How do you conquer your frustration


Sr. Member
Aug 27, 2017
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Detector(s) used
Minelab GM1000
White's GMZ
White's Spectrum XLT
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hey everyone. I'm getting the blues with metal detecting. The only thing of any age to it that I have found was a 1954 wheat penny and that was literally in the middle of the woods. I've been detecting a man's property who's house was built in 1830, and only pulled 90's pennies and dimes. I've researched old historic maps, and gone to those old homesteads, and found nothing. I love the hobby, it keeps me intrigued and the time flies by...but I haven't found ANYTHING! There is literally so much history where I live, and yet I can't find anything. I'd settle for a darn 1960 quarter for crying out loud. I just don't understand how you all are finding relics, 1800's coins, jewelry, etc. I feel I have a very good understanding of my detector (Whites XLT)...amd yet, here I am typing this. I have spent hundreds in gas, hours researching, days upon days away from my family chasing those coils finds, and just haven't found any thing that screams "this is what it's all about!" To me. I don't want to give up, and want to stay motivated....but that frustration is hitting me HARD! Any advice you could give to help me make some finds, and also raise my spirits would be great! Like do you become good at metal detecting!?

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I got discouraged looking at all the incredible posts when I joined around 2002. I quit looking at tnet after a few posts, and just went solo. I should stayed a member of tnet, I could have learned a lot and shared a lot. 13 years later I joined back. Probably that goes for any supportive forum. Great advice here, don't get discouraged! If your getting out a lot you will find something incredible soon enough. You never know what's around the corner!!!
And it's good to have you back. Now 13yrs. later, you are now one of the guys sharing and giving support. It's one of the good things about this Forum.

I have placed items under the surface and practiced with it. That's how I've been able to find modern coins and what not instead of junk and pull tabs. And as far as being up north (I'm originally from michigan) I would much rather be there. At least up there you have public land. There's no such thing as public land in Georgia or alabama. Also, any place that has a legitimate treasure buried, the gov owns the land (drives me crazy). Have any of you found any caches? I've wondered, if somebody 100 years ago buried their change/money/silver/gold inside of an iron pot, what is the detector going to do. Will it scream from the stuff inside, or will it only recognize the iron?

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Regarding caches, I doubt anybody will say "hey, I found a big cache of silver or gold coins!!" That would be stupid. I would bet there are some on here who have found some smaller ones, and there are posts using the "cache" word, but I haven't seen any real ones posted here found in this country. If you bought a detector thinking you will find a major cache you likely will be disappointed you whole detecting career, it happens to VERY FEW. Most hunters other than beach hunters never find much really valuable items, not too many really ever cover the cost of their machines in five or more years of hunting here in the states. Yes, the southern guys occasionally find a rare and valuable relic like a confederate buckle, yes, some guys find a $20 gold piece or two, yes occasionally a gold nugget hunter finds a big one, a few guys find valuable colonial relics, but I'd bet 90% of all MDers never find enough valuables to cover their machine's cost. I was lucky enough to find a diamond ring valued at ten times what my old BFO cost but I now have a couple thousand in machines and have not covered that cost. It is the thrill of the hunt that makes most of us keep at it. Never knowing if the next target will be that diamond ring, valuable relic or coin, always thinking "the next beep is going to be a walking liberty half dollar" kind of attitude is important. An old fellow in VA at an NVRHA meeting in the early 70s told me what is now my motto "ya won't find nothin' if ya don't hunt". Regarding an iron pot full of coins, even a large piece of iron closer to the surface will sound like a good target to most detectors. My own detecting saying is "he who digs the most holes finds the most good stuff". Discrimination is nice but if you discriminate out pull tabs and never dig a pull tab or foil signal you will likely never find a gold coin or gold ring. Digging trash is a pain but "iffy" signals can be a deep silver coin on edge or a coin under or over a nail. You HAVE to dig junk to find good stuff unless like I said in my last post you get LUCKY. Even with my modern machines I dig probably more than ten pieces of junk for every coin. I like to KNOW what that signal is and the only way to do so is to dig it up, and there are thousands of metallic items in the ground that will ring up like a coin.

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First, I think about my second wife. Now that I'm good and angry, I just go out and start detecting and digging. Soon I realize I'm feeling great, and it's almost time for a cool beer, or a hot, buttered rum! :coffee2:

Ya but how about if your still on wife number one? :laughing7:

Hey everyone. I'm getting the blues with metal detecting. The only thing of any age to it that I have found was a 1954 wheat penny and that was literally in the middle of the woods. I've been detecting a man's property who's house was built in 1830, and only pulled 90's pennies and dimes. I've researched old historic maps, and gone to those old homesteads, and found nothing. I love the hobby, it keeps me intrigued and the time flies by...but I haven't found ANYTHING! There is literally so much history where I live, and yet I can't find anything. I'd settle for a darn 1960 quarter for crying out loud. I just don't understand how you all are finding relics, 1800's coins, jewelry, etc. I feel I have a very good understanding of my detector (Whites XLT)...amd yet, here I am typing this. I have spent hundreds in gas, hours researching, days upon days away from my family chasing those coils finds, and just haven't found any thing that screams "this is what it's all about!" To me. I don't want to give up, and want to stay motivated....but that frustration is hitting me HARD! Any advice you could give to help me make some finds, and also raise my spirits would be great! Like do you become good at metal detecting!?

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Have a home brew that is very helpful.:occasion14::walk:

I told my wife about this post that I made, and told her that all the comments were like "oh you're still on your first wife that's cute". She goes "it's so funny that you mention that because when the lady was loading my groceries the other day she seen all of your metal detectors in the back of my truck and was like 'my first husband used to do that, he never found sh*t, and I don't know what he's doing now' and you could just tell that she was so disgruntled that the site of metal detectors" LOL

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Just curious, depth isn't the answer. If the stuff isn't already in the ground depth won't help much. The best OLD places to go are places that had houses but those buildings are no longer standing. Research is your best friend right now. Hand up the machine for the rest of the week and find some history books, an old farm (and yes, driving is a rule in metal detecting), look at the history and aerials maps as far back as they go and get some permissions. Happiness is a farm field that had three houses in it NO ONE ever detected before. That's where it's at. I have maybe 10 POUNDS of clad from beaches from this year and last. Gulf coast beaches can be great. Winter is also a good time to visit one.

I told my wife about this post that I made, and told her that all the comments were like "oh you're still on your first wife that's cute". She goes "it's so funny that you mention that because when the lady was loading my groceries the other day she seen all of your metal detectors in the back of my truck and was like 'my first husband used to do that, he never found sh*t, and I don't know what he's doing now' and you could just tell that she was so disgruntled that the site of metal detectors" LOL

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When I showed my wife (a while ago when I was married) the rings I had found, she got her own metal detector! ╦╦Ç

I've been detecting since about '70. Back when BFOs were the thing. You'll have dry spells and WOW spells. After a while, you'll see progress and look back and find, yes, you are finding things. It's like reading a novel..... most pages are "blank" yet you'll get the whole picture when you finish. After a "general" training period, you will probably specialize. That is when it will all start to make sense. But that is a long ways off. Stick with the guys and gals here. They'll help you. Remember.... where ever people gather. That's a good starting place. ╦╦Ç

Ya but how about if your still on wife number one? :laughing7:

Then try and imagine Nancy Pelosi, yelling at you to take out the garbage!

I've been detecting since about '70. Back when BFOs were the thing. You'll have dry spells and WOW spells. After a while, you'll see progress and look back and find, yes, you are finding things. It's like reading a novel..... most pages are "blank" yet you'll get the whole picture when you finish. After a "general" training period, you will probably specialize. That is when it will all start to make sense. But that is a long ways off. Stick with the guys and gals here. They'll help you. Remember.... where ever people gather. That's a good starting place. ╦╦Ç

Then, you get a new machine and start all!

Since about July. Which really isn't long...but I go literally every day for multiple hours. Lunch break at work, detecting, after work, detecting, time between shift, detecting, days off, detecting lol. It's driving my wife nuts. I'm like, "there's nothing that says this can't be a family event! You just choose not to participate." Haha

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JC- Ihave been at this for a lot longer than you (bought a White's DFX in 2003) and I still haven't found a wheat penny, rosie, or silver quarter. Other than 1 '67 Kennedy half and 1 seated half dime it has been all clad, pull tabs, and lead sinkers.

Let me ask you this.....WHY did you get into detecting? I love being outside and the thrill of the hunt. Knowing that the next beep COULD be a class ring or gold coin is enough to keep me going. I know the finds will come. You need to figure out why you got into it and focus on that.

Hope is doesn't sound like I am preaching, because I am not. Just putting in my 2 cents worth. Not that it is worth even 2 cents.

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Location, location, location. If it's not there to begin with, you'll never find it. Seriously though, keep at it and eventually you'll start hitting.

Hey everyone. I'm getting the blues with metal detecting. The only thing of any age to it that I have found was a 1954 wheat penny and that was literally in the middle of the woods. I've been detecting a man's property who's house was built in 1830, and only pulled 90's pennies and dimes. I've researched old historic maps, and gone to those old homesteads, and found nothing. I love the hobby, it keeps me intrigued and the time flies by...but I haven't found ANYTHING! There is literally so much history where I live, and yet I can't find anything. I'd settle for a darn 1960 quarter for crying out loud. I just don't understand how you all are finding relics, 1800's coins, jewelry, etc. I feel I have a very good understanding of my detector (Whites XLT)...amd yet, here I am typing this. I have spent hundreds in gas, hours researching, days upon days away from my family chasing those coils finds, and just haven't found any thing that screams "this is what it's all about!" To me. I don't want to give up, and want to stay motivated....but that frustration is hitting me HARD! Any advice you could give to help me make some finds, and also raise my spirits would be great! Like do you become good at metal detecting!?

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When I started hunting back 1989, I located the oldest part of town and began knocking on doors. Went up one side and then down the other, moved to the next block and repeated the process. I had about a 90% sucess rate getting permission back then, I average about 50% now. I started finding old stuff right off the bat, I was using a Garrett Groundhog VLF/TR machine, no meter, 1 tone, dug everything. The worse thing that can happen is they may say no, so what, move on to the next one til you get a yes. Now, with that said, not every yard is going to produce, but, when they do, it'll more than make up for the no's and the duds. Hang in there, it takes a while to get to know your machine.

JC- Ihave been at this for a lot longer than you (bought a White's DFX in 2003) and I still haven't found a wheat penny, rosie, or silver quarter. Other than 1 '67 Kennedy half and 1 seated half dime it has been all clad, pull tabs, and lead sinkers.

Let me ask you this.....WHY did you get into detecting? I love being outside and the thrill of the hunt. Knowing that the next beep COULD be a class ring or gold coin is enough to keep me going. I know the finds will come. You need to figure out why you got into it and focus on that.

Hope is doesn't sound like I am preaching, because I am not. Just putting in my 2 cents worth. Not that it is worth even 2 cents.
My prospecting originally got me involved. Bought a couple gold detectors, but needed to fill that void when I couldn't make the 2-3 hour trip to the gold belt.

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Whenever I do a little research and check a place out but find nothing I will stop by a park and do some easy digging of some clad. It feels good just to dig something after a day with no finds. Hit a few clad quarters and buy a cold one. Also keeps me sharp.

When I️ first started detecting, it was after my uncle took me to an old school from the 1800s that his friend lived in. I️ was hooked ever since. We found all of the schools silverware, rings, graduation pins that the kids would wear on their shirts, etc. all silver.

Long story short, I️ bought my own detector and learned my machine. There is a small field up the street from me, less than one minute walk. I️ went there and practiced on it, found out how my machine reacts. I️ then moved on to asking permission to hunt all parks, and I️ usually received it every time. I️ printed out those permissions in case someone ever stopped me.

The field led to Parks, the parks led to an old home or two after talking to friends and just finding out they own a place that’s old or live near a place that’s old (another email asking permission)... you get the idea.

I️ now have permission on an old school situated on top of a revolutionary war battlefield. I’ve visited the site about 10 total times, and just two weeks ago I️ started finding good things. I️ found I️ skipped over a lot of sounds that ended up being good. I️ learned that my machine was responding differently in those soils, and started digging. You can find my posts plastered all over this forum. All of these nice, kind people have helped identify everything for me after I️ drove them all crazy.

If I️ had any last advice for you, it would be to pay attention to deep signals. This is where learning your machine will pay off. I️ dig more 2017 clad than I’d like to admit. Some people love that. I️ actually find it a waste of time. Could care less about digging penny’s and dimes unless they were old. I️ just started digging deeper signals recently and my clad is getting older, and just two weeks ago I️ found my first silver quarter. Listen for the deep signals.

My point is, you need to learn your machine and then begin asking for permission. I’d start with older parks. Listen for the deep signals. The old field I️ told you I️ used to visit when I️ was really young, I️ STILL visit that field often for practice, and I end up finding cool small relics every so often.

Go Find those old parks!

Sorry that Apple messed up my phone and all of letter “i’s” have turned in to I️.

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When I started hunting back 1989, I located the oldest part of town and began knocking on doors. Went up one side and then down the other, moved to the next block and repeated the process. I had about a 90% sucess rate getting permission back then, I average about 50% now. I started finding old stuff right off the bat, I was using a Garrett Groundhog VLF/TR machine, no meter, 1 tone, dug everything. The worse thing that can happen is they may say no, so what, move on to the next one til you get a yes. Now, with that said, not every yard is going to produce, but, when they do, it'll more than make up for the no's and the duds. Hang in there, it takes a while to get to know your machine.
You have an attitude I fully agree with! ╦╦Ç

Then, you get a new machine and start all!
Assuming the new detector is a step up, the great part of the experience on the old machine is that it is usually transferable. ╦╦Ç

If I'm checking out a new place and don't find anything I will stop by a park and dig a few clad coins, then buy a cold one. It feels good just to dig something and helps pay for the cold one too.:occasion14:

My prospecting originally got me involved. Bought a couple gold detectors, but needed to fill that void when I couldn't make the 2-3 hour trip to the gold belt.

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When you started prospecting, did you find lots of gold right away? Or, did you have to work at it for a while to start getting enough gold to make your trip worth while?

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