Okay, guys... Let's put this thing in perspective. Treasure hunting is definitely a highly individual thing, and ought to be. Individual, yes— but not illegal, unethical, or irresponsible. I'm not going to launch into a lecture about coloring outside the lines, and nobody is here to tee off on anybody else. However, I hope we can all agree that it's probably not a good idea, either personally or in the hobby at large, to stray too far from the following...
Treasure Hunter's Code of Ethics
I will always check federal, state, county and local laws before searching. It is my responsibility to know the law.
I will respect private property and will not enter private property without the owner's permission. Where possible, such permission will be in writing.
I will take care to refill any holes and try not to leave any damage.
I will remove and dispose of any and all trash and litter that I find.
I will appreciate and protect our inheritance of natural resources, wildlife, and private property.
I will, as an ambassador for the hobby, use thoughtfulness, consideration and courtesy at all times.
I will work to help bring unity to our hobby by working with any organization of any geographic area that may have problems that will limit their ability to peacefully pursue the hobby.
I will leave gates as found.
I will build fires in designated or safe places only.
I will report to the proper authorities any individuals who enter and/or remove artifacts from federal parks or state preserves.