🥇 BANNER Honey hole comes through again!


Bronze Member
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Golden Thread
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
Minelab Equinox 600, Garrett AT Pro, Pro Pointer
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
Decided to walk the field in lengths today. Glad I did. Scored 2 colonial coppers - one a 1771 KGIII, the other is too far gone to get a date. Here they are in their plugs (bc I know dirty coins are like porn :P)

dirt 1.webp dirt 2.webp dirt 3.webp

The cleaned pics:

1771 King George III Halfpenny
1771 KGIII  -1.webp1771 KGIII  -2.webp

Undated King George II Halfpenny
UD 1.webpUD 2.webp

Also got 6 buttons and two broken buckle pieces:

Buckle pieces:

"Best Quality" backmarked button (20mm):

Other buttons ~ Nickel is for reference. Only the one has any obverse patterns:

And some other small oddities:

1930 Montgomery County dog license tag:

I think this is a lead seal or part of one, at least:
seal 1.webpseal 2.webp

Some lead bullets ~ Left is a spent shotgun slug, far right are spent .22s; the middle one is bigger than .45 but smaller than .50; any ideas?


But the crown jewel of the day ~ and this even beats out my 1911 quarter eagle, imho ~ was THIS:

FH 1.webpFH 2.webp

There's enough detail to see it's a 1793 Flowing Hair large cent with the reverse wreath. The edge is reeded and I think lettered but I haven't done any cleaning other than to brush away most of the dirt and a peroxide dip. I can see most of the date.

Damn, what a weekend...!


The pics shown above are after the initial round of cold peroxide dips that I did. At hogge's recommendation, I did two more with heated peroxide. Here they are:

FH 1A.webpFH 1B.webp

If you think that's an improvement, please say so, so I know I'm doing this right. Taking it one step at a time here...

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Upvote 23
Gettin' on the Banner has a lot to do with a bunch of nominations, and clearly does not have much to do with common sense. Or something like that.

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Great finds pure Colonial that flowing hair is far and few found Congrats :notworthy: it looks good just the way it is . Jim

When you peroxide, you cant let it "eat" into the patina of the coin very far or you will get the dreaded orange spongy marks (raw clean copper basically) on the areas of the very shallowest patina. Too little peroxide is good, arguably better than none at all. But too much is just an atrocious abomination.
Congratz, on an awesome coin ,I can not tell from the pic, but IMO if the coin now displays " dreaded orange spongy marks " I hate to say it you probably should have left it alone , ( as I have made this mistake a couple times) never the less your coin is a wonderful find . Enjoy your BANNER.

Congrats on making BANNER!!! :occasion14:
Well deserved. :thumbsup:

Congratz, on an awesome coin ,I can not tell from the pic, but IMO if the coin now displays " dreaded orange spongy marks " I hate to say it you probably should have left it alone , ( as I have made this mistake a couple times) never the less your coin is a wonderful find . Enjoy your BANNER.
DARN IT CTSI.......Why didn't you leave this coin as is????? :BangHead: That's what you get for listening to people like that HOGGE guy....and Iron Patch and Don in SJ. What do they know anyways!!!:laughing9: You should have left all that active PVC on there! And now you might as well forget about sealing it with something and completely ruining it by bringing out all the detail in it!:tongue3:

DARN IT CTSI.......Why didn't you leave this coin as is????? :BangHead: That's what you get for listening to people like that HOGGE guy....and Iron Patch and Don in SJ. What do they know anyways!!!:laughing9: You should have left all that active PVC on there! And now you might as well forget about sealing it with something and completely ruining it by bringing out all the detail in it!:tongue3:


Congratz, on an awesome coin ,I can not tell from the pic, but IMO if the coin now displays " dreaded orange spongy marks " I hate to say it you probably should have left it alone , ( as I have made this mistake a couple times) never the less your coin is a wonderful find . Enjoy your BANNER.

While I am gracious for the input of my fellow TNetters, I must say that anyone who sees orange in the banner picture (which shows the final level of cleaning) either needs a new computer monitor or is flat colorblind :icon_scratch: The whole coin is what I'd call "dark chocolate".

DARN IT CTSI.......Why didn't you leave this coin as is????? :BangHead: That's what you get for listening to people like that HOGGE guy....and Iron Patch and Don in SJ. What do they know anyways!!!:laughing9: You should have left all that active PVC on there! And now you might as well forget about sealing it with something and completely ruining it by bringing out all the detail in it!:tongue3:

I know, right? God forbid I listen to ANYone on this site. It's a wonder any of you people have basic motor skills, much less actual knowledge supported by experience. But, correct me if I'm wrong, that would also apply to people who see spongy orange :blackbeard: Dread Pirate Robertses :skullflag: on every cleaned dug coin, wouldn't it?

Wouldn't it?

:blackbeard: :angel3: :icon_study: :happy3:

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While I am gracious for the input of my fellow TNetters, I must say that anyone who sees orange in the banner picture (which shows the final level of cleaning) either needs a new computer monitor or is flat colorblind :icon_scratch: The whole coin is what I'd call "dark chocolate".
SORRY I believe you & others may or have taken my post the wrong way , I was not saying that the pic of the coin LOOKED like it had the orange color in my orig, post I stated " I can not tell from the pic, BUT IF the coin now displays" ; I never said the coin looked bad ,heck to me it looks very good ; now with that said I do believe others on tnet such as IP , HOGGE, & Don in SJ have much more experience than I ( I know they do ,from what I've seen in almost the past year on this site) on the subject of Old Coppers esp,. I guess In my strange way I was trying to warn you about OVER CLEANING not knowing your experience in the cleaning such coins. I have tried many methods of cleaning Indian cents & early Lincoln cents ( I know they are made of the Bronze alloy ) maybe cleaning pure copper coins is different? The HP bath is the only method i have not tried as one thread I saw said you needed Swimming Pool Grade HP ( like pool Shock or the like) & I could not find any with that exact ingredient ). Can normal strength HP be used? I was not trying to criticize the cent & I am sorry if I came across that way. As I stated the 2ed picture of the coin looks fine to me . Davers

I know, right? God forbid I listen to ANYone on this site. It's a wonder any of you people have basic motor skills, much less actual knowledge supported by experience. But, correct me if I'm wrong, that would also apply to people who see spongy orange Dread Pirate Robertses on every cleaned dug coin, wouldn't it?

Wouldn't it?

See above.....

SORRY I believe you & others may or have taken my post the wrong way , I was not saying that the pic of the coin LOOKED like it had the orange color in my orig, post I stated " I can not tell from the pic, BUT IF the coin now displays" ; I never said the coin looked bad ,heck to me it looks very good ; now with that said I do believe others on tnet such as IP , HOGGE, & Don in SJ have much more experience than I ( I know they do ,from what I've seen in almost the past year on this site) on the subject of Old Coppers esp,. I guess In my strange way I was trying to warn you about OVER CLEANING not knowing your experience in the cleaning such coins. I have tried many methods of cleaning Indian cents & early Lincoln cents ( I know they are made of the Bronze alloy ) maybe cleaning pure copper coins is different? The HP bath is the only method i have not tried as one thread I saw said you needed Swimming Pool Grade HP ( like pool Shock or the like) & I could not find any with that exact ingredient ). Can normal strength HP be used? I was not trying to criticize the cent & I am sorry if I came across that way. As I stated the 2ed picture of the coin looks fine to me . Davers

I can't speak for hogge but I didn't take it personally. No worries, we all like to joke around here, even at others' expense. I have been the brunt of tcim's sarcasm a few times myself. All in good fun.


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Very Nice ! I'm not sure if a coin like that even resides in Nevada. I did find a Best Quality item out here, it has the name Charles Parker on it, and location of Meridien Conn.

DAVERS: Trust me, I was just kidding around a bit. Can't help myself sometimes. :laughing7: I personally, get picked on by several others for comments I have made, (and wrong variety ID's with coins), nothing personal, just my brand of humor and sarcasm. :occasion14:

Not sure how I missed this one, but it definitely is worth of being where it resides now - on the BANNER! Congrats on a great once in a lifetime find! :thumbsup:

While I am gracious for the input of my fellow TNetters, I must say that anyone who sees orange in the banner picture (which shows the final level of cleaning) either needs a new computer monitor or is flat colorblind :icon_scratch: The whole coin is what I'd call "dark chocolate".

I know, right? God forbid I listen to ANYone on this site. It's a wonder any of you people have basic motor skills, much less actual knowledge supported by experience. But, correct me if I'm wrong, that would also apply to people who see spongy orange :blackbeard: Dread Pirate Robertses :skullflag: on every cleaned dug coin, wouldn't it?

Wouldn't it?

:blackbeard: :angel3: :icon_study: :happy3:

No pardon me folks for the confusion I was not referring to the 1793 cleaning which looks great. Its just a coincidence that I may have implied that. The banner coin does not appear to have any treatment other that merely removing caked-on soil and I dont see any orange or any sign of over-treatment. It's an awesome banner piece it sends chills down my spine just looking at it. :notworthy:

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I can't speak for hogge but I didn't take it personally. No worries, we all like to joke around here, even at others' expense. I have been the brunt of tcim's sarcasm a few times myself. All in good fun.

It's all good (here) once again the coin looks wonderful . When you get the coin into it's final container please post more pics as we 'TNetrs' can not get enough of such a rarely dug coin. Davers


DAVERS: Trust me, I was just kidding around a bit. Can't help myself sometimes. :laughing7: I personally, get picked on by several others for comments I have made, (and wrong variety ID's with coins), nothing personal, just my brand of humor and sarcasm. :occasion14:

hogge, it's all good .i'm just as [ or more sarcastic ] in person ; you just never know how someone will take a comment online. Besides I love that gunk on my proofs & other coins :tongue3: & as I said the coin looks great to me . Ill take one of those Crazy Ladies any time in any cond, even with a big hole in it. Good luck in the future. Davers :thumbsup:

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