How do I delete my account?

Folks here have not been friendly at all, and I am just so done with this place. I just want to delete my account and go, but I can't find a button to do so.
You have only been here for a bit, and it seems that you've had an issue on really how to reply to questions that are posted.
It's not that folks are challenging your age/intelligence/experience it's mainly the way something is explained and the reply back to them.
When some are tad condescending, expect the same in type of respond.

Kind of look over a reply, look in the mirror, and really think is it me, or them that has the issue.

From reading all your posts it seems that you might want to just reflect on the way you responded a few times.

Generally 90% of every thing posted is just regular posts, it's getting into the flow, how folks respond, and how they tick on a subject.

The wealth of knowledge that is on the forum is immense and can be tapped in a few keystrokes.

Here's an idea: Instead of deleting your content (which isn't recommended -site rules) why not just not play in the this sandbox any longer.
You did post up that you were finished with social media and came here-maybe you brought a bit of a chip along with you also.
Best of luck with your devices and knowledge.

Folks here have not been friendly at all, and I am just so done with this place. I just want to delete my account and go, but I can't find a button to do so.
I have looked at replies to your threads and posts, members are not being mean.

When you post a video or picture you can expect questions, especially when you post video of home made equipment, asking questions about equipment, how it works, doesn't work or what a part is does not mean they are being mean.

If you want to close your account I can do that for you, but we do not delete accounts or threads or allow them to be destroyed by op because they get upset with out mod/admin approval.

Stick around you may learn something from someone who has been doing it for decades.

I do not do any social media except here on wife, daughters, and in-laws all have their accounts and I can tell you from watching from the sidelines that many posts or comments are easily misconstrued, misunderstood, or not meant to be the way they are taken. That's how it is when we live in a faceless world where communication is most often done through these means where those on a defensive see everything as a challenge against them. Sounds like you have already been there done that before coming here....go figure.

I have looked at replies to your threads and posts, members are not being mean.

When you post a video or picture you can expect questions, especially when you post video of home made equipment, asking questions about equipment, how it works, doesn't work or what a part is does not mean they are being mean.

If you want to close your account I can do that for you, but we do not delete accounts or threads or allow them to be destroyed by op because they get upset with out mod/admin approval.

Stick around you may learn something from someone who has been doing it for decades.
It's not about people being mean. It's about people behaving the same way they do all over the Internet. People didn't understand what I was posting, and instead of just asking questions: I get pointed questions with a condescending tone. I didn't act rude to anyone, didn't sell anything to anyone, and didn't do ANYTHING wrong. I have been so sick lately, and I will probably be needing surgery soon. I just don't need that kind of thing in my life right now. If you really want me to stay: please delete the threads I have posted. I am seriously not interested in dealing with a lot of drama right now.

Sorry you are having health issues. Stick around while you’re healing up and read the reports . There is a lot of good information to be had here. Maybe once you’re healed up and feeling better you may have a new perspective on things.

Sorry you are having health issues. Stick around while you’re healing up and read the reports . There is a lot of good information to be had here. Maybe once you’re healed up and feeling better you may have a new perspective on things.
Thank you. I am certain there are many lovely people here. I've just put so much money and work into my project that it's really frustrating to get negativity about it. I just have such limited energy right now. I realize now that I should have just never tried to reach out and be social about this.

It's not about people being mean. It's about people behaving the same way they do all over the Internet. People didn't understand what I was posting, and instead of just asking questions: I get pointed questions with a condescending tone. I didn't act rude to anyone, didn't sell anything to anyone, and didn't do ANYTHING wrong. I have been so sick lately, and I will probably be needing surgery soon. I just don't need that kind of thing in my life right now. If you really want me to stay: please delete the threads I have posted. I am seriously not interested in dealing with a lot of drama right now.
No one is being rude or unfriendly, you say the same thing happens all over the internet then maybe the issue is on your end.

You said you "came here hoping for some help with an odd project" . You post thread and video in our sluicing forum, and High Banking and dredging forum, your going to get questions, some member's here been doing this all their lives.

You posted a video of new suction dredge you say you built and members ask questions about it and how it works, you become offended you don't like the questions asked you want "questions" not "pointed questions", pointed questions go to the heart of the matter or subject, they are usually direct questions seeking a direct answer, that is not being unfriendly, it is asking a question to understand.

Maybe your taking offense where none is intended.

I'm not deleting threads for reasons already stated, but I did lock them so there are no further replies posted on them.

I am sorry about your health issues, hope it gets better for you soon..👍

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Well, aside from member interactions the fundamental question is a good one. Can a tnet account be deleted? I tried to do so at one point as well (for other reasons) but I wasn't able to figure out how. Is there even a way to do it?

Well, aside from member interactions the fundamental question is a good one. Can a tnet account be deleted? I tried to do so at one point as well (for other reasons) but I wasn't able to figure out how. Is there even a way to do it?
No, members can not delete their account theirselves, the software doesn't allow it.

It is extremely rare we delete an account because if we do all their posts and threads disappear, anyone who replied to their thread replies are lost, it leaves holes in threads where a post that was quoted or replied to dissappears which them makes replies to missing post making no sense.

No, members can not delete their account theirselves, the software doesn't allow it.

It is extremely rare we delete an account because if we do all their posts and threads disappear, anyone who replied to their thread replies are lost, it leaves holes in threads where a post that was quoted or replied to dissappears which them makes replies to missing post making no sense.
Ah, yeah, and many of those old posts contain useful information so I suppose I could see why it's best to preserve accounts.

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