Homeless man charged with trespassing while walking a public road

Last time I helped a homeless guy I got robbed. They feed on folks who have. They live that way as they make good money at it, or just want to live like that. There is a reason for vagrancy laws, lots of crime going these days. Some folks have not experienced it yet. Im only glad I was the one who got robbed and not my daughter. If I give anything, I give it to the church when they aint too good to take it. Yes churches have gotten picky too so most donations go to the dump. Folks dont be had.

wow...not all homeless people are con artists or criminals...many are mentally ill or suffering from other disabilities that leave them broken.
then, not only are they homeless, they have no friends, church or other support system.
these people are not the abusers, but the abused.

Oh casca, I find it sad and am sorry, that you have this history, of running in to the "not nice ones". Where I live, most of the "criminal type element", live in very fine homes, wear designer suits, and drive very expensive cars. They will rob you as quick or quicker, and for more, than the average street thug.
If I was to ever get robbed, they'd probably get mad and kill me, LOL! I hardly EVER carry more than a few bucks on me, at any given time. LOL! I just try not to put myself in positions to be taken, and yeah, sometimes, there is just that random act of violence that one just happens to get caught in. If you live through it, you did everything right! I do count my blessings, and am sure, you are blessed too!
Not all poor and/or homeless are predators.
Wave at that big chile pepper for me, when you go by it!

bzbadger, I for one and for what it's worth, commend you!
Omg, it takes something beyond carnal thinking, to be able to forgive those that wrong us. I am SO GLAD you have that understanding. And, (if I'm not mistaken), in your line of work, way too many become jaded and corrupted, I am very happy you found it in you, to rise above that. Many blessing to you and yours!

Thanks for that. Casca I truly am sorry about what happened and me being a father of two daughters has always had me on edge and in super protect mode when we go out. My daughters know I will protect them but I've also shown my kinder side and that to me is what I want them to learn the most. A kind, caring and loving heart is what God wants of us and I have faith that God will protect me when i go into places that aren't the safest etc. I have a job to do that God expects me to do and that's to serve my fellow man, I shirked my duty for 20 years and I realized what it cost me so I won't make the mistake twice. People need our help. I'm that guy who stops to help you along side the road when you have a flat tire but even that's scary now because ppl fake that to rob you. This world is going to hell quick fast and in a hurry.

Get your facts first, then distort them as you please-Mark Twain

Much appreciated Iron Maiden. I have been trying to find the guy and not been able to and we think we found out why. Apparently the ppl going to ChikfilA found it disturbing that a homeless man was sitting on the curb asking for help?food while they sat in their cars and ordered food so they complained to the manager who then went out and begrudgingly asked the man to leave the property. Hmm a Christian organization such as Chik and they kick him off the curb. Way to make the Christians look good my brother. I will keep looking for him.

Good on you badger,you live out what the Bible teaches it seems.I work at a soup kitchen once a month cooking cornbread and serving those who may be in an unfortunate situation due to nothing they may have contributed to.If we can see these people through Jesus' eyes and not our own blind,judgmental ones what a wonderful world it would be.

"CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) -- Investigators say an unarmed man was shot 10 times by a Charlotte police officer.

Police said Monday that officer Randall Kerrick fired 12 times at 24-year-old Jonathan A. Ferrell early Saturday while responding to a breaking and entering call. Ten of the bullets hit the former Florida A&M University football player.

Officers say Ferrell had been in a car wreck and sought help at a nearby house. A woman called authorities when she didn't recognize the man.

Kerrick has been charged with voluntary manslaughter. He is out on bond and expected in court Tuesday.

Ferrell's mother says she forgives the officer accused of shooting her son and is praying for him, but also says he should have never been hired if he could act so recklessly."

How can we not admit, we are training killers? The military, the police, the militias, are arming and training killers. This is such a double edge sword, in, how many come out of killer training, with proper perception(?), trust, without problems. If one is not a mentally strong person to start with....... even the strong, have problems, and we (us, our nation, we ppl), just close our eyes and turn our heads......

It's not easy to be a peace-keeper, and even harder, when you perceive everyone else the enemy(whether rightly, justifiably so, or not).
Too many power hungry, adrenaline addicted, head trippy ppl, wearing badges and toting guns. I'd rather go up against a crazy person, at least I'd know I had a alf-has chance. Cops can/will KILL YOU! Please be careful and approach them properly!
Most of them, are scared to death of dying, just like everyone else is.

(not saying ALL are like that, just enough, that it's REAL SCARY to have to need a cop, nowadays)

Pat im not scared of dying what I am scared of is those who continue to do what they know is wrong and refuse to hear and obey the truth. People who either have no moral values or refuse to listen to the ones taught to them are scary and that goes for anyone. People around the world kill for no reason at all and it doesn't have to go by a job title. Officers are put under huge stress, we're only wanted when you need us--that's a saying that has been around for decades and it still applies. Do I agree with what that officer did, no way at all and he should be put away for it, he did not follow procedure taught from almost day one in academy. Today's times are tough, there are people out here who do not give a darn whether you live or die----WARNING getting on my Christian soap box--it is because people aren't taught what the wages of sin are, they don't know the real consequences for their sins. When you give these people a cramped hotel room to live in and serve them decent food, provide cable TV, work out rooms etc they are not going to fear going back...to them its nothing more than a status symbol. Tell you what go to where my wife is from--the hell hole of jails--communist prisons, they don't play there, you are forced to yield and there is none of that cussing at the guards, spitting, throwing feces etc because they will beat your A off and it should be that way here--come on you committed a crime should you be sitting back getting for free what the rest of us work our butts off for? Read the bible things are not going to get better, worse is what will happen and people better get themselves straight and know who they need to be asking forgiveness from if not then I am sorry for them because hell has plenty of room. As far as the gentleman I helped I am still looking for him and I am going to see about helping the group he hangs with since its getting cold at night and the shelters here have no room for the men, only women and children. I will pray to God I find him and others and do whatever I can and I have faith God will provide what is needed.

bzbadger, I think that's great what your doing! There's a lot of less fortunate people that need help. People should be helping them. Obviously the cops don't want to help anybody but their selves. Someone suggested taking him into your home. That's fine but then what about the next one and the next? Before you know it you have a house full of homeless people, you run out of money and become homeless yourself? I think its best just to help them out. If they can't get in a shelter. Buy them a sleeping bag. It'll keep them from freezing. Buy them a hot meal or whatever. Problem is you don't know who you can trust. I give money to the homeless that ask. They're hungry or thirsty. Someone told me, They just buy booze. Well that's on them at least I helped them out. I just hope that they'll use it for what they say.

Anyways Kudos To You!

bzbadger, I think that's great what your doing! There's a lot of less fortunate people that need help. People should be helping them. Obviously the cops don't want to help anybody but their selves. Someone suggested taking him into your home. That's fine but then what about the next one and the next? Before you know it you have a house full of homeless people, you run out of money and become homeless yourself? I think its best just to help them out. If they can't get in a shelter. Buy them a sleeping bag. It'll keep them from freezing. Buy them a hot meal or whatever. Problem is you don't know who you can trust. I give money to the homeless that ask. They're hungry or thirsty. Someone told me, They just buy booze. Well that's on them at least I helped them out. I just hope that they'll use it for what they say.

Anyways Kudos To You!

About 6 months ago I was at a gas station and some woman approached me with a sob story about selling some items to a local pawn shop. She started crying and blabbering about something (I could barely understand her).

I told her I didnt want to buy her stuff but instead I handed her a $5 bill and she left me alone. I figure she must have needed it more than me.

You can usually tell if someone is homeless or a con artist. Just look at their eyes. Most homeless have a "broken" look to their eyes. It the ones who have the "broken" look to their eyes I try to help. When I was down and out I got some help from some people I didn't know. I tried to repay them, but all they told me was never forget where you have been and use what you want to repay us to help others.

It really amazes me how far we have fallen as a people. It was not all that long ago, communities would pull together to help the less fortunate. Now it seems they simply get tossed aside. Sometimes a simple act of kindness is all it takes to make the difference between life and death.

The reminds me of something that happened here a few years ago. The mines here crashed in 2008. I ran into a homeless family while panning along the river here. To make a long story short, I handed the family about three ounces of gold I had on me and taught him a few things. I seen them again about three months ago and they are doing great now with a nice safety cushion so they won't have to worry about that again. And they are still panning.

How can we not admit, we are training killers? The military, the police, the militias, are arming and training killers. This is such a double edge sword, in, how many come out of killer training, with proper perception(?), trust, without problems. If one is not a mentally strong person to start with....... even the strong, have problems, and we (us, our nation, we ppl), just close our eyes and turn our heads......

It's not easy to be a peace-keeper, and even harder, when you perceive everyone else the enemy(whether rightly, justifiably so, or not).
Too many power hungry, adrenaline addicted, head trippy ppl, wearing badges and toting guns. I'd rather go up against a crazy person, at least I'd know I had a alf-has chance. Cops can/will KILL YOU! Please be careful and approach them properly!
Most of them, are scared to death of dying, just like everyone else is.

(not saying ALL are like that, just enough, that it's REAL SCARY to have to need a cop, nowadays)

The PROBLEM is in the RED! Too much authority given to cops and most of them feel like just because they have a gun and a badge they can do whatever they want and half of them are trigger happy to shoot someone!!

I had a personal experience back in February on my way to work at 2:50am when a police car parked on the opposite side of the road immediatly pulled out and made a u-turn when I got even with him. (I was doing 3 miles under the speed limit), got behind me, turned his headlights off and then on, turned them off and on again to get my attention, then turned his cruiser lights on, then when I pulled over to the side of teh road, he, (DIPSH!T OFFICER), starts runing out in the roadway, hand on his gun ready to draw it and start shooting, screaming at me, "was he going to have a bad day", (screaming this several times might I mention), while he is doing "slicing the pie" a combat movement tactic, and about to draw his gun on me.

After I asked him what his problem was and after the other 2 officers pulled up he changed his attitude on teh reason why he pulled me over. He said my license plate was not illuminating my plate enough and then I was released.

I contacted internal affairs, they saw the video and he came to the conclusion the officer did no wrong! Yeah good old Round Rock Texas/Williamson County!

I requested the video and at the end of me being released Officer Einstein tells the other officers, "This guy, (meaning me), is an Airborne Ranger and F-ing Nuts, said something to the effect of my supposedly making a threats and other false information like he is having the other officers to keep a look out for me.

My next move is going back to the Internal Affairs Detective and set up an appointment with him, the Chief of Police and Officer Einstein and get some answers and let them know we can resolve it here in the meeting or I can let the news media pick at it.

Oh, and in the video, my license plate light is well illuminated my plate. So it was evident someone was trying to set me up!

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