How the game was played....

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Interesting read....I could do this all day. Too bad the games are still played in the same way...

It's pretty fascinating stuff, the way these things went on. The US kind of changed the way the game was played, kind of like men of honor with very little scruples. :laughing7: There was a Frenchman involved in one of the Madison schemes who had served in the American Revolution who simply refused to go along with the scheme because of the dishonesty and underhanded tactics involved.

It's pretty fascinating stuff, the way these things went on. The US kind of changed the way the game was played, kind of like men of honor with very little scruples. :laughing7: There was a Frenchman involved in one of the Madison schemes who had served in the American Revolution who simply refused to go along with the scheme because of the dishonesty and underhanded tactics involved.

DO tell MORE!

Ships. Thousands of people came to this country aboard ships. A lot of the people who came here did so in an effort to escape the turmoils in their countries. Some of these people were favored and well connected in the US, and their efforts likewise aided. What some of them ended up doing once they arrived here was somewhat supported and overseen, yet publicly overlooked at the same time in the most ignorant but concerned fashion.

The DOI, it is a document announcing separation, a formal notice of revolt that speaks of the rights of men.

Ships. Thousands of people came to this country aboard ships. A lot of the people who came here did so in an effort to escape the turmoils in their countries. Some of these people were favored and well connected in the US, and their efforts likewise aided. What some of them ended up doing once they arrived here was somewhat supported and overseen, yet publicly overlooked at the same time in the most ignorant but concerned fashion.

The DOI, it is a document announcing separation, a formal notice of revolt that speaks of the rights of men.

Very much as the CSA vs Abe & the USA... THINK about it...

Very much as the CSA vs Abe & the USA... THINK about it...

What is the significance between the DOI and ships? During Spain's decline of the early 1800's, and especially into the teens and right up to the signing of the Adam's Onis Treaty, was the fact that the US was allowing enemy privateeriing vessels from many countries to use it's ports. Not only was the US allowing the use of these ports but they were also allowing these vessels to be supplied and repaired, and they were also allowing trade to take place. And why not, these vessels were from friendly countries, friends to the US who posed us no threat. Now we have to remember that this condition was in place in the years prior to the Beale era and right up to 1821, or to just after the signing and ratification of the Adams Onis Treaty.

The other major event that was taking place was Napoleon, a complicated affair to be sure but at the time it had also gained its roots in the name of revolt, or claims of the rights of man. In Napoleon's mind he was a freedom fighter and much of the world also saw him under the same light, especially in the beginning. In fact, he had an enormous amount of supporters in this country. But when Napoleon's reign ended many of his supporters had to flee for their very lives and a great deal of them fled to America, men who were suddenly without a home, their futures uncertain. And many of these escapes to America didn't happen over night as many of them had to be very coordinated, thought out affairs with a great deal of advanced planning. Odd that so many of them were able to escape their captors, and yet amazingly, as if by magic, many of them did manage to escape. And this brings us to ships, their passengers and crews, perhaps the most important pieces to the entire story.

PS: Read the "additional" discription of "TJB" again, the part about his being darker, as if more exposure to the sun.

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Making TJB a traveling fighter?.
The D.O.I. a list of what was impressed against us by king of England, yet applied to all who would interfere with America. Still veterans of war for independence even up to onis, who would be wary of any one forcing servitude to royalty.

Making TJB a traveling fighter?.
The D.O.I. a list of what was impressed against us by king of England, yet applied to all who would interfere with America. Still veterans of war for independence even up to onis, who would be wary of any one forcing servitude to royalty.

Perhaps not so much a traveling fighter, but perhaps a very important escort between parties and their business.

Including Texas?Orleans?

Including Texas?Orleans?

Texas. Orleans. And places in between. "Mr. Sherman" is the all elusive and all important character at this point. Can't seem to get a certain line on him yet, not even a vapor trail. :dontknow:

Son of Thomas? For strike three.

Captain(seen other places as colonel) sherman leland 34th us infantry pulled off a wild profit east coast ,don,t see how but allowed him to drop out. Did he know david parish?

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"I recommended to Mr. Hall, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Sherman, and those of Bolivar to keep to the promise and distribute the gold to the indicated places."

We know who Hall & Campbell were, how they played in, who they were connected to. But Mr. Sherman isn't certain, yet. John Sherman is deeply connected with the Beale Pamphlet, has a history of writing tales involving treasure, it's pretty certain he penned the pamphlet. But where did his story come from, his long fascination with tales of treasure? :icon_thumright:

Newspapers. Just about every faction controlled at least one. It's a means by which you can sway public opinion, insight action, raise suspicion, etc. Joseph Bonaparte even owned an American newspaper. Numerous adds were run relating the publication of the Beale Pamphlet, so someone either had unlimited funds to support these adds or they were undertaken by the newspaper itself.

Newspapers. Just about every faction controlled at least one. It's a means by which you can sway public opinion, insight action, raise suspicion, etc. Joseph Bonaparte even owned an American newspaper. Numerous adds were run relating the publication of the Beale Pamphlet, so someone either had unlimited funds to support these adds or they were undertaken by the newspaper itself.

PROBABLY from part of the CSA Treasury... done in 1885, ya know.

PROBABLY from part of the CSA Treasury... done in 1885, ya know.

I appreciate your CSA theory, at one time I considered it myself, but not anymore. Just way too much evidence supporting the dates provided in the Beale Pamphlet. Today we know those two deposits were indeed made during the period provided, just not sure what came of them yet or exactly how/where/why they were made. The "why" we think we understand, but not certain of all the details. There is no doubt in my mind that we finally have the right source.

I appreciate your CSA theory, at one time I considered it myself, but not anymore. Just way too much evidence supporting the dates provided in the Beale Pamphlet. Today we know those two deposits were indeed made during the period provided, just not sure what came of them yet or exactly how/where/why they were made. The "why" we think we understand, but not certain of all the details. There is no doubt in my mind that we finally have the right source.

Care to share? THANKS!

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