How much silver have you found in one place?


Sep 1, 2006
I am curious! How many silver coins have you found at one site? I have been at one site off and on for 3 years now and have found over 150 silver coins ranging from Dimes, Qtrs, Half dollars and the ocasional silver nickel. Most dates are from the 20s to the early 60s. The site I hunt is approximately 2 acres in size. I am interested in hearing about others who have found productive sites. Thanks

HI I am from Michigan and I have been hunting a old park that was active in the late 1800's. I have hit this park every year sence i was 7 years old and I am now 37 years old. Each year this park gives me coins. one year I got around 12 indians. over the years I have found < indians, v nickels, sheild nickels,half dime, 1853 quartor, silver charm, kid rings, and weeties. Some days I find only one coin and others a ring and a couple coins. This park is quit hilly and all hard woods. I think it shows I have a skill at finding coins other people have missed. This is the first park I will hunt when the snow melts. This year I am going to turn down my discrimanate and try some relick hunting to find some gold, I have not found any gold at this park do to so much trash. I hope this is my year for a gold coin! I know their has to be at least on In this park for me to find.

In three months at an old home site during 2006, I found over 80 silver coins. It was a small corner lot, the house was long gone. All of the coins were from the 1920's. The site is a bank now. :'(


I've been hunting two old farm spots (one for over a year), and have only turned up less than 10 silver coins at each.
I'm sure a park, or an area that had tons of people would be a different story. You're doing great on the silver finds.

Old Dog, that is a fantastic cache you found! That had to be exciting! The area I have been hunting has been a sportsmans club and an youth camp so it follows that many coins would have been lost over the years. I feel I am blessed to have such a great place to hunt. It also helps when you are learning your detector settings.

I found 4 silver coins and 1 shield type nickel at a park in southern illinois... i'm sure there is more to be found...

Found over 20 in a private residence. The owner had 2 boys back in the 50's. They also had some money too - he worked for McDonnel Douglas aircraft. Boys seem to lose more stuff than girls do. They also have a tendency to bury stuff for the fun of it.


22, 1 quarter and 21 dimes and counting from a spot in the woods that was probably an old picnic grove at where I go to college. Most of the coins were from the 1890s and early 1900s and are Fine or better, which suggests a short period of intense activity.The newest coin, besides clad was a 1911 barber dime. I've pulled two rare coins from the site, both 1896 o barber dimes in F and VF from different parts of the area

I found around 250 silver coins in about a three day time once. 22 of them were halves. I found them in a drained swimming area at Big Ridge State park here in Tennessee a long time ago. They had drained the lake to repair the dam and I was lucky enough for a good friend of mine to let me in on it. He found an unbelievable amount before he took me there. I found around 6 or 8 gold rings and a bunch of silver ones. All of the silver was tarnished as black as coal. The mud was about waist deep right under the diving board and then it was only about a foot deep where the raft was sitting in the mud. I came out of there with several hundred dollars just in face value. I know it sounds far fetched but if you will look at my yearly total post and see my meager silver finds for the entire year of 2007 I think you will believe me. I'm not on here to tell whoppers, just to have a great time and enjoy the great finds of TNet members. And just maybe I'll find something to make the banner one day. Have a good one y'all


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