I have hiked by myself for more then 5 1/2 decades. I will continue to hike alone, as I can go where I want, my speed, usually bush wacking off trail. I don't tell my wife where I'm going, the few times I did, she forgot where I was going. A few times I changed my mind where I was going a half mile after I left my house. A few times there was another vehicle parked where I was going to hike, so I went to another area. So it would do no good to tell my wife or leave a note where I was going. And I don't have a cell phone. Toilet paper?? Real outdoors people don't carry toilet paper. You use leaves, grass, ferns. Cold snow on hemorrhoids feels soooo good! And I don't carry a gun. I have never felt threatened by a wild animal, but I have been bitten by 3 domestic dogs.