A lot more than what Laf has posted on these threads.
An epitaph in jumbled King James Version English- Come on! :laughing7:
Does the provided DOI solved C2 read like this?
Why no, it does not.

OK, how would you go about showing your decipherments to everyone without Franklin getting to the treasure first and claiming he deciphered it and not you? Hypothetically speaking of course! I

Please remember we do not allow members to play proxy for banned members or members on time out...

"You may not.... Act as a proxy for another member."

OK, how would you go about showing your decipherments to everyone without Franklin getting to the treasure first and claiming he deciphered it and not you? Hypothetically speaking of course! I
I for one, believe there never was a treasure, because the Ward's 1885 Beale Papers was an adventure/treasure dime novel with play along ciphers sold for the sole purpose of making a profit.
I can not answer for Franklin.

OK, how would you go about showing your decipherments to everyone without Franklin getting to the treasure first and claiming he deciphered it and not you? Hypothetically speaking of course! I

So you think I am a thief? I don't want nothing to do with you or Jean Laf. If you decipher anything go dig it up and leave me out of your mix. I want nothing to do with neither of you or any treasure you may think you have?

It's just another theory, based largely on personal projections and perceptions, nothing more. Nothing new in any of it, it's all been driven down the Beale road before in various form without any directly connecting content whatsoever. Isn't going to jar anyone out of bed these days.
Is that why you keep creating new "REAL" stories behind the presented 1885 Beale Papers version which you tacitly claim is pure fiction?

Is that why you keep creating new "REAL" stories behind the presented 1885 Beale Papers version which you tacitly claim is pure fiction?

:laughing7:......"Aug 9th".....do you mean to tell me that I and my updated theory have gotten under your skin so deeply that you have resorted to browsing old threads and outdated post "again" in order to find something, anything, to throw back at me. :laughing7: Dude, why don't you just take the time to dive in and research what I've presented for yourself? Given the countless number of meaningless post you've attempted and the shear amount of time you're obviously dedicating to browsing old threads and outdated post you could have researched quite a bit of those related subjects for yourself by now. It's ok, no shame in stepping outside of your normal mode of operation. It's how we keep learning new things. :icon_thumright:

Are you referring to your updated fantasy that has nothing to do with the 1885 Beale Papers?
You must believe that many of those who read these posts are, as famed codebreaker William Freidman warned, are easily lured unwary readers.
It looks like a bad case of the Brad Andrews Syndrome, force fitting facts to fit a pet theory.

Are you referring to your updated fantasy that has nothing to do with the 1885 Beale Papers?

Tell us about your apparent interview with the unknown author, or that confession you must have found? You know, it just might be you who is the unwary reader. :laughing7:

Per "Post" # 48; aka "shoe spooning/horning". If it doesn't fit, you MUST quit...

Well OK then, but dose anyone out there ever have a interpretation for this. We know Mr Jim found it, but who has an interpretation of it?
Interpretation of...?
Mr Jim...?
Found what...?
Who and what are you talking about, Poe?

Poe is on timeout for acting as proxy for another timed out member

November 9, 2016 A New Future

Last edited:
Title of "Thread" was something about "Hoax" Believers... I think the Beale Expedition was a DECOY as a "Cover Story"; easier to "focus" on the 2nd part of the "Job Print"; from the "2nd year of the CONFEDERATE WAR" comment to @ 1884; printed, published, & released to LYNCHBURG, Va. "GENERAL PUBLIC" in 1885. We have the O R from the CONFEDERATE WAR, local REAL histories (books, writings, diaries, etc); PV's book, CONFEDERATE TREASURE COVERUP: Duty, Honor, & Deceit gave me a "clue"... MORE, later.

Well OK then, but dose anyone out there ever have a interpretation for this. We know Mr Jim found it, but who has an interpretation of it?:occasion14:

I've written about it a few times, but who wants to GIVE you the key to the answers?

After you figure out what type of cipher produces an alphabet like that, you only have to fill in the blanks.....once you find where to shift the letter assignments

Taking B2's method with the DOI you run the B1 and B3 to find there is a sequence that originates from the 500th to the 510th letter......abcdefghii ..... the rest is jarbled.....

There is no version of key in the Beale that merely explains it as an instruction list......you have to KNOW cryptography quite well and be able to recognize what that is a hint of, when performing the decoding of a direct letter count transposition.

The DOI was used to count off the B2 starting at the beginning...... 345 = 345th word and taking the first letter you derive the plaintext equivalent.....

Sometimes the Key is rearranged to form a different start point resulting in a different numerical alignment..... whereas now the 345th word will be numbered say 445 if there is a shift of 100 words

....but where to begin? LOL

Although the Beale was designed to produce the B1 and B3 each with their own shifts decoding a different phrase.....

The Beale also provides something crucial to understanding their operations and why they left money there in the first place.

They were being investigated in the Peralta Land Grab so they were moving their operation to Wounded Knee, to mine there.

Ken Bauman, from Brad Meltzer's Decoded show on the Beale, deciphered what he believes is this very order......an order to begin the second phase of the Perilous Enterprise itself......the removal of the Native Americans and......

The Theft of the entire United States with the establishment of this banking monopoly as the foundation of American Economics as we knew it.

When you run the DOI through the B1 and B3 there is a ton of confusion, but the first few letters, spell out a phrase, the first thing you find, saying the command....... "ERE FENN DUE RED KNEE"

Providing the last clue to the last turn in the sequence, and also to provide the nature of where to continue their operation.

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