You will not find an argument from me that mailboxes are a harsh tool when recovering delicate items...
But they are the fastest and easiest way to remove sand in exploration for item location.
I wonder what Spain holds up its sleeve to remove 4-7 feet (plus and minus) of overburden... ?
As an alternative to mailbox sand removal >?
I think Spain has no clue as to the environmental situations here on our coasts.
This perplexes me.
By the way... I want to add my 2 cents worth... on this disturbing subject of "Spain owning anything here"...
IF there is any interference from Spain concerning finds ON or IN Florida lands OR its waters...
There is no shortage of Anti-theft funding and donations here... and many are prepared to exhaust the funds and resources all the way to the Supremes...
The lines of wealthy connected individuals who will never let this happen stretches from here TO Spain... and back.
The legal team(s) here are... and have been... postured and ready.
I for one would donate as well to them... And contact all I know.
IF they try and "take" from American soil... I recommend Spain puts on a seatbelt on for that one.... heh
I do not think they will find the same results as they got from Odyssey...
This IS NOT the "Mercedes" on the bottom of arguable submerged lands... This IS Florida .... get it ?....
And Spain shall not "Tread" here... too many smart deep pocketed individuals to allow that to ever happen...
The news would be alive with that sort of news and Americans will never allow Spain to "take" from its citizens...
Spain may have won a major battle concerning "debatable ownership"... through "red tape"...
But would not look good trying to "pushover" on America's lands.
There is NO debate on "who" owns what lies on OUR lands...
We do...
PS> Remember one thing... "possession" IS 9/10ths of ALL law.