Full Member
Well everybody,I am really bummed out.The weather has been really bad here-still snow on the ground.So for the last week or so I've been chasing down the owners of some property that I would love to hunt on.Finally find out who they are and talk to them.I'm being polite and try to get them into a conversation.After asking permission to md,these people act like I'm trying to steal from them.The last guy was just down right rude.I was nice and said thank you and left.I don't know-I just wasn't brought up that way-to be rude to other people.I know people aren't as trusting as they used to be and I understand why.Maybe I just caught this guy having a bad day.Weather is suppose to be better next week.I'll get out to some of the old spots and get muddy and try to find something.That'll put me back in a good mood.You all take care.