Been doing some detecting around old placer mines lately. Wondering why/how miners chose to dig pits in some spots and not others. Sometimes a placer mine will only have 3-5 pits. Other times there are 20 or 30 scattered around. What signs did they look for that said "dig here?"
Obviously some pits and trenches are dug at the site of a gold bearing outcropping. But what about the pits scattered around the banks of a creek (for instance?) Did they just dig pits at random? Did they only dig where they happened to stumble across big ol nuggets on the surface? Did they do endless soil sampling/panning and dig wherever they found specks?
Just to clarify, I'm not asking about what would bring miners to a particular region (ie: geology, faults, panning samples, etc...) I'm asking what would cause them to dig any particular pit within the area of interest.
Obviously some pits and trenches are dug at the site of a gold bearing outcropping. But what about the pits scattered around the banks of a creek (for instance?) Did they just dig pits at random? Did they only dig where they happened to stumble across big ol nuggets on the surface? Did they do endless soil sampling/panning and dig wherever they found specks?
Just to clarify, I'm not asking about what would bring miners to a particular region (ie: geology, faults, panning samples, etc...) I'm asking what would cause them to dig any particular pit within the area of interest.