Abroad and Roughing It each include a description of one of the visits) and why I'm unsurprised there are paid shills on this forum who attack any and all attempts to decipher the Beale.

:laughing7:..."paid shills" pay, unfortunately, but certainly more then enough knowledge to detail factual and contrary points and to ask those truly exposing questions, all of these apparently points of common knowledge that you simply refuse to accept, direct inquiry as to your actual provenance that you simply refuse to answer, or can't answer, etc. Sure, it's understandable that you hate the notion that your theory isn't nearly as solid as you imagined, or that your process is seriously flawed, but to continue to deny what is now the obvious is, well, never going to produce anything productive or accurate. You can keep pushing what is clearly broken and flawed or you can attempt to fix what is broken and flawed. Can't imagine why anyone would want to continue pushing a complete train wreck?

Must suck to have to sit and post this kind of crap on this forum all day.
Then why do you do it?
Is that why you post insults instead of providing any evidence to back up these fantastic theories of Clemens, CSS Alabama, the Douay-Rheims Vulgate Bible, and Poitiers decipherment being involved with the Beale Papers?

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If TreasureHunter shills out and bans me because I called him out on defending ECS and bigscoop despite their constant shitposting and shilling I can be found on Twitter at CP4070 or Facebook Trevor Dewey (look around). Though I don't post much on Facebook because Facebook is pretty damn Evil.

Anyway, I am beginning to suspect that TreasureHunter's Patriot Act sig is pure BS.
Did I miss something?
Anyway, I am surprised that Enigmatist, Legrand, Bumbalawski, and even Franklin and Rebel-KGC( both have vast Civil War knowledge and that CSS Alabama alternative version should have raised red flags) haven't question some of your claims. :flag_red::flag_red::flag_red:

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Did I miss something?
Anyway, I am surprised that Enigmatist, Legrand, Bumbalawski, and even Franklin and Rebel-KGC( both have vast Civil War knowledge and that CSS Alabama alternative version should have raised red flags) haven't question some of your claims. :flag_red::flag_red::flag_red:
HA! NOT my job...

Nor my job either.

I do know a man in Conn. bought the bell off of the CSA Alabama at an antique store in England. He brought it home and kept it for years then he needed money for health issues and placed the bell of the CSA Alabama up for sale. The Feds showed up on his doorstep and told him they heard he was selling stolen US Government Property. He said no sir he had legitimately purchased the bell of the CSA Alabama at an antique store. They told him well it is stolen US Government Property and they confiscated the bell of the CSA Alabama and hauled it away. Moral of the story, I know the History of the Civil War and I have a lot of research on the Civil War but you must be careful what you claim it may be someone else's property?

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