Hopeful Decoders Take Note!

DUH, once again, where does it tell of this tearing in half "in the only original source material?" I never read any of that in the narration? So, where is it stated that "a single missing piece of paper was torn in half?" Where did that information come from? DUH....:laughing7:
YEP! "The Beale Story "narration" has ONE missing piece of paper; ECS is correct about two pieces of paper with NUMBERS & "CIRCLES"... Did the Hart Bros. tear the "missing piece of paper" (narration) in "half"...? Dunno...

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YEP! "The Beale Story "narration" has ONE missing piece of paper; ECS is correct about two pieces of paper with NUMBERS & "CIRCLES"... Did the Hart Bros. tear the "missing piece of paper" (narration) in "half"...? Dunno...

We have "alleged" statements from both Morriss and the unknown author in the narration, (which I have posted several times), as to the contents of the iron box, the piece of paper that you refer is never mentioned as having ever having been in the iron box. Aside from the letters and ciphers the only other referenced item was some old receipts, no mention of this other piece of paper? So now this piece of paper that you and Franklin and ECS question becomes a matter of he-said-she-said, in no way can it be taken as fact. Not only this, but where did the "torn in half" come from? Is this just more unsupported speculation and he-said-she-said?

I have deciphered those two small pieces of paper years ago. They are a map to a stone formation on top of the Blue Ridge Parkway. Is the treasure there? I don't know? Because it is out of the four mile range from Buford's Tavern.

Franklin if it is outside the 4 mile range, is it within the NSA's 5 mile range?

Franklin if it is outside the 4 mile range, is it within the NSA's 5 mile range?

Benjamin, That is a tough question to answer. It is within four miles of "Bufords" By this I mean the author left that open to different locations. There were Bufford's all over the valley and all the way into Bedford City or Liberty, depending on the time frame. Now if the author was talking about Buford's were the town of Montvale sprang up from Buford's Depot, then yes it is out of the four mile or the five mile range.

But if you take "Buford's" meaning Buford's what? Then there are other locations. Now Paschal Buford bought Fancy Farm and if the author was talking about Buford's Fancy Farm then yes it is within the four mile or the five mile range. The author could have meant Buford's Ordinary, Buford's Tavern, Buford's Church, Buford's Depot, I mean it left it wide open. But most treasure hunter's think the author was talking about Buford's where Paschal Buford and Henry his father before him, kept a bed and breakfast for weary travelers. So I really do not know. If we do not find something in writing verifying the story then it is a hopeless cause.

Even treasure hunters get this location wrong. Pauline Innis found an old Monroe Map that had Bufford's up near Bufford's Gap about four miles west of present Buford's Depot or Montvale. You take the decayed chimney where everyone says the tavern was located. Well yes it was there and it is still there. The old decayed chimney was the kitchen behind the tavern. The tavern is still there and the Howell Family uses it to store supplies for their business.

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And now for those of you who are silently viewing this thread and scratching you chins and heads let us take a look at this missing unintelligible piece of paper that the author says still needs to be brought to light.

A) Is it another cipher? No, because we already have everything we need in C1, C2, C3, these containing the who, the what, and the where.
B) Is it another written key in the form of a text? No, because if it were a text then it would be intelligible and not "unintelligible."
3) What else then, could it be?

Can we revive this thread?

What do you mean missing piece of unintelligible paper? Is that the Pauline Innis thing? Can I see it?

Sir Rebel you seem to know something that I don't please help.

Jean, Legrand, Masterpoe, Franklin, and others who have dabbled at trying to decode C1, you folks need to read this and understand these existing conditions.

C1, C2, C3, lay them all next to each other and then take note of their differences. In C3 we have no 4 digit codes, in C2 we have only one, this being used for the letter “x” as there are no words in the DOI/key that begin with x so 1000 was used to express the letter x. In C1, however, we find 19 four digit codes. The question you should now ask yourselves is, “why are there 19 four digit codes in C1 and none in the other ciphers?” This question has lead to some profound discoveries that I'm going to share with you now.

C1, computer anaylisis of this cipher has concluded that C1 CAN'T POSSIBLY CONTAIN A GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT CLEAR TEXT as it is presented, 132 years of thousands of trial and error attempts also serving to establish this cold hard fact. However, and due to those 19 four digit codes, this doesn't mean that no grammatically correct clear text can exist in C1. Confused? Then allow me to explain further. THE USE OF A HOMOPHONIC CIPHER, OR A VARIABLE SHIFT ALPHABET CAN, BUT IS A FUTILE CIPHER TO BE USED TO PASS TO ANOTHER TO DECODE, UNLESS THERE IS A KEY. YOU ALSO CAN ACHIEVE THIS BY HAVING A KEYED SHIFT OF AN ALPHABET. JIM GILOGLY DID DISCOVER AN ALPHABETICAL STRAND, AND WOULDN'T YOU KNOW IT, IT WAS PLACED AT THE 500TH NUMBER IN THE CIPHER (REMEMBER THE STORYLINE WHERE IT TALKED ABOUT HOW ALL WENT 500 MILES ON THE RETURN TRIPS AND HOW SOME WENT BACK? AS IN A REVERSED USE IN SOME?)

Right from the very start code-breaking hopefuls have ASSUMED that similar C2 process was to be used to decode C1, (NOT EVERYONE BTW) but what if the author of these three ciphers was counting on that very thing? YOU ARE COUNTING ON THAT VERY THING BIGSCOOP. In recent post I have often said that I can't think of a single hiding place that I couldn't tell you about in a single sentence, the average English sentence being between 13 & 20 words. DID YOU BURY THE TROVE AND MAKE THE CIPHERS? THIS LOOK LIKE COMMON SENSE TO YOU? So let us assume that our coder used four digit codes to create that single sentence and then he simply hid that coded sentence within a bunch of randomly selected code “that could never produce a grammatically correct clear text.” In this scenario hopeful decoders would spend the rest of their lives trying to produce a clear text where none can't exist, the coder's real message safe and sound within all of his randomly placed bait, the bait he has even made certain that everyone would continue to chase due to his C2 example. (THIS SOUNDS LIKE ORANCHEK TALKING ABOUT HOW HE SOLVED THE ZODIAC Z340)


Now then, and swallowing our prides for just a moment, if we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that all of the other codes in C1 can't possibly contain a grammatically correct clear text, which we do know now, then where else might that clear text be hidden in C1 if it indeed contains such a clear text?

Still doubt this very real possibility? Then consider that other unintelligible missing piece of paper that the author referenced in his narration, what dare I ask, other purpose could it have served if C1 can't possibly contain a grammatically clear text by the same process as C2? Could that unintelligible missing paper have contained random words with four digit codes assigned to each? If there is any hope that true clear text exist in C1 then this is that only hope as all existing evidence points to this very thing. (A BIG HOAX ISLAND WHAT IF?)

How absolutely brilliant would this have been, the hiding of something so short and exact in the midst of so many totally meaningless codes. Of course the only way to know for sure is by finding that unintelligible missing piece of paper the author claims he was hoping to bring to light. And by the way, how did he even know there was another unintelligible missing piece of paper? (YOU MEAN THE DOI THAT JUSTINTIME OWNS?....YOU CALLING THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE 'UNINTELLIGIBLE' ?)

So it is all of the above that renders all of these proposed solves totally meaningless and completely void of any accuracy or truth, all of them being the simple manufacture of those who created them. Nothing more. Science and cold hard facts simply mandate and expose all of this other none-sense for what they are, “simple human creations.” Your author tells you that you MUST first possess that unintelligible missing piece of paper and none of you have it. How do you explain all of this away? :notworthy:

132 years of thousands of trial and error attempts
Since it was fabricated as a story and published in 1885? That is 136 years, not 132 bud.....just sayin'....you must first be able to count to 500 and not lose your place if you want to find that magic key.....


How 'Authentic Statements' about the Beale are so hard to trust these days.....

Franklin, again, from the narration:

"it may possibly remain in the hands of some relative or friend of Beale's, or some other person engaged in the enterprise with him. That they would attach no importance to a seemingly unintelligible writing seems quite natural; but their attention being called to them by the publication of this narrative, may result in eventually bringing to light the missing paper."

So tell me, Franklin, how is it possible that your author knows of this missing paper and that it will be unintelligible?
Very-very clearly, there is only one way in which he could know. "PERIOD!" :laughing7:

Would he be a part of a splinter group of Masons called the KGC?

Would he be mentioning the Declaration of Independence they had when raiding Jefferson's estate?

Would unintelligible mean that certain parts were erased and some holes were burned in it?

So many questions

C1, computer anaylisis of this cipher has concluded that C1 CAN'T POSSIBLY CONTAIN A GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT CLEAR TEXT as it is presented, 132 years of thousands of trial and error attempts also serving to establish this cold hard fact. However, and due to those 19 four digit codes, this doesn't mean that no grammatically correct clear text can exist in C1. Confused? Then allow me to explain further.

Right from the very start code-breaking hopefuls have ASSUMED that similar C2 process was to be used to decode C1, but what if the author of these three ciphers was counting on that very thing? In recent post I have often said that I can't think of a single hiding place that I couldn't tell you about in a single sentence, the average English sentence being between 13 & 20 words. So let us assume that our coder used four digit codes to create that single sentence and then he simply hid that coded sentence within a bunch of randomly selected code “that could never produce a grammatically correct clear text.” In this scenario hopeful decoders would spend the rest of their lives trying to produce a clear text where none can't exist, the coder's real message safe and sound within all of his randomly placed bait, the bait he has even made certain that everyone would continue to chase due to his C2 example.

Now then, and swallowing our prides for just a moment, if we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that all of the other codes in C1 can't possibly contain a grammatically correct clear text, which we do know now, then where else might that clear text be hidden in C1 if it indeed contains such a clear text?

Still doubt this very real possibility? Then consider that other unintelligible missing piece of paper that the author referenced in his narration, what dare I ask, other purpose could it have served if C1 can't possibly contain a grammatically clear text by the same process as C2? Could that unintelligible missing paper have contained random words with four digit codes assigned to each? If there is any hope that true clear text exist in C1 then this is that only hope as all existing evidence points to this very thing.

How absolutely brilliant would this have been, the hiding of something so short and exact in the midst of so many totally meaningless codes. Of course the only way to know for sure is by finding that unintelligible missing piece of paper the author claims he was hoping to bring to light. And by the way, how did he even know there was another unintelligible missing piece of paper?

So it is all of the above that renders all of these proposed solves totally meaningless and completely void of any accuracy or truth, all of them being the simple manufacture of those who created them. Nothing more. Science and cold hard facts simply mandate and expose all of this other none-sense for what they are, “simple human creations.” Your author tells you that you MUST first possess that unintelligible missing piece of paper and none of you have it. How do you explain all of this away? :notworthy:

This is a good one.


If this is the two part paper that was torn in two, and the numbers added are unintelligible then it is obvious that he used a coded variable to represent a key for two different sections

But it could just be a form of a planted null to confuse...who knows

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If this is the two part paper that was torn in two, and the numbers added are unintelligible then it is obvious that he used a coded variable to represent a key for two different sections

But it could just be a form of a planted null to confuse...who knows

Where did you get this link Eldo? who post this?

I also wonder, is the warehouse fire that destroyed most of the pamphlets an accident?

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