How should I approach a church for permission?

Permission is a MUST. Whenever I'm tempted to hunt without permisson, I remember that by having a detector in my hand I'm representing all of you, and I don't want to do anything that would give anyone a case against us as detectorists. I don't want restrictions on MDing here like there are in other countries. And there are already regulations in some places here! If we were all to start trespassing and pilfering sites that we don't own, law enforcement would get involved in a hurry! Let's not give them any reason to. My general approach to MDing is that I like to lay low. I don't want to arouse any suspicion by tattle-tale-passers-by who might call the property owner I've secured permission from and pester them. I don't want to break the law or do anything illegal that might draw negative legal attention to myself or our hobby. I don't want other MDists driving by and wondering what I'm finding out in a farmer's field. So I lay low. Being inconspicuous is the best thing. For example, I personally would never bring 5 friends to hunt a Civil War campsite together (more likely that we'll get kicked out because of all the holes, plus too much attention drawn to us). Get permission. Be kind and enthusiastic about what you do. Leave a good impression with the property owner. Make sure that they think you're one of the kindest, nicest people they've ever met. Squeaky wheels always get the grease. Let's keep the squeaks to a minimum.


Yep.. I'm in the permission agreement group myself being a hunter and all myself.

Just cuz the MD'er doesn't make a big "BOOM" when a target is found doesn't change things.

And yes we're all in this together.... Right ?

If yo think so perhaps Hillbilly and a few other silent non-posting folks need our brotherly help.

A permission slip of sorts would be a good idea. It's just like hunting. There's some paperwork

involved for permission to hunt. A MDing slip would help the "shy'er" folks among us get that permission.

It should be short...Stating Intent.... Including the MD'ers name and address. And promise to leave no holes.

Anyone wanna take a stab at one ?.......... Permission Slip that is... LOL

BTW Guys ... my knee surgery is coming along nicely. No more cane. Still have pain. See Dr. Friday for post op.

Okay, guys... Let's put this thing in perspective. Treasure hunting is definitely a highly individual thing, and ought to be. Individual, yes— but not illegal, unethical, or irresponsible. I'm not going to launch into a lecture about coloring outside the lines, and nobody is here to tee off on anybody else. However, I hope we can all agree that it's probably not a good idea, either personally or in the hobby at large, to stray too far from the following...

Treasure Hunter's Code of Ethics

I will always check federal, state, county and local laws before searching. It is my responsibility to know the law.

I will respect private property and will not enter private property without the owner's permission. Where possible, such permission will be in writing.

I will take care to refill any holes and try not to leave any damage.

I will remove and dispose of any and all trash and litter that I find.

I will appreciate and protect our inheritance of natural resources, wildlife, and private property.

I will, as an ambassador for the hobby, use thoughtfulness, consideration and courtesy at all times.

I will work to help bring unity to our hobby by working with any organization of any geographic area that may have problems that will limit their ability to peacefully pursue the hobby.

I will leave gates as found.

I will build fires in designated or safe places only.

I will report to the proper authorities any individuals who enter and/or remove artifacts from federal parks or state preserves.

Back to the Original Question.

How should I approach a church for permission?

How you do it is up to you, However Permission these days is
Necessary. unless you live in Mayberry all your life
& the church is in town.

What I have Found out in My area.

Churches are Owned by the Congrigation as a Whole.

Preachers are Employees.

Grounds Keepers are Employees. (and sometimes also part of the Congrigation)

To gain Absolute Permission, you must ask the Congrigation as a whole.

HOWEVER ; Loopholes :

Ask the Groundskeeper. if he/she says yes. you can Legally Search.

Ask the Preacher. If he/she says yes you can Legally Search.

Ask a Member of the Congrigation if He/she says yes you can legally search.

However Churches are made up of Many Personalaties. and IF the one member
of the congrigation who gave you permission is not LOVED by all,
your permission can be Revoked.


Hey Nathan104 you said you might be doing it all wrong. If you are getting out there you are learning & that is not wrong. As momma always said practise practise. I started of digging every beep as you go on you will learn your MDer & know what to dig. If I could learn & still am so can you. You can do it. Let us know what you find. Hillbilly Bread<><

Went to a church this morning to ask permission to metal detect the property( civil war area) was told to speak to the administrator,explained to her that me a friend do this as a hobby and she said go for it and even told about a area to check first as this is planned to be used for parking expansion
this summer.

Rockfshr said:
Went to a church this morning to ask permission to metal detect the property( civil war area) was told to speak to the administrator,explained to her that me a friend do this as a hobby and she said go for it and even told about a area to check first as this is planned to be used for parking expansion
this summer.

Great News.

Don't forget to post your Finds.


This is something that has helped me get the good spots to hunt. I am part of are local museum. All my good finds go in the display, I have there. When folks find out that is where the finds go they are more then happy to have me come to there property to hunt. This way I can enjoy them & others to. Hillbilly Bread<><


Like I said before, I do not have a issue with you. You were not the reason why this topic has come up. There was another post written by someone else that got this ball rolling. Having said that, you did hop in the conversation and some of the things you said were not helpful. You are always welcome to your opinion and I will respect it.

Hey storm thanks. I did have mesages from others that it did help. I thank you for the welcome of my opinion. I really want to keep it all friendly as the topic says. Hillbilly Bread<><

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